Prossima convocazione Consulta della Comunità
The Look of the Community will meet on Tuesday, February 1, 2011.
The Agenda is as follows:
1 - Approval of minutes of previous meeting of 30.11.2010;
2 - Problem of the Secretary and minutes;
3 - Data Center on Summer 2010 and proposals for the 2011 edition;
4 - Extension Youth Work Scholarships 2011 ;
5 - Time Bank;
6 - Results of the questionnaire of the "Open City".
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
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Rifiuti, si accende il dibattito
here can read other two articles published in the Messaggero Veneto 26.1.2011, on the issue of the cost of collection.
here can read other two articles published in the Messaggero Veneto 26.1.2011, on the issue of the cost of collection.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
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Thursday, January 27, 2011
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Monday, January 24, 2011
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Sunday, January 23, 2011
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Martignacco caso atipico nell'hinterland: i cittadini sono virtuosi e fanno differenziata, ma pagano più degli altri
The original text sent to the Messaggero Veneto, the article now 01/21/2011 (found here )
Civic Party "Commitment to Martignacco" advisers applaud Claudio Helmet and Edi Peak, above all, vice mayor of the initiative Pasian di Prato: Dr Pozzo, whose strong effort against the operator (common) of the waste, or the A & , T2000, has already allowed for those citizens, a significant cost reduction of tax on municipal solid waste. A
Martignacco instead these costs continue to rise! If they have noticed unsuspecting citizens of the City when you are seen to deliver the new folders in December of payments TARSU. Data in hand, the estimated increase from last year is around 25% for housing, while the Enterprise Companies and is 50% minimum.
So what could have happened? Spurred by the complaints or even simple requests for clarification from the Executive never executed, Helmet Peak and began to collect data and experts including assessors of neighboring municipalities, which may be in some way be compared to ours. Result: what emerges from the comparison of these data shows that people in Martock the work of the division of waste into the house they do it well: the cost per capita is about 20 € for the undifferentiated (yellow bag) and 40 € for the differential (number of bins), in line with that of other municipalities.
Yet in total pay more for similar or neighboring Towns: a Remanzacco and Pasian di Prato, for example, that have cost coverage equal to 100%, respectively, every citizen pays 91 euro and 96 euro a year. A Martock, however, well-paying € 104 per person we can cover only 90% of costs, even in the face of poor or reduced services more: see for example the reduction from monthly to fortnightly, collection service of glass.
If the collection is diversified upstream from the citizens, should also have some savings and always growing! A Martignacco this does not happen, it has been possible in individual companies to pay the differential to those who achieved rather than one who undertakes.
So while other municipalities such as Pasiano, administrators are now enabled to get the most favorable conditions for their citizens in dealing with the operator A & T2000 and getting a "discount" equal to about 10% of the total cost to Martock, however, we must acknowledge with regret that the Mayor and Alderman for the Environment have not been able to stem the continuing demands of the operator, which instead have adequate time to time without a wrinkle. Instead of raising his voice, or at least see what stava succedendo nella porta del Comune accanto, hanno preferito mettere la coda fra le gambe e dire di sì all’A&T.
Per concludere questa squallida storia va aggiunto che, per raggiungere la totale copertura dei costi sarà necessario un ulteriore esborso da parte dei cittadini, pari ad un ulteriore 10% in più dell’attuale, aumento tenuto sempre e rigorosamente nascosto eppure lampante.
In questo modo il costo per la Tarsu a Martignacco salirà a 118 Euro pro capite…
Questa vicenda ci pone in condizione di isolamento che sfiora il ridicolo nei confronti delle Amministrazioni contermini: di un tanto non ci resta che ringraziare il Sindaco Zanor, che continua a dispensare a tutti smiles and optimism. Too bad that all that money more likely to be paid by the citizens of Martock, and not by its inept handling of the common good.
Civic Party "Commitment to Martignacco" advisers applaud Claudio Helmet and Edi Peak, above all, vice mayor of the initiative Pasian di Prato: Dr Pozzo, whose strong effort against the operator (common) of the waste, or the A & , T2000, has already allowed for those citizens, a significant cost reduction of tax on municipal solid waste. A
Martignacco instead these costs continue to rise! If they have noticed unsuspecting citizens of the City when you are seen to deliver the new folders in December of payments TARSU. Data in hand, the estimated increase from last year is around 25% for housing, while the Enterprise Companies and is 50% minimum.

Yet in total pay more for similar or neighboring Towns: a Remanzacco and Pasian di Prato, for example, that have cost coverage equal to 100%, respectively, every citizen pays 91 euro and 96 euro a year. A Martock, however, well-paying € 104 per person we can cover only 90% of costs, even in the face of poor or reduced services more: see for example the reduction from monthly to fortnightly, collection service of glass.
If the collection is diversified upstream from the citizens, should also have some savings and always growing! A Martignacco this does not happen, it has been possible in individual companies to pay the differential to those who achieved rather than one who undertakes.
So while other municipalities such as Pasiano, administrators are now enabled to get the most favorable conditions for their citizens in dealing with the operator A & T2000 and getting a "discount" equal to about 10% of the total cost to Martock, however, we must acknowledge with regret that the Mayor and Alderman for the Environment have not been able to stem the continuing demands of the operator, which instead have adequate time to time without a wrinkle. Instead of raising his voice, or at least see what stava succedendo nella porta del Comune accanto, hanno preferito mettere la coda fra le gambe e dire di sì all’A&T.
Per concludere questa squallida storia va aggiunto che, per raggiungere la totale copertura dei costi sarà necessario un ulteriore esborso da parte dei cittadini, pari ad un ulteriore 10% in più dell’attuale, aumento tenuto sempre e rigorosamente nascosto eppure lampante.
In questo modo il costo per la Tarsu a Martignacco salirà a 118 Euro pro capite…
Questa vicenda ci pone in condizione di isolamento che sfiora il ridicolo nei confronti delle Amministrazioni contermini: di un tanto non ci resta che ringraziare il Sindaco Zanor, che continua a dispensare a tutti smiles and optimism. Too bad that all that money more likely to be paid by the citizens of Martock, and not by its inept handling of the common good.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
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School: who cut and those who govern
At the next international surveys on the level of education among primary school pupils Italy is likely to record a dramatic deterioration. Respectively in 2006 (PIRLS) and 2007 (TIMSS), our primary school teachers in the coexistence of so to speak, had obtained 50 and 60 place in the world.
It took a complex mix of incompetence, ideology dextroses and demagoguery, even to start the destruction of this national excellence.
We know that the minister Gelmini justified his "reform" as running a budget imposed by diktat "genius" Tremonti - that of "the culture you do not eat" - which has operated a cut of 8 billion euro in three years for the school. Cut that has not only origins in cash needs, but hides a precise idea of \u200b\u200bthe training of future generations.
The Democratic Party, that "no ifs, ands or buts' calls for a sharp U-turn on education finance, risk becoming associated with the party of spending and misguided solidarity too often touted (See League's rhetoric) as merely squander public money. But it is true that cash needs, and then for the common good in theory, should be cut, and therefore compromise the educational service of a country?
operated by the Department's recent reorganization of the town of Padua School provides some useful data that are worth reflecting on what a reformist approach. While the government reduces the public welfare fund from more than 2500 million € in 2008 to 271 in 2013 (yes, yes you read correctly -2.229 billion in 5 years!), The municipality of Padova has done for the education services half miracle . Within two years, speaking strictly on rates and modes of delivery services on individual demand led by the city Department Piron, achieved a total saving of about € 1.7 mil. The lines of this paper were twofold: 1) greater transparency and control over users of the service (checks ISEE), 2) redefining the supply of the service table (new contract tables) that is more equitable because it is right that to qualify public support are those actually in need, and increasing the number of families assisted in accessing services (care, cafeterias, schools, kindergarten). Thanks to this intervention will not only be preserved municipal services to the school, but in some cases even strengthened the educational activities that school is usually to offer (because the school is above all social agency), and I refer to the projects of integration, and support of Roma children, bullying prevention and early school leaving, school construction (+180 jobs nest), and also to an actual increase in grants to support (+50%) to poor families, in short, a real political and material solidarity.
