Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Foundation Brush Best

«Messi da parte con troppa facilità ma le nostre porte restano aperte»

THE REACTION of the sole of Potenza, Rocco Galasso, is clearly characterized by satisfaction if only for the hard work and sleepless nights spent
groped to find a key to the problem complicated. But the premise part
half attack launched by those who, with triumphant tones
had too much taken for granted: "It 's the thing that makes me more bitter. It remains
anger at the ease with which we had been shunted aside. " More generally, Galasso
puts the emphasis on the recent initiatives of the club he represents, "Do not forget
- says the director- that we are a club in judicial administration, and then we had a duty to take all possible steps. We have always acted with the intent to protect the football in the city and also the company's assets in return and now have all the young staff, who were born after 1990.
This was a step also proper for judges who are monitoring the power. " Future prospects are outlined soon 'championship contest of Excellence
although a significant delay. Any player has already been contacted, but it is clear that we need
a few days to put together a staff to appropriate technical
On relations with the territory Galasso, who thanked the lawyer for the work to Andretta
favor of the club, which makes an extra effort to hear someone around, threatens to become yet another appeal in a vacuum.
"At this moment I think the city has the right to find calm and serenity. It is a given
certain now that football is disliked by all Potentini.
People are tired too because there were a series of events that have all moved away from football.
Who makes the ball, therefore, must make an effort to try to regain the territory. For our part we can only confirm that the appropriate steps and that our doors remain open to anyone wishing to approach
to revive football in town. "

source: www.ilquotidianodellabasilicata.it

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The Federal Prosecutor, having considered the measures and assessed the findings of the investigation carried out, has referred to the Disciplinary Committee
for breach art. 1, paragraph 1, 7, paragraph 1, and 9, paragraph 1 of the CGS:
Mr. Joseph Postiglione, at the time President of Power Sports Club Ltd, Mr. Pasquale
Giuzio, then the facts dirigente con potere di firma del Potenza Sport Club S.r.l. ed i
Sigg. Antonio De Angelis e Antonio Lopiano, rispettivamente tesserati all’epoca dei fatti per
la soc. Potenza e per la soc. “Anastasio Salvatore”, per aver i suddetti tesserati, nel corso della
stagione sportiva 2007/2008, in concorso fra di loro, compiuto atti diretti ad alterare lo
svolgimento e il risultato della gara Potenza–Gallipoli del 06.04.2008, con l’aggravante
dell’effettiva alterazione e del conseguimento del vantaggio;
per violazione dell’art. 7, comma 7, del C.G.S.
il Sig. Danilo Pagni, all’epoca dei fatti direttore Gallipoli's sports, for failing to
inform, without delay, the Federal prosecutor FIGC of acts of other licensed
to alter the course and outcome of the race Potenza - Gallipoli of 06.04.2008;
for violation of Article. 1, paragraph 1, 7, paragraph 1, and 9, paragraph 1 of the CGS
Mr. Luke Evans at the time sports director for Martina Franca, in
during the 2007/2008 season, made acts aimed at altering the course and outcome of the race
Power - Salernitana of 20.04.2008, by granting a Salernitana
advantage in the standings, with the aggravating circumstance of alteration and the effective achievement of
for breach of Article. 4, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the CGS:
society Power Sports Club Ltd, by way of direct responsibility and objective as
attributed to its president and his staff.


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Potenza in Eccellenza ma con Postiglione

