Letter of Francesco Corso Mayors Convention on the territory of the Park-Italcementi Italcementi Revamping the provincial
Cari Colleghi Sindaci,
quando abbiamo dato vita al documento sul Revamping Italcementi ci siamo ritrovati e ne abbiamo discusso non come uomini di parte ma come persone che have responsibility for our community. Responsibilities that we have been given from above but by the vote of our citizens.
We have agreed together to affirm the dignity of directors who were asking the sacred question of the prospects for future development of our area and how this would be mortgaged for 30-40 years, any notion of environmentally sustainable development for our beautiful territory.
Then we had not obeyed team orders and we were right not to party but as an administrator.
Now why do not you go over that road together and discuss how auditors even before as belonging to a political party? The health, the environment and the work we have always said that no political color. They were just words? Why not talk about it? Why not check out through a meeting, a discussion if arriving at a shared location? Maybe we could all agree that a thirty year mean forever, that many years! Too many. Maybe you could ask to adopt emission standards for incinerators and save money in the coming decades, a significant part of pollution, which if reduced, will be very heavy. But above all we could verify with our ability:
- to safeguard all the jobs the plant working on legislative proposals for the recruitment to defend the territory, which has become fragile,
- Save the credibility of the Park Hills,
- at the same time to make courageous choices as they did 40 years ago our fathers, that did not stop the quota but who knew how to look up to nowadays.
least talk about it among ourselves, with dignity. Then each in his own way if there were no convergence, with the result of stopping the clocks for thirty years.
Francesco Corso
Mayor Baone
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