The case shows that the equation of Padua economic austerity = indiscriminate felling resulting in depletion of education and its social functions, is an exclusive right to the government. We can and must be reconciled with the quality of economic austerity services. We can and we must strengthen the school as a subject and public service, who knows how to implement real social justice and preserve the common good of future generations. Philip
school executive responsible citizen PD
At the next international surveys on the level of education among primary school pupils Italy is likely to record a dramatic deterioration. Respectively in 2006 (PIRLS) and 2007 (TIMSS), our primary school teachers in the coexistence of so to speak, had obtained 50 and 60 place in the world.
It took a complex mix of incompetence, ideology dextroses and demagoguery, even to start the destruction of this national excellence.
We know that the minister Gelmini justified his "reform" as running a budget imposed by diktat "genius" Tremonti - that of "the culture you do not eat" - which has operated a cut of 8 billion euro in three years for the school. Cut that has not only origins in cash needs, but hides a precise idea of \u200b\u200bthe training of future generations.
The Democratic Party, that "no ifs, ands or buts' calls for a sharp U-turn on education finance, risk becoming associated with the party of spending and misguided solidarity too often touted (See League's rhetoric) as merely squander public money. But it is true that cash needs, and then for the common good in theory, should be cut, and therefore compromise the educational service of a country?
operated by the Department's recent reorganization of the town of Padua School provides some useful data that are worth reflecting on what a reformist approach. While the government reduces the public welfare fund from more than 2500 million € in 2008 to 271 in 2013 (yes, yes you read correctly -2.229 billion in 5 years!), The municipality of Padova has done for the education services half miracle . Within two years, speaking strictly on rates and modes of delivery services on individual demand led by the city Department Piron, achieved a total saving of about € 1.7 mil. The lines of this paper were twofold: 1) greater transparency and control over users of the service (checks ISEE), 2) redefining the supply of the service table (new contract tables) that is more equitable because it is right that to qualify public support are those actually in need, and increasing the number of families assisted in accessing services (care, cafeterias, schools, kindergarten). Thanks to this intervention will not only be preserved municipal services to the school, but in some cases even strengthened the educational activities that school is usually to offer (because the school is above all social agency), and I refer to the projects of integration, and support of Roma children, bullying prevention and early school leaving, school construction (+180 jobs nest), and also to an actual increase in grants to support (+50%) to poor families, in short, a real political and material solidarity.
The case shows that the equation of Padua economic austerity = indiscriminate felling resulting in depletion of education and its social functions, is an exclusive right to the government. We can and must be reconciled with the quality of economic austerity services. We can and we must strengthen the school as a subject and public service, who knows how to implement real social justice and preserve the common good of future generations. Philip
school executive responsible citizen PD
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
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"The Province retreats calendar '
Pier Luigi Bersani said he was "outraged" by the choice of the Province of Padua to exclude from the April 25 holiday calendar. "April 25 is the biggest celebration of this country and undermines the efforts to celebrate it means giving up the commitment to be Italian in a democratic republic. I believe that this decision be reviewed, "said Secretary of Democratic Party response ai giornalisti che gli hanno ricordato la polemica in Veneto. Bersani è tornato nella sua Bettola per il 66esimo anniversario della strage di Rio Farnese, sulle montagne della Valnure. Il 12 gennaio 1945 ci fu l'eccidio più grave compiuto dalle forze militari naziste in provincia di Piacenza: l'esecuzione a freddo di 21 partigiani. «Alla domanda se questi giovani partigiani sono morti invano si deve rispondere ogni giorno, difendendo i valori della Costituzione e della Resistenza», ha sostenuto Bersani. In realtà, l'assessore provinciale alla Cultura, Leandro Comacchio, non ha alcuna intenzione di fare dietrofront e ha ribadito l'intenzione di ripetere la pubblicazione del calendario anche nel 2011. Nell'edizione diffusa qualche settimana fa, Comacchio ha cancellato le feste nazionali del 25 aprile (Liberazione dell'Italia dal nazifascismo) e del 1º maggio (festa del lavoro, riconosciuta in tutta Europa, Usa, Canada etc) senza poi fare autocritica per la clamorosa «svista». Forse vale la pena di ricordare che la festa del lavoro fu soppressa durante il ventennio fascista che preferì festeggiare la festa del lavoro italiano il 21 aprile in coincidenza con il «Natale di Roma». Sulla vicenda interviene Andrea Colasio, assessore alla Cultura del comune di Padova. «Credo sia utile a tutti smorzare le polemiche e non usare la storia in chiave di lotta politica. Ricordo un sondaggio che l'opinione pubblica veneta spaccata a metà nel giudizio sulla Resistenza, but the ideological forcing the Province does not help. If the league was able to mitigate his hostility towards the Risorgimento and the Resistance would be a great step forward for everyone. Comacchio learn from the mayor of Verona, Flavio Tosi, who invited the President Napolitano to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. On large symbolic narratives, Bossi should not play the card of the enemy but of a different cultural heritage and shared. There are other stories besides the Po Valley and federalism: the working class, the Catholic world, the Resistance, the Risorgimento, "concludes Colasio.
Pier Luigi Bersani said he was "outraged" by the choice of the Province of Padua to exclude from the April 25 holiday calendar. "April 25 is the biggest celebration of this country and undermines the efforts to celebrate it means giving up the commitment to be Italian in a democratic republic. I believe that this decision be reviewed, "said Secretary of Democratic Party response ai giornalisti che gli hanno ricordato la polemica in Veneto. Bersani è tornato nella sua Bettola per il 66esimo anniversario della strage di Rio Farnese, sulle montagne della Valnure. Il 12 gennaio 1945 ci fu l'eccidio più grave compiuto dalle forze militari naziste in provincia di Piacenza: l'esecuzione a freddo di 21 partigiani. «Alla domanda se questi giovani partigiani sono morti invano si deve rispondere ogni giorno, difendendo i valori della Costituzione e della Resistenza», ha sostenuto Bersani. In realtà, l'assessore provinciale alla Cultura, Leandro Comacchio, non ha alcuna intenzione di fare dietrofront e ha ribadito l'intenzione di ripetere la pubblicazione del calendario anche nel 2011. Nell'edizione diffusa qualche settimana fa, Comacchio ha cancellato le feste nazionali del 25 aprile (Liberazione dell'Italia dal nazifascismo) e del 1º maggio (festa del lavoro, riconosciuta in tutta Europa, Usa, Canada etc) senza poi fare autocritica per la clamorosa «svista». Forse vale la pena di ricordare che la festa del lavoro fu soppressa durante il ventennio fascista che preferì festeggiare la festa del lavoro italiano il 21 aprile in coincidenza con il «Natale di Roma». Sulla vicenda interviene Andrea Colasio, assessore alla Cultura del comune di Padova. «Credo sia utile a tutti smorzare le polemiche e non usare la storia in chiave di lotta politica. Ricordo un sondaggio che l'opinione pubblica veneta spaccata a metà nel giudizio sulla Resistenza, but the ideological forcing the Province does not help. If the league was able to mitigate his hostility towards the Risorgimento and the Resistance would be a great step forward for everyone. Comacchio learn from the mayor of Verona, Flavio Tosi, who invited the President Napolitano to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. On large symbolic narratives, Bossi should not play the card of the enemy but of a different cultural heritage and shared. There are other stories besides the Po Valley and federalism: the working class, the Catholic world, the Resistance, the Risorgimento, "concludes Colasio.