the plot twist coming at four in the afternoon, but the premises were morning. One of the greatest exponents of the legal department of the FIGC, Gentile's lawyer, had established a contact con il sindaco del capoluogo Vito Santarsiero, e gli aveva comunicato che al Potenza di Postiglione, sarebbe stata garantita la partecipazione al campionato di Eccellenza.
E questo tanto in virtù della norma generale che prevedeva la retrocessione di due categorie (dalla Seconda al campionato regionale) come accaduto a Pistoiese e Sambenedettese l’anno scorso, tanto grazie a una sorta di “compromesso” tra gli uffici federali romani e il club di Postiglione.
Il ritiro del ricorso al Tar (che sarebbe stato discusso non prima del 17 agosto), strutturato degnamente dal club e, quindi, in grado di sovvertire le gerarchie già poste in essere dalla Figc e dalla Lega Pro, sarebbe stato lo spartiacque fondamentale per assegnare rapidly to a category Power.
The company, moreover, had taken notice with a letter-warning, the offices of Via Allegri in a hurry to decide precisely in relation to a very specific situation: namely, that of a club that advances and credits from the Football Federation have money (in the form of surety) bound, but that was removed from the professional league for economic failures, otherwise remediable if the immediate availability of the figures. And in that regard there is the Federation's ok to leave the money to the incumbent power.
And so just the wire, that is, when the association "My Power" was about to quit the cartel Avigliano with the transfer of title to the sport in the city, everything is locked.
Nothing to be done for the project to create an immediate alternative to power, despite already this morning, in the town hall, we were the first bureaucratic bottlenecks.
In fact, the allocation to the emerging reality of the stadium Viviani, was not so sure, particularly in light of concerns raised by some city councilors on the legality and timing of the acquisition of title by the sports association which - in when there was the fourth meeting of the committee - was not the owner of any sports title. Then there
have been developments in the afternoon and also objectively binding decision by the regional committee of the Football Federation could not allow, where appropriate, the new club to play at the Vivian. This is because the possibility of changing the playing venue only and is given only when the main field is inadequate or unavailable, and this is not the case of the Avigliano.
Returning now to the immediate, the Football Federation has officially informed the SC that can power the membership of the League of Excellence (for something will have an additional extension of time limits).
The will of the club and then this one does not expect more shots scene. Besides the availability of capital club Postiglione back all those players born after 1990 (on all three examples: Nappello, and Vincent Gerardi) which serve to increase the capital of the company.
Power which, in turn, also feel "penalized by this decision" because the intention and purpose for which you have worked hard to date - according to the leadership - "was to play at the most in Series D ".
obvious and consequential disappointment of the "My Power" for a long time strove to give some certainty as to the football capital. The sensation perceived by an interview with volunteers is that the future is always darkest.
And this also because of news that we publish next, that the three new referrals suffered from power, with direct responsibility involved. One that leads in the case of sentences harsh punishments: a little 'how to say that the Football Federation gave with one hand, to resume with the other.

source: www.ilquotidianodellabasilicata.it

Monday, August 9, 2010

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Viviani Pz, ultima chiamata per l’iscrizione in eccellenza

• «Una gestione condivisa? Perché no… ma prima aspettiamo gli eventi. Non sono tanto convinto che l’operazione Avigliano vada in porto». Così Pasquale Capobianco, presidente dell’Atletico Potenza, commenta l’idea espressa ieri dall’assessore comunale Ginefra. Capobianco, che due giorni fa aveva commentato la possibile acquisizione del titolo dell’Avigliano Calcio da parte del Viviani Potenza e soprattutto l’eventuale disputa dei suoi match interni allo stadio Viviani, mastica amaro ma ammette la necessità di un concorso di spese per gestire l’impian - to di viale Marconi.

Oggi intanto è giornata
deadlines. The Av Igliano Football, which is a local array or Potenza, will formalize the payment of 7,500 € to Figc Lucan, to secure the inclusion Excellence Lucan. There are hours of waiting, especially to see if goes through the passage of title to the sport of power Viviani President Morlino. Also today is a scheduled meeting of the Sports of the Municipality, to assess all aspects of the issue stage and try to find an affordable solution. Both for the environment - Municipal administration, and for those who will be interested in the management of the 'Vivian'.

