Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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Piva with Este and its territory

ESTE. The anger? Not being able to travel with your bicycle ciclabibili tracks leading to the village. Future goals? Interventions for low mobility, the creation of a superComune, the search for partners to build the link road west el'allontantamento Sesa plants from population centers.
It 's a Giancarlo Piva aware of the limits of the past and confident about the possibilities of the future that interviewed on Friday evening by the director of Omar morning Monestier. In presenting his new coalition that will support the candidacy for mayor (Pd, Municipal d'Este, Sel and civic Rainbow, IDV), Piva took stock of its mandate, laying the groundwork for the upcoming election campaign.

Mayor in the center. Tra i limiti al mandato di Piva, Monestier ha sottolineato l’evidenza di un governo «sindaco-centrico» che ha oscurato le figure dei vari assessori. «Io lo ritengo un fatto positivo - ha risposto Piva -. A differenza delle vicine amministrazioni, come Monselice, a Este non ci sono state voci uscite dal coro».
Impegni futuri. «Vogliamo trasformare Este in città vasta, portando avanti l’ipotesi della fusione di Comuni nell’orbita della nostra città. Penso poi al raddoppio del parcheggio di via Isidoro Alessi e alle realizzazione di nuove piste ciclabili: il mio più grande cruccio resta di non aver fatto nuove piste verso le frazioni».
Monestier ha poi sottolineato la lunga attesa suspender West: "I remember that my administration was the only one to have at least agreed on the track - said Piva -. Now serving 20 million to achieve it we must exert pressure as we are doing for the SR 10.
Roundabouts. "You have to admit: all these roundabouts in proposing a mistake has been committed," he urged the Director. "The premise is that the goal was to slow cars and trucks, and we did. Unfortunately are convinced that the material used for this work was poor - Piva confessed - but all the extra costs have not weighed in our coffers, but in those of the companies that did wrong. We'd better in the future, "he joked the mayor, telling a joke on the topic also. Among the "mea culpa" Piva is the lack of a serious alternative to road traffic sites. And this has affected traders.
Cement and Sesa. 'E' an issue that needs to be addressed with more courage in the conversion of the cement companies are ignoring the environmental plan of the Park Hills - said Piva - The economic crisis has put the blinkers on someone. " And on Sesa: "We were the first to question it. The compost should be moved at least 700 meters. And then we want to triple the capital of the company, bringing to 15 million. "


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