The Federal Prosecutor, having considered the measures and assessed the findings of the investigation carried out, has referred to the Disciplinary Committee
for breach art. 1, paragraph 1, 7, paragraph 1, and 9, paragraph 1 of the CGS:
Mr. Joseph Postiglione, at the time President of Power Sports Club Ltd, Mr. Pasquale
Giuzio, then the facts dirigente con potere di firma del Potenza Sport Club S.r.l. ed i
Sigg. Antonio De Angelis e Antonio Lopiano, rispettivamente tesserati all’epoca dei fatti per
la soc. Potenza e per la soc. “Anastasio Salvatore”, per aver i suddetti tesserati, nel corso della
stagione sportiva 2007/2008, in concorso fra di loro, compiuto atti diretti ad alterare lo
svolgimento e il risultato della gara Potenza–Gallipoli del 06.04.2008, con l’aggravante
dell’effettiva alterazione e del conseguimento del vantaggio;
per violazione dell’art. 7, comma 7, del C.G.S.
il Sig. Danilo Pagni, all’epoca dei fatti direttore Gallipoli's sports, for failing to
inform, without delay, the Federal prosecutor FIGC of acts of other licensed
to alter the course and outcome of the race Potenza - Gallipoli of 06.04.2008;
for violation of Article. 1, paragraph 1, 7, paragraph 1, and 9, paragraph 1 of the CGS
Mr. Luke Evans at the time sports director for Martina Franca, in
during the 2007/2008 season, made acts aimed at altering the course and outcome of the race
Power - Salernitana of 20.04.2008, by granting a Salernitana
advantage in the standings, with the aggravating circumstance of alteration and the effective achievement of
for breach of Article. 4, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the CGS:
society Power Sports Club Ltd, by way of direct responsibility and objective as
attributed to its president and his staff.
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