Monday, February 14, 2011

Ct4780 Drivers Windows 7

Convocazione del Consiglio Comunale

Citizens are invited to the meeting of the City Council to be held at the Council Chamber in via Delser 33, the day

MONDAY 'February 21, 2011 - 18.30

for the treatment of the following Order Day:

1. Approval of previous meeting minutes of 27.12.2010;

2. Communications of the Mayor;

3. Summer camps for elderly dependents. Regulatory approval of contributions by participants;

4. Approval of Variation No insubstantial Under Article 36 to PRGC. 63, paragraph 5, letter. a) LR 5 / 2007 and subsequent amendments and art. 17 of the Rules approved DPReg. No 086/Pres. of 20.03.2008;

5. Approval of Variation No insubstantial Under Article 37 to PRGC. 63, paragraph 5, letter. a) LR 5 / 2007 and subsequent amendments and art. 17 of the Rules approved DPReg. No 086/Pres. of 20.03.2008;

6. Establishment of the fixed charge for issuing permits to transport corpses;

7. Establishment of new tariffs - use storage cimitariale;

8. Consideration and approval of Plan disposals and real estate valuations art. Dl 112/08 58 into law 133/08;

9. Additional municipal income tax - confirmation rate for 2011;

10. Municipal property tax (ICI) - rates and deductions for the year 2011;

11. Adopted Budget 2011 - Budget 2011/2013 multi - Forecasting and Planning Report - Three-year annual list of public works 2011/20123ed 2011;

12. Article 3 - paragraph 55 - Law 244 of 12.24.2007 (financial 2008) approval program of study assignments, research and consulting for the year 2011;

13. Communication Setting resolutions passed in social services;

14. Convention for the management of cultural activities and integrative "Culturanuova. Renewal up to 31/12/2013.


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