Federalism, Stradiotto for the Stability Pact is to be reviewed now and
" A good reform of the Stability Pact is now, because it must go hand in hand with federalism, contributing to make this reform more respectful the principles of autonomy and empowerment of local authorities. "This was stated by Senator Mark Stradiotto (Pd), member of the Bicameral for fiscal federalism, which is now in Padua has revived his bill to reform the financial pact that binds the municipalities Italian.
''The Stability Pact - underlined Stradiotto - imposing absurd rules to municipalities, while penalizing those more 'virtuous and so most of those in the Veneto. should change it, to save the future of our community. " "We - he added - we propose to evaluate the municipalities based on real performance criteria: the cost of staff in relation to income, the degree of fiscal autonomy. And then the municipalities should be treated differently depending on whether they are virtuous, not virtuous or not virtuous. "
With Stradiotto spoke at the press conference, also secretary of the PD Veneto, Rosanna Philippines." While the government is paralyzed by these events - he said the Philippines, referring to the investigations which relate to the premier - federalism, without corrective, is likely to be a clearing, a sleight of hand, where the local areas will receive more resources, a few years, but in the meantime they lose many, if not more, Because of cuts in transfers that trip now. "
" The Stability Pact - concluded the Secretary of the PD wind - 40 blocks of more than € 60 million of delayed payments from the government into business, so the territory pays twice ".
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