The Seventh Article was posted
The seventh article was posted on . Who is Silvio Berlusconi? is a documentary objected to only in Italy very important to think about. Soon the site will post the draft of the sixth. Gianluca
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
What Color Tie With A Grey Shirt
Prossima convocazione Consulta del Territorio
The Look of the Territory will meet on Wednesday, March 9, 2011.
The Agenda is as follows:
1 - Approval of minutes of previous meeting;
2 - Proposal on actions on the territory of the Municipality of Martock;
3 - Any other business.
The Look of the Territory will meet on Wednesday, March 9, 2011.
The Agenda is as follows:
1 - Approval of minutes of previous meeting;
2 - Proposal on actions on the territory of the Municipality of Martock;
3 - Any other business.
Monday, February 28, 2011
How Long Does It Take For Temazepam To Work?
Sixth Article: The PD and its supporters are utopian. The decline of the Italian School
The Democratic Party is a party and without far-fetched projects. They are utopian. The mere fact that it was conceived and founded by former Democrat and former Communist speaks volumes: two political groups with different ideologies come together can only be a farce. Not only that: the Italian Republican Party, the Socialists and the Italian Liberal Party have contributed to this PD. Bersani, the 'utopian present, it is a shame and a disgrace to the true Italian. He absurd ideas and semi fascist wants to oust the maggiogianza and have the power, but in a democracy is the people in elections that will decide who should govern and not the secretary and the head of a party that decided to be prime minister and proclaim themselves as such.
is a discourse that I appreciate much of Umberto Eco, in dimostazione that are not berlusconiano: la politica italiana al completo è inetta e devasta l' Italia. La cultura italiana è poco considerata e le lingue Latino e Greco sono state ridotte anche al Classico , dove fanno 3 ore di Greco, materia impegnativa ,scritta e orale, che non si puo' fare in 3 ore ( la sto studiando).Storia è stata unita a Geografia e vengono studiate 3 ore al mese anch' esse ( al Ginnasio).La Gelmini è una disgrazia per i classicisti, per gli scrittori, per la cultura ( i turisti visitano l' Italia solo per questo, L' ITALIA è FAMOSA SOLO PER LA SUA CULTURA, ORA SOTTOVALUTATA),PER CHIUNQUE TENGA ALL' ITALIA ED AGLI ITALIANI.Negli ultimi venti anni la Politica ha soltato minimizzato il Liceo Classico , non Berlusconi is only the enemy of public schools. Even if you do not agree with all the ideas of Echo, there are some that caught my attention and to have made me think, though I 's expected from a great scholar and writer like Umberto Eco:
ITALIAN POLICY is absurd and the political parties that represent the ideas of evil 'Italy. Gianluca
Cruising Places In Charlotte
The sixth article posted on the 6 th article Gianluca Bisso
E 'was posted on Gianluca Bisso the sixth article: . Soon it will be available two drafts.
Gianluca Bisso
E 'was posted on Gianluca Bisso the sixth article: . Soon it will be available two drafts.
Gianluca Bisso
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Westwood Wall Heaters, Gas
The draft of the 'article "alternative"
existed (l 'I erased shortly after writing it) a draft on the fourth alternative item. Indeed, the theme is different than the actual theme of the fourth article: the problem of 'immigration in Italy. There were phrases strong and true, but with recent events would have been misunderstood and criticized. And 'certain that as soon as the waters have calmed down, this article will come out, not as the fourth, but as the seventh, then ottavo.Fino will remain only in my head.
Gianluca Bisso
ps: Oran wrote his first article in 2002 by the end of March. Will post as soon as it was written.
existed (l 'I erased shortly after writing it) a draft on the fourth alternative item. Indeed, the theme is different than the actual theme of the fourth article: the problem of 'immigration in Italy. There were phrases strong and true, but with recent events would have been misunderstood and criticized. And 'certain that as soon as the waters have calmed down, this article will come out, not as the fourth, but as the seventh, then ottavo.Fino will remain only in my head.