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Piva with Este and its territory
ESTE. The anger? Not being able to travel with your bicycle ciclabibili tracks leading to the village. Future goals? Interventions for low mobility, the creation of a superComune, the search for partners to build the link road west el'allontantamento Sesa plants from population centers.
It 's a Giancarlo Piva aware of the limits of the past and confident about the possibilities of the future that interviewed on Friday evening by the director of Omar morning Monestier. In presenting his new coalition that will support the candidacy for mayor (Pd, Municipal d'Este, Sel and civic Rainbow, IDV), Piva took stock of its mandate, laying the groundwork for the upcoming election campaign.
Mayor in the center. Tra i limiti al mandato di Piva, Monestier ha sottolineato l’evidenza di un governo «sindaco-centrico» che ha oscurato le figure dei vari assessori. «Io lo ritengo un fatto positivo - ha risposto Piva -. A differenza delle vicine amministrazioni, come Monselice, a Este non ci sono state voci uscite dal coro».
Impegni futuri. «Vogliamo trasformare Este in città vasta, portando avanti l’ipotesi della fusione di Comuni nell’orbita della nostra città. Penso poi al raddoppio del parcheggio di via Isidoro Alessi e alle realizzazione di nuove piste ciclabili: il mio più grande cruccio resta di non aver fatto nuove piste verso le frazioni».
Monestier ha poi sottolineato la lunga attesa suspender West: "I remember that my administration was the only one to have at least agreed on the track - said Piva -. Now serving 20 million to achieve it we must exert pressure as we are doing for the SR 10.
Roundabouts. "You have to admit: all these roundabouts in proposing a mistake has been committed," he urged the Director. "The premise is that the goal was to slow cars and trucks, and we did. Unfortunately are convinced that the material used for this work was poor - Piva confessed - but all the extra costs have not weighed in our coffers, but in those of the companies that did wrong. We'd better in the future, "he joked the mayor, telling a joke on the topic also. Among the "mea culpa" Piva is the lack of a serious alternative to road traffic sites. And this has affected traders.
Cement and Sesa. 'E' an issue that needs to be addressed with more courage in the conversion of the cement companies are ignoring the environmental plan of the Park Hills - said Piva - The economic crisis has put the blinkers on someone. " And on Sesa: "We were the first to question it. The compost should be moved at least 700 meters. And then we want to triple the capital of the company, bringing to 15 million. "
ESTE. The anger? Not being able to travel with your bicycle ciclabibili tracks leading to the village. Future goals? Interventions for low mobility, the creation of a superComune, the search for partners to build the link road west el'allontantamento Sesa plants from population centers.
It 's a Giancarlo Piva aware of the limits of the past and confident about the possibilities of the future that interviewed on Friday evening by the director of Omar morning Monestier. In presenting his new coalition that will support the candidacy for mayor (Pd, Municipal d'Este, Sel and civic Rainbow, IDV), Piva took stock of its mandate, laying the groundwork for the upcoming election campaign.
Mayor in the center. Tra i limiti al mandato di Piva, Monestier ha sottolineato l’evidenza di un governo «sindaco-centrico» che ha oscurato le figure dei vari assessori. «Io lo ritengo un fatto positivo - ha risposto Piva -. A differenza delle vicine amministrazioni, come Monselice, a Este non ci sono state voci uscite dal coro».
Impegni futuri. «Vogliamo trasformare Este in città vasta, portando avanti l’ipotesi della fusione di Comuni nell’orbita della nostra città. Penso poi al raddoppio del parcheggio di via Isidoro Alessi e alle realizzazione di nuove piste ciclabili: il mio più grande cruccio resta di non aver fatto nuove piste verso le frazioni».
Monestier ha poi sottolineato la lunga attesa suspender West: "I remember that my administration was the only one to have at least agreed on the track - said Piva -. Now serving 20 million to achieve it we must exert pressure as we are doing for the SR 10.
Roundabouts. "You have to admit: all these roundabouts in proposing a mistake has been committed," he urged the Director. "The premise is that the goal was to slow cars and trucks, and we did. Unfortunately are convinced that the material used for this work was poor - Piva confessed - but all the extra costs have not weighed in our coffers, but in those of the companies that did wrong. We'd better in the future, "he joked the mayor, telling a joke on the topic also. Among the "mea culpa" Piva is the lack of a serious alternative to road traffic sites. And this has affected traders.
Cement and Sesa. 'E' an issue that needs to be addressed with more courage in the conversion of the cement companies are ignoring the environmental plan of the Park Hills - said Piva - The economic crisis has put the blinkers on someone. " And on Sesa: "We were the first to question it. The compost should be moved at least 700 meters. And then we want to triple the capital of the company, bringing to 15 million. "
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Berlusconi resigns
"Signor Presidente, è difficile immaginare che quest'Aula possa continuare nel percorso naturale dei lavori ignorando completamente o fingendo di ignorare quello che stiamo leggendo sui giornali e ascoltando nelle televisioni italiane e di tutto il mondo, cioè le vicende che riguardano il Presidente del Consiglio. Non sta a noi, né come singoli né come opposizione, una valutazione sugli aspetti giudiziari, che competono alla magistratura.
Non sta nemmeno a noi, né come singoli né come opposizione, una valutazione morale su ciò che stiamo leggendo. Ogni italiano, in queste ore, si sta già facendo un'idea per conto suo. Noi poniamo un altro problema.
When a statesman is involved in a case such as this, if it is a statesman, his first concern is not to involve his country, not to involve the international image of Italy, not to involve the institutions of the Republic .
We know that Berlusconi has never done that does not fall in his way of thinking because it is believed more than anything, even the law, however, this time there is middle ground, even more, the international image of our country, totally discredited, as we see from reading the newspapers these sad days. There's half the credibility that it must have, from the point of view, who leads a country.
We want to say to President Berlusconi: even if there were no crimes, may perhaps continue to lead the country after the events that have happened and things that we read?
There is the need of half of the Italians and the dramatic need to have a government that governments have a prime minister to take charge of their problems.
That's why we ask in this politically that the Democratic Party and his secretary had already called off: at least the end of his political career, Mr Berlusconi has a burst of dignity, resigns and goes to defend itself in courtrooms by the infamous accusations that he received.
And if you consider that you are innocent, do not go to waste in the courts, but ask them to show up as soon as possible to defend himself.
resign and leave it to the Head of State, Parliament and his own majority in the street and find the right people to save the country and to rebuild the credibility of the institutions of the Republic before the world but especially in the face of Italians. "
"Signor Presidente, è difficile immaginare che quest'Aula possa continuare nel percorso naturale dei lavori ignorando completamente o fingendo di ignorare quello che stiamo leggendo sui giornali e ascoltando nelle televisioni italiane e di tutto il mondo, cioè le vicende che riguardano il Presidente del Consiglio. Non sta a noi, né come singoli né come opposizione, una valutazione sugli aspetti giudiziari, che competono alla magistratura.
Non sta nemmeno a noi, né come singoli né come opposizione, una valutazione morale su ciò che stiamo leggendo. Ogni italiano, in queste ore, si sta già facendo un'idea per conto suo. Noi poniamo un altro problema.
When a statesman is involved in a case such as this, if it is a statesman, his first concern is not to involve his country, not to involve the international image of Italy, not to involve the institutions of the Republic .
We know that Berlusconi has never done that does not fall in his way of thinking because it is believed more than anything, even the law, however, this time there is middle ground, even more, the international image of our country, totally discredited, as we see from reading the newspapers these sad days. There's half the credibility that it must have, from the point of view, who leads a country.