source: www.lagazzettadelmezzogiorno.it

Sunday, August 8, 2010

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Si lavora per l’AC Potenza

the first official step
be made tomorrow when
will be put on paper.
The association "My Power"
dell'Avigliano leaders will meet to refine the understanding
already reached
verbally and sealed with a handshake
days ago. We will refine the opera -
ration transfer
sports title from the center of the capital city outskirts
E 'fair to point out that the signature
yet there was, from
momentoche is the same group that wants to be certain
certain circumstances.
The first relates to the indisputable fact
of power play.
And on that certain guarantees would
already arrived by the regional committee of the
Figc that for the first year, will deliver an exception to
society. The second concerns the team colors
chedevono be
rossoblù ones, but also
on this standard is
avoidable, since
deposited on the act official
the committee can be written
grenade "and you can safely take the field with
rossoblù a shirt. The third
at the name. Even from this point of view
the squaring of the circle is the almost
made: the company who moves
is Avigliano Football
power. It is the club's official name
desired by the late Chairman
Giuseppe Di Rocco. That patron
moved his sports title from the nearest power
just to follow up and some certainty in
more of a glorious society and
a number of executives who lost
the desire to do the
Forcing a bit ', potremmoparlare
a sports title that makes
the reverse path.
name, said,
will be abbreviated as A and C bets
Avigliano the abbreviations and calcium, while it will be written for
extended power.
VIVIANI - The question
stadium, also raised
tough and controversial intervention of President
dell'Ateltico Power, Pasquale
Capobianco, who has submitted a request for
use ' plant, the mayor
has informed us not to discard a priori the possibility of alternation
the league, even if
the general principle is well defined.
"The stadium of the city will
given to the society which represents
the capital.
this new reality, involving
several entrepreneurs, who will be questioned again
to give greater consistency to the project, the association
of supporters, el'amministrazio -
he has what it takes for
to have the stadium
citizen. Subject
that we will open the doors for other companies
cittadine». Domani
è stata convocata d’urgen -
za la quarta commissione comunale,
presieduta da Francesco
Fanelli per adottare il
provvedimento necessario.
Sarà il primo passo. Poi
l’iscrizione: dopo di che si potrà
ricominciare a parlare di
calcio. D’Eccellenza, ma sempre
di calcio si tratta.

fonte: ilquotidianodellabasilicata.it

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Questione stadio «Il Viviani a chi potrà gestirlo»

«La guerra dello stadio Viviani? Se penso che fino a tre mesi fa Potenza was in the First Division ... Who wants to play there, however, one can be: provided that it has the liquidity to manage. " It is the bitter comment municipal councilor of power, Peppino Ginefra on the controversy raised by the Atletico president power, Capobianco, and tied the eventual use of the main sport facilities by dell'Avigliano. The title sports the grenade will end up in the hands of the newly formed Power Viviani, who despite having a year to maintain the registered office and the name of Avigliano, plans to play their home games in Viale Marconi. "I'm ready to sit down with the biggest football clubs in the capital - said Ginefra - to give to their availability to play as long as Viviani undertakes - not to treat all aspects of management, utilities and everything else. " No door is closed for Atletico, then? "I have promised myself to visit Capobianco - continues the city councilor to the sport - as Atletico at this time would be formally the first team and the city is right for me to ask what are the needs of those who represent it." And the controversy over the Federal field? "It is not our fault if there are stones, the reloading of land is for the Football Federation, who has three years to manage this side. " Finally, a thought about the failed rescue operation, which aimed to putting the ball rossoblu Eco - excellence as Vivian Power, "shelling out" to € 100 thousand Figc: "People did not believe it, did not respond to requests by the mayor. It lacked the sensitivity to the phenomenon of football. " Meanwhile, tomorrow the sport of the City Commission will meet to discuss the question Viviani.

