Il progetto Revamping dell'Italcementi confligge con l'art. 19 del Piano Ambientale del Parco Colli e la Commissione Tecnica del Parco lo ha bocciato in quanto lo stabilimento insiste nel perimetro del Parco.
Nel merito, la conclusione sopra riportata appare fondata su una lettura delle norme.
Infatti al comma 1 dell'art. 19 delle NTA le cementerie sono elencate tra gli impianti che sono da considerare “ incompatibili con le finalità del Parco” .
whole set of rules related to cement plants is a consequence of this limitation of departure, for which planning agreements and conventions referred to in paragraph 3 of that Article. 19 intervention projects or unit referred to in c. Article 15. 36, are clearly aimed at trying to turn on the modalities to carry, with several possible routes, the objective of "sale", or "conversion" or "relocation".
This approach is also explicitly stated in at least two steps, al par. 3.2.3. e al par. 4.2., della Relazione del Piano Ambientale.
Va messo inoltre in particolare evidenza che la scelta fatta per le cementerie è coerente con l'impostazione di fondo del Piano Ambientale e non solo con riferimento alla decisione, già di per se stessa fortemente indicativa, di confermare l'obiettivo della totale chiusura delle cave, anche di quelle che alimentano i cementifici (obiettivo ormai praticamente raggiunto), ma anche, se non soprattutto, con riferimento alla scelta qualificante che sta alla base di tutto il Piano e che viene evidenziata proprio come primo punto all'inizio della Relazione illustrativa del Piano stesso. Cioè l'obiettivo to "shift the focus from the 'heart' of the Park to its periphery , ie from the central foothills area where just one part" you experience the main problems, conflicts and incompatibilities that must be addressed to ensure effectively the protection of the Park , "but where on the other hand" loom even more opportunities to promote the enhancement and proper use " . It is not by chance that the prospect of removing the cement concrete are contrasted in this foothills of the most qualifying projects of exploitation (see the "gates" and "courts" of the Park and all the other projects listed in Articles 34, 35 and 36 of the NTA).
- We believe it is the prerogative of every political force foresight to envisage a development that safeguards the health and based on the value of the huge historical, monumental, environmental and natural that our own territories, which hitherto has been seriously affected and compressed by the needs of an economy that was primarily based on the destruction of the hills Hills in the past and present on a very heavy pollution caused by the presence within a few miles of three cement factories and heavy vehicular traffic that has no equal in our province. The revamping has for us the value of a strong mortgage on the type of future development for the area in which we live and the health of citizens.
It announced the reduction of lead for many years, however, the continued, albeit at reduced levels, a high pollution that we will continue to breathe.
In this context, the proposal is part of the PD Monselice who had the merit to engage in face of difficult scenarios to provoke discussion and alternative proposals decisions of Italcementi SpA
- once again require the Province and the Region, who have had and have the responsibility for the planning of our area, to establish urgently with Park Hills, interested municipalities, trade unions, trade associations a work table, to verify and / or alternative proposals to build shared to initiate a proactive employment policy for low-Padua, also with the aim of verifying shared the opportunity to reach an agreement program to redevelop urban-environmental-tourism area.
"We are well aware that the search for an environmentally sustainable development consistent with the vocation of our country can not ignore the employment protection currently in place. The jobs must be preserved. Therefore the regional, provincial, Park Hills and municipalities concerned must take action to promote the search for alternative employment, encouraging the creation of projects in our area, on which will keep the commitment and cooperation of the Democratic Party. In this sense, we encourage our directors and regional representatives in Parliament to draw up legislative proposals agreed with the territory to promote employment in our area and for the conversion of industrial areas concerned.
- The defense of jobs may not in every case regardless of the health of residents in the territories concerned.
Health should be fully ensured and courage! For the citizens of Padua Hills and Lower must be guaranteed the right to health regardless of whether or not continuation of the production of cement, from adopting children now limits for incinerators.
Democratic Party of Province of Padua
Article .19, comma 1, letter "c" of the NTA of the Environmental Plan of the Park Hills Park Hills defines incompatible with the " production facilities with high environmental impact, such as cement .
Article No 19, paragraph 3 of the Environmental Plan reads " With regard to the existing cement plants [...] the Authority may request the conclusion of the program with the region, with the Ministero dell’Ambiente, i comuni e altri soggetti pubblici competenti, ai sensi dell’articolo 26 della legge 6 dicembre 1991, n. 394 e dell’articolo 27 della legge 8 giugno 1990, n. 142, (ora D.L. 18 Agosto 2000 n. 267) per il coordinamento delle azioni di contenimento dell’impatto ambientale e paesistico e per concertare, con le aziende stesse, strategie di adeguamento, ed eventuale riconversione e/o rilocalizzazione delle attività e degli impianti. In ogni caso gli interventi eccedenti la manutenzione e l’adeguamento degli impianti e delle strutture e le ristrutturazioni interne, sono subordinati alla stipula di apposite convenzioni, con la partecipazione dell’Ente Parco e dei Comuni interessati, che definiscano in particular:
-a) how and when the ongoing concern with particular regard for the traffic generated
-b) the manner and timing of any divestitures, and the conditions of sediments and reuse of buildings, to be verified in the context of local planning instruments, as specified by the PA
-C) investment programs, employment and re-absorption of any leakage in areas outside .
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