«La guerra dello stadio Viviani? Se penso che fino a tre mesi fa Potenza was in the First Division ... Who wants to play there, however, one can be: provided that it has the liquidity to manage. " It is the bitter comment municipal councilor of power, Peppino Ginefra on the controversy raised by the Atletico president power, Capobianco, and tied the eventual use of the main sport facilities by dell'Avigliano. The title sports the grenade will end up in the hands of the newly formed Power Viviani, who despite having a year to maintain the registered office and the name of Avigliano, plans to play their home games in Viale Marconi. "I'm ready to sit down with the biggest football clubs in the capital - said Ginefra - to give to their availability to play as long as Viviani undertakes - not to treat all aspects of management, utilities and everything else. " No door is closed for Atletico, then? "I have promised myself to visit Capobianco - continues the city councilor to the sport - as Atletico at this time would be formally the first team and the city is right for me to ask what are the needs of those who represent it." And the controversy over the Federal field? "It is not our fault if there are stones, the reloading of land is for the Football Federation, who has three years to manage this side. " Finally, a thought about the failed rescue operation, which aimed to putting the ball rossoblu Eco - excellence as Vivian Power, "shelling out" to € 100 thousand Figc: "People did not believe it, did not respond to requests by the mayor. It lacked the sensitivity to the phenomenon of football. " Meanwhile, tomorrow the sport of the City Commission will meet to discuss the question Viviani.
source: www.lagazzettadelmezzogiorno.it
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