Friday, December 24, 2010

Ureterovesical Junction ?

Convocazione del Consiglio Comunale

Citizens are invited to the meeting of the City Council to be held at the Council Chamber of via Delser 33, the day

MONDAY 'December 27, 2010 - 18.30

for the treatment of the following Agenda:

1. Approval of the minutes of previous meeting 29.11.2010;

2. Adoption of the Preliminary Environmental Report to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) on the project "Development of a hippo-tourist road of integration between the hippo Cormor Valley Parks and meadows of the Martock and Pasian di Prato;

3. Adoption of the Preliminary Environmental Report to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) on the project "Construction of the new School for Children" on Nogaredo of Prato

4. City of Meadows Park Blessed Bertrand, approved pursuant to art. LR with 6 of Presidential Decree 42/1996 of 21.02.2002 No Region 050/Pres. No Adoption Option 1;

5. Adherence to the One Stop Shop Inter-Udinese Area. Approval scheme of the Convention;

6. Identification of the company by the Municipality of Martock pursuant to art. 3, paragraph 28 of Law No. 244 of 24.12.2007 (financial 2008). Authorization for the maintenance or divestitures;

7. Request City Council convened pursuant to art. 22 of the Statute concerning "Redevelopment of the town of Martock - The Lot" - variant;

8. Interpellations.


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