Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lifetime Awards Cheat Sims 3

, Chiara Matteazzi angry with the mayor Course on Facebook

Il Comune prepara il ricorso al Tar contro il revamping. E la presidente del Parco perde le staffe. Litigata su Facebook ieri tra la presidente Chiara Matteazzi e il sindaco Francesco Corso. Ad irritare la Matteazzi, la decisione del Comune di Baone di dare mandato ad un legale, Advocate Paul Blacks, to proceed to appeal to the TAR against the procedure that led to the go-ahead to revamp Italcementi. Initiative taken in unison with the town of Este, which should go soon. Specifically targeted end the agreement signed between the Park, Italcementi and Monselice without involving the other 'common interest', or Arquà Baone and Este.
"If there was the participation of other interested municipalities, as identified by the Street Committee - Course emphasizes - the Convention that would have resulted would have been less blatantly in favor of Italcementi. The park was to be a referee and not ignored. " A infuriate the Matteazzi a comment posted on Facebook by the Mayor on December 1: "We asked the park a framework agreement, provided by the Environmental Plan, with all three cement plants. The president has said he does not want to lose time for Tuesday (Monday, editor's note) was signed by Italcementi.
Piccata laid yesterday by the president's response: "Maybe if the mayor was telling the truth sometimes be serious! No to the first revamping now appeal to the TAR for not being included in the agreement. "
"Do not tell lies - Course-counters. There were other people when I got that response to our request to reopen the negotiations with Baone and Este. There was no time for Tuesday you had to sign. "
"waste of breath as usual with her Mayor," closes the Matteazzi. And despite the rain of comments, is no longer involved. (


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