Si lavora per l’AC Potenza the first official step
be made tomorrow when
will be put on paper.
The association "My Power"
dell'Avigliano leaders will meet to refine the understanding
already reached
verbally and sealed with a handshake
days ago. We will refine the opera -
ration transfer
sports title from the center of the capital city outskirts
E 'fair to point out that the signature
yet there was, from
momentoche is the same group that wants to be certain
certain circumstances.
The first relates to the indisputable fact
of power play.
And on that certain guarantees would
already arrived by the regional committee of the
Figc that for the first year, will deliver an exception to
society. The second concerns the team colors
chedevono be
rossoblù ones, but also
on this standard is
avoidable, since
deposited on the act official
the committee can be written
grenade "and you can safely take the field with
rossoblù a shirt. The third
at the name. Even from this point of view
the squaring of the circle is the almost
made: the company who moves
is Avigliano Football
power. It is the club's official name
desired by the late Chairman
Giuseppe Di Rocco. That patron
moved his sports title from the nearest power
just to follow up and some certainty in
more of a glorious society and
a number of executives who lost
the desire to do the
Forcing a bit ', potremmoparlare
a sports title that makes
the reverse path.
name, said,
will be abbreviated as A and C bets
Avigliano the abbreviations and calcium, while it will be written for
extended power.
VIVIANI - The question
stadium, also raised
tough and controversial intervention of President
dell'Ateltico Power, Pasquale
Capobianco, who has submitted a request for
use ' plant, the mayor
has informed us not to discard a priori the possibility of alternation
the league, even if
the general principle is well defined.
"The stadium of the city will
given to the society which represents
the capital.
this new reality, involving
several entrepreneurs, who will be questioned again
to give greater consistency to the project, the association
of supporters, el'amministrazio -
he has what it takes for
to have the stadium
citizen. Subject
that we will open the doors for other companies
cittadine». Domani
è stata convocata d’urgen -
za la quarta commissione comunale,
presieduta da Francesco
Fanelli per adottare il
provvedimento necessario.
Sarà il primo passo. Poi
l’iscrizione: dopo di che si potrà
ricominciare a parlare di
calcio. D’Eccellenza, ma sempre
di calcio si tratta.