source: www.lagazzettadelmezzogiorno.it

Saturday, August 7, 2010

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Catalano in panchina

Technically speaking dell'acquisizio -
it diuntitolo sport and its transfer on
elsewhere, in a neighboring municipality. Strategically
one of the roads passable. Maybe even a less
like the square, but not the most scandalous
better: a scandal - in this story -
there is only the inability of a capital city
dimuoversi alone, like what happens every year
Atella, such Oppido to
Policoro, as Miglionico, to name just a few examples of
teams competing cities.
Se però il ragionamento porta a un risparmio,
per così dire, di 100 mila euro, con i quali
iniziare ad allestire un organico competitivo,
ecco che il passaggio dell’Avigliano a
Potenza sta nella natura delle cose.
L’associazione “Il mio Potenza”, alla quale
va ascritto il merito di essersi mossa efficacemente
e con rapidità, anche di fronte
all’evolversi negativo delle cose ha messo ai
voti la proposta. La decisione di sottoscrivere
l’accordo con l’Avigliano è stata presa a
maggioranza, ma è passata. Quindi nella
giornata di lunedì sarà firmato l’accordo e
l’associazione potrà iscrivere la squadra di
Avigliano al campionato di Eccellenza versando
la quota di 7500 euro.
Siamo certi, per aver percepito gli umori
della piazza, che la soluzione non è gradita
molto ma, come dicevamo prima, da qualche
parte doveva pur ricominciarsi e per guadagnare
tempo, la scelta di una squadra di Eccellenza
(peraltro sembrava proprio che da
Avigliano fossero giunti segnali negativi
sulle possibilità di iscriversi), è la meno dolorosa.
After registration you will start to draw up a
technical program that will surely be given to
Genes Donofrio. Even if one may
believe that the technical and managerial staff
could be extended with other figures.
And the meeting last night to Avigliano
Mitro Enzo was also going for ac -
agreement with Donovan and can make a big
contribution for the construction of a worthy youth
strength of its agreement with the
Lecce with the group created to Picerno.
The first official move, then, that the choice will be
a coach and all the indications lead to
Peppe Catalano, now
a loyal team of Power.
Catalano would be the first choice for Donofrio
and also be able to give
continuity to a process of professional growth
that has marked the years of militancy
in Potenza, in roles as diverse as
goalkeeper coach, technical second
and responsible for the first team.
The official investiture will be given to
up Tuesday, and immediately after August
you start working with a group
of players. Ambition, of course, is
to create a winning team since
now, to be ready already
start of the season.

source: www.ilquotidianodellabasilicata.it

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Viviani, scoppia la «guerra»

It began the battle of Viviani. Atletico power and its leadership must attack the mayor Vito Santarsiero and, indirectly, the power Viviani, the association affiliated with the fresh Figc NLD industry you are to avoid the shame of the third category. "Even before we have a championship - he wrote in a note Pasquale Capobianco, chairman of the athlete and former head of the ASC power - the mayor allows the stadium to the new company, while we poor winners of the championship last year and now promotion representatives in the city of Potenza, no recognition. " Capobianco refers to plants "that define the third world is a compliment: see Federal field which, according to a press conference in recent months had to be fitted with artificial turf," and others that are closed for holidays of their supervisors. It complains about the possibility of having to emigrate to other centers or private pay facilities, and institutions are ready "to make giocare a Potenza (stadio Viviani?) squadre di altri comuni». Il riferimento è alla società Viviani Potenza che, in mancanza di sufficienti liquidità e in abbondanza di timori di vedersi rifiutata la domanda d’iscrizione all’Eccellenza, ha deciso di acquistare il titolo sportivo dall’Avigliano, che la serie A regionale l’ha salvata qualche mese fa ai playout. Le trattative in tal senso vanno avanti, ma la riuscita dell’operazione non è ancora ufficiale, per quanto già giovedì si parlava di «fumata bianca». Bisogna comunque far presto, perché il 9 agosto scade del termine for the payment of tuition fees up to the regional tournament and, in some way, one needs to build a new future.

source: www.lagazzettadelmezzogiorno.it

Friday, August 6, 2010

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Comunicato Stampa dell'Atletico Potenza