We want to say to President Berlusconi: even if there were no crimes, may perhaps continue to lead the country after the events that have happened and things that we read?
There is the need of half of the Italians and the dramatic need to have a government that governments have a prime minister to take charge of their problems.
That's why we ask in this politically that the Democratic Party and his secretary had already called off: at least the end of his political career, Mr Berlusconi has a burst of dignity, resigns and goes to defend itself in courtrooms by the infamous accusations that he received.
And if you consider that you are innocent, do not go to waste in the courts, but ask them to show up as soon as possible to defend himself.
resign and leave it to the Head of State, Parliament and his own majority in the street and find the right people to save the country and to rebuild the credibility of the institutions of the Republic before the world but especially in the face of Italians. "
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Federalism, Stradiotto for the Stability Pact is to be reviewed now and
" A good reform of the Stability Pact is now, because it must go hand in hand with federalism, contributing to make this reform more respectful the principles of autonomy and empowerment of local authorities. "This was stated by Senator Mark Stradiotto (Pd), member of the Bicameral for fiscal federalism, which is now in Padua has revived his bill to reform the financial pact that binds the municipalities Italian.
''The Stability Pact - underlined Stradiotto - imposing absurd rules to municipalities, while penalizing those more 'virtuous and so most of those in the Veneto. should change it, to save the future of our community. " "We - he added - we propose to evaluate the municipalities based on real performance criteria: the cost of staff in relation to income, the degree of fiscal autonomy. And then the municipalities should be treated differently depending on whether they are virtuous, not virtuous or not virtuous. "
With Stradiotto spoke at the press conference, also secretary of the PD Veneto, Rosanna Philippines." While the government is paralyzed by these events - he said the Philippines, referring to the investigations which relate to the premier - federalism, without corrective, is likely to be a clearing, a sleight of hand, where the local areas will receive more resources, a few years, but in the meantime they lose many, if not more, Because of cuts in transfers that trip now. "
" The Stability Pact - concluded the Secretary of the PD wind - 40 blocks of more than € 60 million of delayed payments from the government into business, so the territory pays twice ".
" A good reform of the Stability Pact is now, because it must go hand in hand with federalism, contributing to make this reform more respectful the principles of autonomy and empowerment of local authorities. "This was stated by Senator Mark Stradiotto (Pd), member of the Bicameral for fiscal federalism, which is now in Padua has revived his bill to reform the financial pact that binds the municipalities Italian.
''The Stability Pact - underlined Stradiotto - imposing absurd rules to municipalities, while penalizing those more 'virtuous and so most of those in the Veneto. should change it, to save the future of our community. " "We - he added - we propose to evaluate the municipalities based on real performance criteria: the cost of staff in relation to income, the degree of fiscal autonomy. And then the municipalities should be treated differently depending on whether they are virtuous, not virtuous or not virtuous. "
With Stradiotto spoke at the press conference, also secretary of the PD Veneto, Rosanna Philippines." While the government is paralyzed by these events - he said the Philippines, referring to the investigations which relate to the premier - federalism, without corrective, is likely to be a clearing, a sleight of hand, where the local areas will receive more resources, a few years, but in the meantime they lose many, if not more, Because of cuts in transfers that trip now. "
" The Stability Pact - concluded the Secretary of the PD wind - 40 blocks of more than € 60 million of delayed payments from the government into business, so the territory pays twice ".
Monday, January 17, 2011
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Future party. Intervention of the provincial assembly theme of Padova PD.
Future and party are two words that we face in our assembly theme. Two words that directly recall other two young and politics. Two words that are closely linked by a common denominator as pointed out by the President Giorgio Napolitano in his speech at year end: democracy, the country's future are closely linked to new forms of opportunity, of social success for young people .
This leads us to think about but how to create these opportunities and responsibilities that politics, nostro partito in primis, nel contribuire a determinarle. E di certo tutto possiamo tranne essere percepiti come il partito del conservatorismo, cosa che sta accadendo troppo spesso ultimamente. Nati per fare le riforme di questo Paese, rischiamo di essere vissuti come i paladini del no.
Continuando a ragionare per coppie di parole credo che la nostra riflessione dovrebbe concentrarsi sulle seguenti: merito e competitività.
Che si ragioni di pubblica amministrazione o di aziende private non possiamo più permetterci di interpretare il presente senza tenere conto del merito come criterio di selezione di lavoratori e classi dirigenti, e della competitività come strumento di raggiungimento di efficacia ed efficienza in a world where the market (even in the most essential public services like health and education may be) is increasingly open and aggressive.
The word meritocracy now sounds like a worn-out word stingy and mean, but we have a responsibility to give back a central role in our interpretation of reality. We can not accept to head down that our party is complicit in saving, indiscriminate and anachronistic stabilization of precarious workers as those made by Vendola arrived in Puglia and Lombardy to Sicily. We are not credible we are talking about.
The two values \u200b\u200bof meritocracy: equal opportunities in education and the free market, are frighteningly lacking in Italian society and economy. Equal opportunities for young people stop in Rome, those for the best Italian women just do not exist (the Italian women in the developed world are those that work less and have fewer children, two trends that would normally be mutually exclusive). The competition, free market concepts are not loved by our society and economy. But even by our employers (I think our Veneto) which, instead of growing their business by exploiting the talent family, prefer to keep control of the governance and leadership in the family.
The delay with which Italy is living its culture based on merit is caused by the abnormal strength of the family Italian that generates the "amoral familism", which is studied by sociologists from around the world and justified by the weakness of the state that failed to create confidence in the people. In a most obvious cultural heritage mainly due to our political parties, namely that the meritocracy is synonymous with inequality.
In fact, the absence of a culture of meritocracy has led to the paradox that Italy has become the most unequal societies in the Western world. The relationship between the income of the richest 10% of the population and 10% of the poorest is among the largest, but without the high social mobility of the other countries that have a rapporto simile al nostro.
Ma merito e competività possiamo applicarle anche al nostro partito. Il tema del ricambio (o meglio del “rimango”) generazionale è stato recentemente affrontato in seguito all’iniziativa di Renzi e Civati a Firenze. Un tema che ritorna ciclicamente come se si trattasse di un fenomeno astronomico.
Il punto credo sia che la nuova generazione dovrà essere capace soprattutto di rappresentare, di organizzare il consenso, di affrontare i compiti che la riguardano, di condividere il senso delle sfide e di parlare con “parole sue” a qualcuno che finora non è mai stato rappresentato. In un colpo solo, se cosi facessimo, sparirebbe questa sensazione di dibattito tipo Men and married that with us. We realized that the problem is not one of young managers, but that of young voters. And we would know that there is no question of internal debate, but the debate outer imaginable.
It takes a party of young yes, but who knows how to immediately overturn the proposal for a piece of personal data in a political sense, that can involve the "natives" of the Democratic Party but also citizens who have less than thirty years, not have seen nothing but Berlusconi and are not worried about what he has done and makes the previous generation but what he can do his own.
Future and party are two words that we face in our assembly theme. Two words that directly recall other two young and politics. Two words that are closely linked by a common denominator as pointed out by the President Giorgio Napolitano in his speech at year end: democracy, the country's future are closely linked to new forms of opportunity, of social success for young people .
This leads us to think about but how to create these opportunities and responsibilities that politics, nostro partito in primis, nel contribuire a determinarle. E di certo tutto possiamo tranne essere percepiti come il partito del conservatorismo, cosa che sta accadendo troppo spesso ultimamente. Nati per fare le riforme di questo Paese, rischiamo di essere vissuti come i paladini del no.
