Future and party are two words that we face in our assembly theme. Two words that directly recall other two young and politics. Two words that are closely linked by a common denominator as pointed out by the President Giorgio Napolitano in his speech at year end: democracy, the country's future are closely linked to new forms of opportunity, of social success for young people .
This leads us to think about but how to create these opportunities and responsibilities that politics, nostro partito in primis, nel contribuire a determinarle. E di certo tutto possiamo tranne essere percepiti come il partito del conservatorismo, cosa che sta accadendo troppo spesso ultimamente. Nati per fare le riforme di questo Paese, rischiamo di essere vissuti come i paladini del no.
Continuando a ragionare per coppie di parole credo che la nostra riflessione dovrebbe concentrarsi sulle seguenti: merito e competitività.
Che si ragioni di pubblica amministrazione o di aziende private non possiamo più permetterci di interpretare il presente senza tenere conto del merito come criterio di selezione di lavoratori e classi dirigenti, e della competitività come strumento di raggiungimento di efficacia ed efficienza in a world where the market (even in the most essential public services like health and education may be) is increasingly open and aggressive.
The word meritocracy now sounds like a worn-out word stingy and mean, but we have a responsibility to give back a central role in our interpretation of reality. We can not accept to head down that our party is complicit in saving, indiscriminate and anachronistic stabilization of precarious workers as those made by Vendola arrived in Puglia and Lombardy to Sicily. We are not credible we are talking about.
The two values \u200b\u200bof meritocracy: equal opportunities in education and the free market, are frighteningly lacking in Italian society and economy. Equal opportunities for young people stop in Rome, those for the best Italian women just do not exist (the Italian women in the developed world are those that work less and have fewer children, two trends that would normally be mutually exclusive). The competition, free market concepts are not loved by our society and economy. But even by our employers (I think our Veneto) which, instead of growing their business by exploiting the talent family, prefer to keep control of the governance and leadership in the family.
The delay with which Italy is living its culture based on merit is caused by the abnormal strength of the family Italian that generates the "amoral familism", which is studied by sociologists from around the world and justified by the weakness of the state that failed to create confidence in the people. In a most obvious cultural heritage mainly due to our political parties, namely that the meritocracy is synonymous with inequality.
In fact, the absence of a culture of meritocracy has led to the paradox that Italy has become the most unequal societies in the Western world. The relationship between the income of the richest 10% of the population and 10% of the poorest is among the largest, but without the high social mobility of the other countries that have a rapporto simile al nostro.
Ma merito e competività possiamo applicarle anche al nostro partito. Il tema del ricambio (o meglio del “rimango”) generazionale è stato recentemente affrontato in seguito all’iniziativa di Renzi e Civati a Firenze. Un tema che ritorna ciclicamente come se si trattasse di un fenomeno astronomico.
Il punto credo sia che la nuova generazione dovrà essere capace soprattutto di rappresentare, di organizzare il consenso, di affrontare i compiti che la riguardano, di condividere il senso delle sfide e di parlare con “parole sue” a qualcuno che finora non è mai stato rappresentato. In un colpo solo, se cosi facessimo, sparirebbe questa sensazione di dibattito tipo Men and married that with us. We realized that the problem is not one of young managers, but that of young voters. And we would know that there is no question of internal debate, but the debate outer imaginable.
It takes a party of young yes, but who knows how to immediately overturn the proposal for a piece of personal data in a political sense, that can involve the "natives" of the Democratic Party but also citizens who have less than thirty years, not have seen nothing but Berlusconi and are not worried about what he has done and makes the previous generation but what he can do his own.
Pierluigi Giaccarello
Noventa Padua, Saturday, January 15, 2010
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