Per chi non avesse ancora capito i punti della riforma Gelmini dell' università, ecco i punti fondamentali presi da , seguiti da un commento :
“Bisogna avere coraggio – ha affermato il ministro Gelmini – di cambiare l’Università, non difendendo lo status quo ma premiando i giovani meritevoli, i nuovi ricercatori e le Università that focus on quality by eliminating waste and unnecessary courses.
Here are the contents of the bill:
possible for universities to merge or join them on a Federal order to avoid duplication and unnecessary costs.
How today can not join a local university to streamline and reduce costs;
As is: we will have the opportunity to unite and federate local university, also in relation to individual areas of activity, reduce costs and improve quality .
Introduction of uniform accounting income and balance sheet using national criteria agreed between the Treasury and MIUR. How
: the budgets of the universities are unclear and do not calculate the asset base of universities, how will
: Budgets must meet the criteria of greater transparency. Debits and credits will be made clearer in the budget.
Reducing scientific areas, from the current 370 to
nearly half (minimum size of 50 ordinary sector). How
: every teacher is now firmly placed in the scientific areas are often very small, with only 2 or 3 teachers;
As will be: will be reduced to avoid the formation of micro areas, affecting the flow of ideas and giving too much power restricted to cordate.
Delegate to the Minister to reorganize doctoral research in order di creare un vero sistema di formazione di terzo livello sia per l’accademia che per le imprese.
GOVERNANCE Adozione di un codice etico.
Come è: non ci sono regole per garantire trasparenza nelle assunzioni;
Come sarà: ci sarà un codice etico per evitare incompatibilità, conflitti di interessi legati a parentele.
Limite massimo complessivo di 8 anni al mandato dei rettori, inclusi quelli già trascorsi prima della riforma.
Come è: ogni università decide il numero dei mandati;
Come sarà: un rettore non potrà rimanere in carica per più di 8 anni con valenza retroattiva.
Distinzione netta di funzioni tra Senato e CDA, il primo organo accademico, il secondo di alta amministrazione e programmazione.
Come è: attualmente vi è confusione e ambiguità di competenze tra i due organi che non aiuta l’assunzione della responsabilità nelle scelte;
Come sarà: Il senato avanzerà proposte di carattere scientifico, ma sarà il CDA ad avere la responsabilità chiara delle spese, delle assunzioni e delle spese di gestione anche delle sedi distaccate.
Limiti di 35 membri nel Senato e di 11 nel CDA per superare assemblearismo e paralisi;
Come è: il senato è composto anche da più di 50 persone e il CDA da 30;
Come sarà: sarà ridotto il numero di membri del senato a un massimo 35 and 11 of the board in order to avoid plethoric bodies and not accountable.
CDA highly accountable and responsible, with 40% of external members.
Increase the weight of student representation in the Senate and the CDA.
Introduction of a general manager in place of the Administrative Director. How is today the managing director is often a performer with a purely administrative role, as will
: General duties will be of great responsibility and be accountable for their choices, as a real manager of the university.
Evaluation Unit of the University by a majority outside. How
: evaluation groups are now a majority composed of faculty affairs;
As will mean the core assessment should have a greater presence of external members to ensure an objective and impartial.
Simplification of the internal structure of universities. How
: overlapping organs such as the Council during the study, the department council, the faculty, how will
: the bodies will be streamlined to avoid duplication
RECRUITMENT AND LEGAL STATUS OF TEACHERS Commission to authorize national authoritative with the Italian members and for the first time also foreign. How
: the university can hire new teachers without a filter national
How will: a national commission authoritative will enable those who are entitled to participate in competitions for various age. Skills will be assessed and the curriculum based on predefined parameters.
universities may take only those who will be recognized as valid by the committee.
Attribution for approval, a number opened on the basis of quality criteria established by Ministerial Decree on the basis of opinions and ANVUR CUN. How will
: the National Committee, also composed of foreign teachers, will need to speak in favor of the application for registration. There will be no limit to the number of ratings.
Economic incentives for teachers to transfer in order to make feasible la mobilità.
Oggi la mobilità è spesso resa difficile dai costi che il docente deve sostenere per trasferirsi.
Procedure semplificate per i docenti di università straniere che vogliono partecipare alle selezioni per posti in Italia.
I professori dovranno svolgere 1500 ore annue di cui almeno 350 per docenza e servizio agli studenti.
Come sarà: Viene per la prima volta stabilito un riferimento uniforme per l’impegno dei professori a tempo pieno per il complesso delle attività didattiche, di ricerca e di gestione, fissato in 1500 ore annue di cui almeno 350 destinate ad attività di docenza e servizio per gli studenti.
Scatti stipendiali solo ai professori migliori. Come sarà: si rafforzano le misure annunciate nel DM
180 in tema di valutazione biennale dell’attività di ricerca dei docenti. In caso di valutazione negativa si perde lo scatto di stipendio e non si può partecipare come commissari ai concorsi
DIRITTO ALLO STUDIO Delega al governo per riformare organicamente la legge 390 del
1991, in accordo con le Regioni. Obiettivo: spostare il sostegno direttamente agli studenti per favorire accesso agli studi superiori e mobilità.
La riforma , dunque , dovrebbe migliorare in parte l' università. Troppi i tagli,
la Germania ,invece, ha aumentato i fondi destinati all' università and has not fired so many people. It 's just an economic problem. I doubt that all students who made this event have read pagina.La reform improves the quality of the studies, raising the 'Italian universities, but cuts, many courses are reduced or closed. Some points are shared, I believe that the reform is on a strictly economico.Però is a good reform in Italy
will be "bought" and less degrees of teachers' universities will not be favored by relatives: the end of parentopoli.
Gelmini right in saying that the school has become a social safety net of the professors, and because the plain truth. Suffice it to say that it is a bad reform: how all the reforms has good parts and bad parts. Most of the politicians voted in favor of reform. Bersani, contrary to the reform, abstained in a vote for a bill that took away the funds available for a small fee to parties and give it to researchers: there seems to be a 'premier alternative to the party that speaks only? I think not. They all want to remove from the Berlusconi government, without considering the needs of the country: a coup would throw millions of € for the elections!
They take too many
with this reform, which is not bad. Only 'one percent of the students expressed in the square and their fault that the students would do their duty, namely to study, can not do it for large periods! If anything it was better to make a petition (from the Latin peto, I ask for) and end it like this: though many Italians have signed the petition, no reform. But the 'ignorance has led to unnecessary events, why was not collected signatures, and to' universities, apart from the genes, we study only adults, then perhaps they would have won their battle. Organization is impossible to win without a fight as important as this. Are concluded that there 'was no reason to express in this way, it would be enough for only one day national event.
's Italian university is scadentissima: the best universities in our country is the 150th worldwide (Italy 7 th power in the world and 3rd in Europe) and the others are almost at the level of Africa. Suffice it to say that all is well, the reform was needed. I sincerely hope that in the near future the 'best schools in Italy have now. Waste not! This is an objective view: Needless to say, c 'is those who think this way.
Gianluca Bisso