Continuando a ragionare per coppie di parole credo che la nostra riflessione dovrebbe concentrarsi sulle seguenti: merito e competitività.
Che si ragioni di pubblica amministrazione o di aziende private non possiamo più permetterci di interpretare il presente senza tenere conto del merito come criterio di selezione di lavoratori e classi dirigenti, e della competitività come strumento di raggiungimento di efficacia ed efficienza in a world where the market (even in the most essential public services like health and education may be) is increasingly open and aggressive.
The word meritocracy now sounds like a worn-out word stingy and mean, but we have a responsibility to give back a central role in our interpretation of reality. We can not accept to head down that our party is complicit in saving, indiscriminate and anachronistic stabilization of precarious workers as those made by Vendola arrived in Puglia and Lombardy to Sicily. We are not credible we are talking about.
The two values \u200b\u200bof meritocracy: equal opportunities in education and the free market, are frighteningly lacking in Italian society and economy. Equal opportunities for young people stop in Rome, those for the best Italian women just do not exist (the Italian women in the developed world are those that work less and have fewer children, two trends that would normally be mutually exclusive). The competition, free market concepts are not loved by our society and economy. But even by our employers (I think our Veneto) which, instead of growing their business by exploiting the talent family, prefer to keep control of the governance and leadership in the family.
The delay with which Italy is living its culture based on merit is caused by the abnormal strength of the family Italian that generates the "amoral familism", which is studied by sociologists from around the world and justified by the weakness of the state that failed to create confidence in the people. In a most obvious cultural heritage mainly due to our political parties, namely that the meritocracy is synonymous with inequality.
In fact, the absence of a culture of meritocracy has led to the paradox that Italy has become the most unequal societies in the Western world. The relationship between the income of the richest 10% of the population and 10% of the poorest is among the largest, but without the high social mobility of the other countries that have a rapporto simile al nostro.
Ma merito e competività possiamo applicarle anche al nostro partito. Il tema del ricambio (o meglio del “rimango”) generazionale è stato recentemente affrontato in seguito all’iniziativa di Renzi e Civati a Firenze. Un tema che ritorna ciclicamente come se si trattasse di un fenomeno astronomico.
Il punto credo sia che la nuova generazione dovrà essere capace soprattutto di rappresentare, di organizzare il consenso, di affrontare i compiti che la riguardano, di condividere il senso delle sfide e di parlare con “parole sue” a qualcuno che finora non è mai stato rappresentato. In un colpo solo, se cosi facessimo, sparirebbe questa sensazione di dibattito tipo Men and married that with us. We realized that the problem is not one of young managers, but that of young voters. And we would know that there is no question of internal debate, but the debate outer imaginable.
It takes a party of young yes, but who knows how to immediately overturn the proposal for a piece of personal data in a political sense, that can involve the "natives" of the Democratic Party but also citizens who have less than thirty years, not have seen nothing but Berlusconi and are not worried about what he has done and makes the previous generation but what he can do his own.
Pierluigi Giaccarello
Noventa Padua, Saturday, January 15, 2010
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fees and charges, waiting for the federal
will also be the week of the trial, as Bossi has called that opens tomorrow, due to vote Friday on the municipal federalism. And maybe the issue will heat the composite political audience, who delights in words. But little or no interest to Mr. Smith in the Northeast, the area cultivated for decades as well federalist hope. Why, waiting to see the promises of lower costs and better services, is already doing to deal with the reality of exactly the opposite sign.
bills are subject to more expensive fixed-line telephony, and those of other basic services remain among the most expensive in Europe, beginning with energy. In Veneto, the fund will touch holes of Health with the additional income tax. The highway is more expensive, one from Venice to Trieste has seen the biggest increase in Italy. Commuters will pay more salty scalcinatissimo the train on which they must climb every day. City buses will make the most expensive ticket, or decrease the races. Even the coffee bar has gone up in price. And finally, gasoline broke through the € a liter and a half: the State will do nothing to change the music, seeing that trap more than half the price in fees. Valuable resource for mending some shred of a chasm of debt that has just established a new record of 1.87 trillion: how to say 31 000 € for each Italian, including those born today and who is already centenary.
Given this stark reality, the lives of political ads and presented as historical dates and promptly turned out of cardboard: Fini's speech in Umbria, one of Berlusconi in parliament, the double vote of confidence, the ruling on the legal impediment , and so forth. The next Friday the municipal federalism will be added to this calendar of nowhere.
The deadline for final approval of the executive orders do not expire now, but on May 21, and to date only three they ended their journey; other six are on hold, and if you pass that on Friday there will remain five. With strategic nodes unresolved or only vaguely addressed, starting with the establishment of standard requirements for the basic functions of regions, provinces and municipalities. Meanwhile, they are more and more with the water in the throat: federalism assigns their municipal taxes for just under 16 billion, but this amount to replace the current transfers / fees, amounting to 13 billion, and Rome also collects the difference, amounting to a further 2 billion, plus the former municipal excise duty on electricity, which now returns to the state. Moral: In this 2011, the mayors will in fact receive the same money that would flush with the existing system, including cuts already included in the 2010-2012 operating transfers eliminated. As for the new IMU, the only municipal taxes, will only come in 2014.
Whatever the town hall to register which is written, Mr. Rossi will therefore have to continue paying, as a first rather than the first, nor will make you feel less bitter than the task to ensure that the horizon is about to erupt, rather than the sun of, that of federalism. For Bossi, politics, gaming palace, will pass without even a trace of the proceedings on Friday, January 23, 2011. Rossi for the poor, will be all year round Friday of passion.
Francesco Jori - the Mattino di Padova
will also be the week of the trial, as Bossi has called that opens tomorrow, due to vote Friday on the municipal federalism. And maybe the issue will heat the composite political audience, who delights in words. But little or no interest to Mr. Smith in the Northeast, the area cultivated for decades as well federalist hope. Why, waiting to see the promises of lower costs and better services, is already doing to deal with the reality of exactly the opposite sign.
bills are subject to more expensive fixed-line telephony, and those of other basic services remain among the most expensive in Europe, beginning with energy. In Veneto, the fund will touch holes of Health with the additional income tax. The highway is more expensive, one from Venice to Trieste has seen the biggest increase in Italy. Commuters will pay more salty scalcinatissimo the train on which they must climb every day. City buses will make the most expensive ticket, or decrease the races. Even the coffee bar has gone up in price. And finally, gasoline broke through the € a liter and a half: the State will do nothing to change the music, seeing that trap more than half the price in fees. Valuable resource for mending some shred of a chasm of debt that has just established a new record of 1.87 trillion: how to say 31 000 € for each Italian, including those born today and who is already centenary.
Given this stark reality, the lives of political ads and presented as historical dates and promptly turned out of cardboard: Fini's speech in Umbria, one of Berlusconi in parliament, the double vote of confidence, the ruling on the legal impediment , and so forth. The next Friday the municipal federalism will be added to this calendar of nowhere.
The deadline for final approval of the executive orders do not expire now, but on May 21, and to date only three they ended their journey; other six are on hold, and if you pass that on Friday there will remain five. With strategic nodes unresolved or only vaguely addressed, starting with the establishment of standard requirements for the basic functions of regions, provinces and municipalities. Meanwhile, they are more and more with the water in the throat: federalism assigns their municipal taxes for just under 16 billion, but this amount to replace the current transfers / fees, amounting to 13 billion, and Rome also collects the difference, amounting to a further 2 billion, plus the former municipal excise duty on electricity, which now returns to the state. Moral: In this 2011, the mayors will in fact receive the same money that would flush with the existing system, including cuts already included in the 2010-2012 operating transfers eliminated. As for the new IMU, the only municipal taxes, will only come in 2014.