On the latest football events of Our City, the president of the company subscribed Capobianco Pasquale Athletic Power, participating in the Promotion League (in addition to the championship series C2 calcium and 5 Regional Junior Championships and Junior, young with an adjacent school football) with great astonishment and regret, he learned that the newly founded football club (asd Viviani), although not yet officially included in any regional championship, but only affiliated to the FIGC - LND - Comitato Basilicata region, has already provided to the sports of Viviani, of course we have no objection to any company wishing to do sport and bring the colors of the city Ns as high as possible, we are the first to wish you all the best fans in those who commit time and money to achieve this goal, the undersigned has previously contributed his own company ASC power to the rebirth of Football in the city, no one can imagine the sacrifices at all levels who have dealt with no recognition, now we learn that before you even have a championship to be played on Mr. Mayor gives the stadium to the newly created and organizes meetings to repeat and discussions for the "New Power" to us poor while winners of the championship last year and now in the Promotion and representatives of the city of Potenza, no recognition, Mr. Mayor invited to the party promotion did not appear, but we also did ... have a plaque, not even a thank you, we in our city for 40 years doing amateur sport and we pay the municipal facilities to train (in other realities the regional municipality also bestows grants to sports clubs and does not charge structures), structures that define the third world is a compliment (see Federal field according to a press conference that in recent months had to be fitted with artificial turf, we are not there ...), we realized that we should start preparing pre-season and we do not have a field to train, because they are closed (no communication to the company for the beginning of sport, every year is a surprise to the commencement of various championships ...) but those in charge are on leave or eager to do "window" with the newly born, we will have to emigrate to neighboring countries or to pay private hospitals, and others, according to the latest notizie sono pronti a far giocare a Potenza (stadio Viviani?) squadre di altri comuni, pagando fior di quattrini e a ns parere comportandosi da un punto di vista etico in maniera discutibile, ma questo ovviamente non importa a nessuno, vogliamo restare fuori dai “teatrini politici” che si stanno attrezzando con “nuovi” dirigenti e “vecchi” amici politici pronti a garantire ogni cosa per il bene “comune”, siamo orgogliosi di non essere amici di questa politica.


Potenza, 06 Agosto 2010

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Il futuro è l'Avigliano. Nella Yesterday the Mayor Vito Santarsiero took stock of the situation with the association "My power" have raised € 70,000. The town of Power did not respond to initial expectations. Ultimately, you are not able to raise the money necessary for the inclusion of "Viviani power" than the regional championship. Same as yesterday, the association "my power" has met with the heads dell'Avigliano. The money will be used to lend a hand grenade to the team, which in turn moves to power, and asks you to play at Viviani. The Avigliano will keep its name and its corporate colors (deep red), then next year will change the name. By today the company will have to shell versare 7.500 euro per la tassa d'iscrizione all'eccellenza. Indubbiamente, non c'erano alternative. C'era l'Atletico Potenza, che milita nel campionato di Promozione.

fonte: www.soccerpuglia.it

Thursday, August 5, 2010

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Il Potenza di Postiglione ha presentato ricorso al Tar del Lazio

Intanto finalmente
è giunta l’ufficialità sulla presentazione,
da parte del Potenza Sc, del ricorso
al Tar del Lazio, avverso l’esclusione
dai campionati professionistici. A differenza
di quanto scritto da alcuni siti e
su alcune testate nazionali, il Potenza
non ha rinunciato alla sua azione legale:
l’ha semplicemente ritardata rispetto
alle altre tre squadre.
L’Ancona, la Santagidiese e il Figline,
però, hanno visto respinte al mittente
le rispettive istanze. Di fatto
preannunciando anche la sorte che attenderà
le velleità del Potenza di Postiglione.
Presumibilmente si discuterà dopo
Ferragosto, ma sarà una mera formalità.
Nel senso negativo del termine, ovviamente.
Fatto sta che l’attuale situazione societaria
(ricordiamo ancora la vigenza
dell’amministrazione judicial
Bavetta) requires certain actions.
Galasso, managing director dle
club will have its day in
today relate to the professional
appointed by the court of the power moves
to try to preserve the assets of the company.
This will still be the last act
before the word end on expe -
za, that of power Postiglione
that, despite a promotion
First Division, it will not be remembered positively

fonte: www.ilquotidianodellabasilicata.it