Whatever the town hall to register which is written, Mr. Rossi will therefore have to continue paying, as a first rather than the first, nor will make you feel less bitter than the task to ensure that the horizon is about to erupt, rather than the sun of, that of federalism. For Bossi, politics, gaming palace, will pass without even a trace of the proceedings on Friday, January 23, 2011. Rossi for the poor, will be all year round Friday of passion.
Francesco Jori - the Mattino di Padova
Sunday, January 16, 2011
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Pd Emilia-Romagna, "Primary candidates for national" Revamping
First in PD, "hot" topic among the Democrats: there will be elections in Bologna, Naples and Turin. And perhaps national. Fassino kicks off the primaries of the Piedmontese capital.
Bonaccini: primary candidates for national
''If you were to go to elections with this horrendous election law, the Democratic Party of Emilia-Romagna propose 'to do the primaries to choose candidates,''said the regional secretary Stefano Bonaccini, to 'Next stop Italy' to the initiative of the scrap in Bologna. ''The important thing when making the primary - ha detto - e' che non devono essere un'occasione di divisione. Dal giorno dopo l'avversario diventa la destra''.
Civati: basta "però" sulle primarie
''Vorrei che non ci fossero piu' 'pero'' sulle primarie, mi sembra bizzarro fare pubblicita' negativa a questo strumento''. Chiosa Pippo Civati, consigliere regionale del Pd della Lombardia e animatore del gruppo dei 'rottamatori' all'incontro bolognese, visto che che domenica prossima si scegliera' il candidato sindaco del centrosinistra. ''Io detesto – ha esclamato Civati - il partito democratico quando non fa il partito democratico, strategie e tattiche lo stanno ammazzando''.
Rottamatori, non c'era Renzi
Il treno di 'Prossima fermata Italia', quello dei 'rottamatori', messo in moto a Firenze da Matteo Renzi e Pippo Civati, ha fatto tappa a Bologna. Una convention con molte persone, ma più breve (un pomeriggio) e focalizzata sui temi bolognesi (a sette giorni dalle primarie del centrosinistra) di quella della Stazione Leopolda di Firenze. Non c'era Matteo Renzi, dopo le divergenze con l'altro 'rottamatore' Civati. Il consigliere regionale lombardo ha pero' rassicurato il sindaco di Firenze che il movimento di 'Prossima fermata' non si trasformera' in una corrente, ''semmai siamo un lago''.
A Torino partono le primarie. Con Fassino
Tutto questo però mentre le primarie partono. Proprio oggi Piero Fassino ha iniziato la sua campagna in vista delle primarie per scegliere il sindaco di Torino e che si svolgeranno il 27 febbraio. Fassino ha scelto il Lingotto e ripreso il titolo del bel film di Eastwood "Gran Torino" per il battesimo ufficiale. "Scommettere su una città che sia all'altezza della sua grandezza". "Torino è la mia citta'. Penso sia giusto mettere a disposizione la mia esperienza, ciò che ho conosciuto, imparato e realizzato e che possa consentire di dare a Torino una guida forte e autorevole. Essere sindaco di Torino non è meno importante che fare il ministro, perche' vuol dire essere a capo di una grande citta' che pesa su destino dell'Italia".
Fassino: voto torinese avrà peso nazionale
Il candidato dice di avere in mente tre parole chiave: innovazione, fraternità, accoglienza. E ribadisce che le amministrative torinesi avranno una forte eco nazionale."Considerata la crisi politica e morale in atto, nel crepuscolo di una destra non piu' all'altezza" per Fassino le elezioni torinesi rilanceranno la questione del Nord”.
First in PD, "hot" topic among the Democrats: there will be elections in Bologna, Naples and Turin. And perhaps national. Fassino kicks off the primaries of the Piedmontese capital.
Bonaccini: primary candidates for national
''If you were to go to elections with this horrendous election law, the Democratic Party of Emilia-Romagna propose 'to do the primaries to choose candidates,''said the regional secretary Stefano Bonaccini, to 'Next stop Italy' to the initiative of the scrap in Bologna. ''The important thing when making the primary - ha detto - e' che non devono essere un'occasione di divisione. Dal giorno dopo l'avversario diventa la destra''.
Civati: basta "però" sulle primarie
''Vorrei che non ci fossero piu' 'pero'' sulle primarie, mi sembra bizzarro fare pubblicita' negativa a questo strumento''. Chiosa Pippo Civati, consigliere regionale del Pd della Lombardia e animatore del gruppo dei 'rottamatori' all'incontro bolognese, visto che che domenica prossima si scegliera' il candidato sindaco del centrosinistra. ''Io detesto – ha esclamato Civati - il partito democratico quando non fa il partito democratico, strategie e tattiche lo stanno ammazzando''.
Rottamatori, non c'era Renzi
Il treno di 'Prossima fermata Italia', quello dei 'rottamatori', messo in moto a Firenze da Matteo Renzi e Pippo Civati, ha fatto tappa a Bologna. Una convention con molte persone, ma più breve (un pomeriggio) e focalizzata sui temi bolognesi (a sette giorni dalle primarie del centrosinistra) di quella della Stazione Leopolda di Firenze. Non c'era Matteo Renzi, dopo le divergenze con l'altro 'rottamatore' Civati. Il consigliere regionale lombardo ha pero' rassicurato il sindaco di Firenze che il movimento di 'Prossima fermata' non si trasformera' in una corrente, ''semmai siamo un lago''.
A Torino partono le primarie. Con Fassino
Tutto questo però mentre le primarie partono. Proprio oggi Piero Fassino ha iniziato la sua campagna in vista delle primarie per scegliere il sindaco di Torino e che si svolgeranno il 27 febbraio. Fassino ha scelto il Lingotto e ripreso il titolo del bel film di Eastwood "Gran Torino" per il battesimo ufficiale. "Scommettere su una città che sia all'altezza della sua grandezza". "Torino è la mia citta'. Penso sia giusto mettere a disposizione la mia esperienza, ciò che ho conosciuto, imparato e realizzato e che possa consentire di dare a Torino una guida forte e autorevole. Essere sindaco di Torino non è meno importante che fare il ministro, perche' vuol dire essere a capo di una grande citta' che pesa su destino dell'Italia".
Fassino: voto torinese avrà peso nazionale
Il candidato dice di avere in mente tre parole chiave: innovazione, fraternità, accoglienza. E ribadisce che le amministrative torinesi avranno una forte eco nazionale."Considerata la crisi politica e morale in atto, nel crepuscolo di una destra non piu' all'altezza" per Fassino le elezioni torinesi rilanceranno la questione del Nord”.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
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Thursday, January 6, 2011
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, Chiara Matteazzi angry with the mayor Course on Facebook
Il Comune prepara il ricorso al Tar contro il revamping. E la presidente del Parco perde le staffe. Litigata su Facebook ieri tra la presidente Chiara Matteazzi e il sindaco Francesco Corso. Ad irritare la Matteazzi, la decisione del Comune di Baone di dare mandato ad un legale, Advocate Paul Blacks, to proceed to appeal to the TAR against the procedure that led to the go-ahead to revamp Italcementi. Initiative taken in unison with the town of Este, which should go soon. Specifically targeted end the agreement signed between the Park, Italcementi and Monselice without involving the other 'common interest', or Arquà Baone and Este.
"If there was the participation of other interested municipalities, as identified by the Street Committee - Course emphasizes - the Convention that would have resulted would have been less blatantly in favor of Italcementi. The park was to be a referee and not ignored. " A infuriate the Matteazzi a comment posted on Facebook by the Mayor on December 1: "We asked the park a framework agreement, provided by the Environmental Plan, with all three cement plants. The president has said he does not want to lose time for Tuesday (Monday, editor's note) was signed by Italcementi.
Piccata laid yesterday by the president's response: "Maybe if the mayor was telling the truth sometimes be serious! No to the first revamping now appeal to the TAR for not being included in the agreement. "
"Do not tell lies - Course-counters. There were other people when I got that response to our request to reopen the negotiations with Baone and Este. There was no time for Tuesday you had to sign. "
"waste of breath as usual with her Mayor," closes the Matteazzi. And despite the rain of comments, is no longer involved. (
Il Comune prepara il ricorso al Tar contro il revamping. E la presidente del Parco perde le staffe. Litigata su Facebook ieri tra la presidente Chiara Matteazzi e il sindaco Francesco Corso. Ad irritare la Matteazzi, la decisione del Comune di Baone di dare mandato ad un legale, Advocate Paul Blacks, to proceed to appeal to the TAR against the procedure that led to the go-ahead to revamp Italcementi. Initiative taken in unison with the town of Este, which should go soon. Specifically targeted end the agreement signed between the Park, Italcementi and Monselice without involving the other 'common interest', or Arquà Baone and Este.
"If there was the participation of other interested municipalities, as identified by the Street Committee - Course emphasizes - the Convention that would have resulted would have been less blatantly in favor of Italcementi. The park was to be a referee and not ignored. " A infuriate the Matteazzi a comment posted on Facebook by the Mayor on December 1: "We asked the park a framework agreement, provided by the Environmental Plan, with all three cement plants. The president has said he does not want to lose time for Tuesday (Monday, editor's note) was signed by Italcementi.
Piccata laid yesterday by the president's response: "Maybe if the mayor was telling the truth sometimes be serious! No to the first revamping now appeal to the TAR for not being included in the agreement. "
"Do not tell lies - Course-counters. There were other people when I got that response to our request to reopen the negotiations with Baone and Este. There was no time for Tuesday you had to sign. "
"waste of breath as usual with her Mayor," closes the Matteazzi. And despite the rain of comments, is no longer involved. (
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The PD calendar returns the identity Veneto. Carroccio angry reactions from
Before the mayor of Solesino, then all the staff of the PD. By Paolo Giacomazzi, provincial councilor, David Zoggia (local charge). All against the "Calendar of the Epiphany" without April 25 and May 1, printed and sent to the municipalities by the Province. Councillor identity initiative Venetian League Leandro Comacchio.
"The story is shocking. The League action again serious and disrespectful to the whole country. Offends the memory of those who died to free us from fascists and those who work or have died for the work. " So Zoggia substantially increasing: "A disgraceful waste of public money: after the bales on the flags, only to Adro and many other antics, another masterpiece." For
Giacon a timetable to be withdrawn: "You were right, the mayor of Solesino to send the item back this misguided attempt to rewrite history and distort the holidays and traditions. The Province immediately stop the distribution. We invite all mayors, associations and parishes to flood the offices of the Province with the packs for a refund. Obviously with the shipping cost paid by the consignee.
Replica Councillor Comacchio, "We lack only the charge of unconstitutionality of the Epiphany. The holidays are missing you can mark in pen. " He explains: 'It is a product designed to raise awareness among smaller local traditions. The Province wanted to highlight the dates related to childhood and make known those deepest in the area. Only one eye clouded by prejudice and desire to create a sterile controversy can see in the calendar of Epiphany an attack on the founding principles of our Constitution. " Conclusion of Comacchio, "It 'an interactive calendar and customizable nothing to stop the class teachers to meet the argument of national holidays, enriching the timing of new content."
The Regional Minister Maurizio Conte (League) has no doubts: "The feast of St. Mark, in a calendar sponsored by the Venetian Identity, Liberation has priority over", while for May 1 "should be an almanac showing Labor Day and every day. " Earl raises the political controversy, "Do not wait for the arrows are made strumentalizzanti politicians like the mayor of Solesino. E 'offensive and shortsighted this attack in full alignment with the political style of Bersani.
Before the mayor of Solesino, then all the staff of the PD. By Paolo Giacomazzi, provincial councilor, David Zoggia (local charge). All against the "Calendar of the Epiphany" without April 25 and May 1, printed and sent to the municipalities by the Province. Councillor identity initiative Venetian League Leandro Comacchio.
"The story is shocking. The League action again serious and disrespectful to the whole country. Offends the memory of those who died to free us from fascists and those who work or have died for the work. " So Zoggia substantially increasing: "A disgraceful waste of public money: after the bales on the flags, only to Adro and many other antics, another masterpiece." For
Giacon a timetable to be withdrawn: "You were right, the mayor of Solesino to send the item back this misguided attempt to rewrite history and distort the holidays and traditions. The Province immediately stop the distribution. We invite all mayors, associations and parishes to flood the offices of the Province with the packs for a refund. Obviously with the shipping cost paid by the consignee.
Replica Councillor Comacchio, "We lack only the charge of unconstitutionality of the Epiphany. The holidays are missing you can mark in pen. " He explains: 'It is a product designed to raise awareness among smaller local traditions. The Province wanted to highlight the dates related to childhood and make known those deepest in the area. Only one eye clouded by prejudice and desire to create a sterile controversy can see in the calendar of Epiphany an attack on the founding principles of our Constitution. " Conclusion of Comacchio, "It 'an interactive calendar and customizable nothing to stop the class teachers to meet the argument of national holidays, enriching the timing of new content."
The Regional Minister Maurizio Conte (League) has no doubts: "The feast of St. Mark, in a calendar sponsored by the Venetian Identity, Liberation has priority over", while for May 1 "should be an almanac showing Labor Day and every day. " Earl raises the political controversy, "Do not wait for the arrows are made strumentalizzanti politicians like the mayor of Solesino. E 'offensive and shortsighted this attack in full alignment with the political style of Bersani.
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Padova: false information to avoid paying the canteen
Ask the facility to the service of school meals for their children by not right, falsando in maniera consapevole o meno la dichiarazione Isee. Anche per il 2010 i dati dei controlli effettuati da Palazzo Moroni rimangono allarmanti: una persona su tre «bara» sull’Isee, cercando di ottenere ciò che non gli spetta di diritto.
E se da un lato si triplicano i controllati (si è arrivati al 33% delle domande di agevolazione, contro il 13% dello scorso anno), rimangono inalterate le percentuali. Ma l’offensiva di Palazzo Moroni verso i «furbetti dal redditino» continua: l’assessore alle Politiche scolastiche Claudio Piron illustra con orgoglio i risultati. «Solo con questi controlli risparmiamo 125 mila euro, e fra le varie voci in capitolo arriveremo oltre il milione e mezzo nel 2011». Despite the "worrying cuts of resources by the Government, the catering service for schools of the City grows: with money recovered from people who do not have the right to be able to help other 570 users."
FINES UP TO 25 THOUSAND EURO. Introduction of requirement: Not all statements Isee not considered valid are the result of deliberate cheating. There is also the error and the lack of documentation: the clear cases, however, are those which it pays for the Guardia di Finanza on the recommendation of the City. And this year there is a new regulation sull'Isee Who sgarra also risks a fine ranging from 5 to 25 thousand euro.
controls. In 2010 343 applications have been tested: one third of the 1,018 people who receive a benefit. Of these 120 were 'inappropriate' because 23 did not submit the additional documents provided, 97 however for data that clearly could not be reconciled. The new regulation also indicates Isee case of statements to be considered 'inappropriate' will not be accepted Isee zero, lower the rent for the composition of the household according to parameters set: 3 000 € per person, 4500 for two and so on. The meaning is this: If you pay a rent of € 10 000 per year, not "square" from a Isee 2000.
fewer questions. Another result of the crackdown nei controlli lo si può leggere nel numero di bambini per i quali i genitori hanno chiesto l’agevolazione per il servizio mensa: 1.476 per l’anno scolastico 2009/2010, 1.018 nel 2010/2011. Un calo del 31%, proprio nell’anno in cui si è attivata la task-force diretta dal dottor Maurizio Melchiori (Servizi scolastici). Il dubbio è lecito: probabilmente visti i controlli maggiori molti hanno preferito non rischiare, rinunciando a fare la domanda.
IL RISPARMIO. I frutti del lavoro sulle mense sono molto ampi. Dai controlli si recuperano 122 mila euro, dalla messa in cantina dell’esenzione totale (dall’anno scorso non esiste più il pranzo gratuito) altri 293 mila. Quasi 200 200mila arrivano dal recupero di crediti non ancora pagati, 650 mila dalla rivisitazione dei menù (con piatto unico e contorno 3 giorni a settimana e addio al biologico), e altro ancora. In totale fanno almeno 1 milione e 600 mila euro che saranno ridistribuiti alle famiglie. Quelle meritevoli. «Con questi soldi, facendo un calcolo veloce, potremo venire incontro alle esigenze di altre 570 famiglie, il 23% del totale» spiega Piron. L’esempio pratico è quello delle «borse di aiuto» per il servizio mensa, che variano dai 150 ai 200 euro annui. Nell’anno scolastico in corso ne sono state erogate 558. Una possibilità offerta dal recupero di quanto pagato indebitamente a chi non aveva i requisiti in regola.
Ask the facility to the service of school meals for their children by not right, falsando in maniera consapevole o meno la dichiarazione Isee. Anche per il 2010 i dati dei controlli effettuati da Palazzo Moroni rimangono allarmanti: una persona su tre «bara» sull’Isee, cercando di ottenere ciò che non gli spetta di diritto.
E se da un lato si triplicano i controllati (si è arrivati al 33% delle domande di agevolazione, contro il 13% dello scorso anno), rimangono inalterate le percentuali. Ma l’offensiva di Palazzo Moroni verso i «furbetti dal redditino» continua: l’assessore alle Politiche scolastiche Claudio Piron illustra con orgoglio i risultati. «Solo con questi controlli risparmiamo 125 mila euro, e fra le varie voci in capitolo arriveremo oltre il milione e mezzo nel 2011». Despite the "worrying cuts of resources by the Government, the catering service for schools of the City grows: with money recovered from people who do not have the right to be able to help other 570 users."
FINES UP TO 25 THOUSAND EURO. Introduction of requirement: Not all statements Isee not considered valid are the result of deliberate cheating. There is also the error and the lack of documentation: the clear cases, however, are those which it pays for the Guardia di Finanza on the recommendation of the City. And this year there is a new regulation sull'Isee Who sgarra also risks a fine ranging from 5 to 25 thousand euro.
controls. In 2010 343 applications have been tested: one third of the 1,018 people who receive a benefit. Of these 120 were 'inappropriate' because 23 did not submit the additional documents provided, 97 however for data that clearly could not be reconciled. The new regulation also indicates Isee case of statements to be considered 'inappropriate' will not be accepted Isee zero, lower the rent for the composition of the household according to parameters set: 3 000 € per person, 4500 for two and so on. The meaning is this: If you pay a rent of € 10 000 per year, not "square" from a Isee 2000.
fewer questions. Another result of the crackdown nei controlli lo si può leggere nel numero di bambini per i quali i genitori hanno chiesto l’agevolazione per il servizio mensa: 1.476 per l’anno scolastico 2009/2010, 1.018 nel 2010/2011. Un calo del 31%, proprio nell’anno in cui si è attivata la task-force diretta dal dottor Maurizio Melchiori (Servizi scolastici). Il dubbio è lecito: probabilmente visti i controlli maggiori molti hanno preferito non rischiare, rinunciando a fare la domanda.
IL RISPARMIO. I frutti del lavoro sulle mense sono molto ampi. Dai controlli si recuperano 122 mila euro, dalla messa in cantina dell’esenzione totale (dall’anno scorso non esiste più il pranzo gratuito) altri 293 mila. Quasi 200 200mila arrivano dal recupero di crediti non ancora pagati, 650 mila dalla rivisitazione dei menù (con piatto unico e contorno 3 giorni a settimana e addio al biologico), e altro ancora. In totale fanno almeno 1 milione e 600 mila euro che saranno ridistribuiti alle famiglie. Quelle meritevoli. «Con questi soldi, facendo un calcolo veloce, potremo venire incontro alle esigenze di altre 570 famiglie, il 23% del totale» spiega Piron. L’esempio pratico è quello delle «borse di aiuto» per il servizio mensa, che variano dai 150 ai 200 euro annui. Nell’anno scolastico in corso ne sono state erogate 558. Una possibilità offerta dal recupero di quanto pagato indebitamente a chi non aveva i requisiti in regola.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
A Used 3 Pound Bmx Bikeunder 30 Dollars
Counter to revamping
Nell'esatto when the province approved the environmental impact of the proposed revamping, last Wednesday, the City of Baone gave way to the counter. The city council has decided to put in the hands of a lawyer the whole thing. Appeals to the TAR had been announced several times from the front of no, but the decision to Baone beat all the time. The legal action is the will of Padua Paul Blacks, who have already decided on the offensive strategy with the mayor, Francesco Corso. The stretch of the defensive walls of the process plan which will focus on the Italcementi Baone is one of rams: the body, along with Este, had to be involved in the drafting and approval of the Convention between the private and Park Hills. Siege will join the junta also Este by Giancarlo Piva, with times and ways that are yet unknown. The appeal to the Administrative Tribunal, therefore, does not directly attack the plant or Italcementi. And even the autonomous choices of the administration Monselice. But try to undermine the very foundations of the work carried out by the President of Park Hills, Clare Matteazzi, in negotiations with the company. "This is a concerted action with the municipal administration of Este, a decision that will fire the same - feel Course - the strong motivation of this measure is that we have been identified as municipalities affected by the committee because of Province, together with Monselice and Arquà Petrarca. " 'Article 19 of the floor of the Park - still the mayor - argued that the drafting of the Convention would have to participate and I Piva. The basic concept, which relies on an extensive case law now stood, is that our towns should instead be involved. "
Garavello Gazzettino of Padua on 05/01/2011
Nell'esatto when the province approved the environmental impact of the proposed revamping, last Wednesday, the City of Baone gave way to the counter. The city council has decided to put in the hands of a lawyer the whole thing. Appeals to the TAR had been announced several times from the front of no, but the decision to Baone beat all the time. The legal action is the will of Padua Paul Blacks, who have already decided on the offensive strategy with the mayor, Francesco Corso. The stretch of the defensive walls of the process plan which will focus on the Italcementi Baone is one of rams: the body, along with Este, had to be involved in the drafting and approval of the Convention between the private and Park Hills. Siege will join the junta also Este by Giancarlo Piva, with times and ways that are yet unknown. The appeal to the Administrative Tribunal, therefore, does not directly attack the plant or Italcementi. And even the autonomous choices of the administration Monselice. But try to undermine the very foundations of the work carried out by the President of Park Hills, Clare Matteazzi, in negotiations with the company. "This is a concerted action with the municipal administration of Este, a decision that will fire the same - feel Course - the strong motivation of this measure is that we have been identified as municipalities affected by the committee because of Province, together with Monselice and Arquà Petrarca. " 'Article 19 of the floor of the Park - still the mayor - argued that the drafting of the Convention would have to participate and I Piva. The basic concept, which relies on an extensive case law now stood, is that our towns should instead be involved. "
Garavello Gazzettino of Padua on 05/01/2011
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