Gianluca Bisso
ps: Oran wrote his first article in 2002 by the end of March. Will post as soon as it was written.
Why Does The Bridge On My Violin
The draft of the first article
poster also drafts of articles. For now, L 'SINGLE ARTICLE THAT HAS A DRAFT, is the first. The others are originals, not published after changes:
For those who have not yet figured out the points of the reform Gelmini 's universities, here are the key points taken from , followed by a Comment:
reform affects in particular on governance, RECRUITMENT AND LEGAL STATUS OF TEACHERS, THE RIGHT TO STUDY .
"You have to have courage - said the minister Gelmini - to change the university, not defending the status quo but rewarding deserving young people, new research centers and universities that focus on quality by eliminating waste and unnecessary courses.
Here are the contents of the bill:
possible for universities to merge or join them on a Federal order to avoid duplication and unnecessary costs.
How today can not join a local university to streamline and reduce costs;
How will: will have the opportunity to unite and federate local university, also in relation to individual areas of activity, reduce costs and increase quality.
Introduction of uniform accounting income and balance sheet using national criteria agreed between the Treasury and MIUR. How
: the budgets of the universities are not clear and do not calculate the asset base of universities, how will
: Budgets must meet the criteria of greater transparency. Debits and credits will be made clearer in the budget.
Reducing scientific areas, from the current 370 to around half (minimum size of 50 ordinary sector). How
: every teacher is now strictly inserted in the scientific areas are often very small, with only 2 or 3 teachers;
As will be: will be reduced to avoid the formation of micro areas, affecting the flow of ideas and giving too much power to cordate restricted.
Delegate to the Minister to reorganize doctoral research in order to create a true system of tertiary training for both academia and businesses.
GOVERNANCE Adopt a code of ethics. How
: there are no rules to ensure transparency in recruitment;
How will: there will be a code of ethics to avoid incompatibilities, conflicts of interest related to relationships.
Maximum total of 8 years the mandate of the rectors, including those that have already passed before the reform.
As: Each university decides the number of mandates;
As is: a dean can not remain in office for over 8 years with retroactive value.
clear distinction of functions between the Senate and the CDA, the first academic body, the second high administration and programming. How
: currently there is confusion and ambiguity of responsibility between the two bodies will not help taking responsibility in their choices; How will
: The Senate will make proposals for scientific, but it will be the CDA to have the clear responsibility of the costs , recruitment and operating costs including branch offices. Limits
35 members in the Senate and 11 in the CDA meeting and overcoming paralysis;
How: The Senate is also made more than 50 people from the CDA 30;
How is: will reduce the number of members Senate to a maximum of 35 and 11 of the board in order to avoid plethoric bodies and not accountable.
CDA highly accountable and responsible, with 40% of external members.
Increase the weight of student representation in the Senate and the CDA.
Introduction of a general manager in place of the Administrative Director. How is today the managing director is often a performer with purely administrative roles;
Come sarà: il direttore generale avrà compiti di grande responsabilità e dovrà rispondere delle sue scelte, come vero e proprio manager dell’ateneo.
Nucleo di valutazione d’ateneo a maggioranza esterna.
Come è: i nuclei di valutazione sono oggi a maggioranza composti da docenti interni;
Come sarà: il nucleo di valutazione dovrà avere una maggiore presenza di membri esterni per garantire una valutazione oggettiva e imparziale.
Semplificazione della struttura interna degli atenei.
Come è: si sovrappongono organi quali il consiglio di corso di studio, il consiglio di dipartimento, la facoltà;
Come sarà: saranno razionalizzati bodies and avoid duplication
RECRUITMENT AND LEGAL STATUS OF TEACHERS influential national committees enable members with Italian and foreign for the first time. How
: the university can hire new teachers without a filter national
How will: a national commission authoritative will enable those who are entitled to participate in competitions for various age. Skills will be assessed and the curriculum based on predefined parameters.
universities may take only those who will be recognized as valid by the committee.
Attribution for approval, a number opened on the basis of quality criteria established by DM on the basis of opinions and ANVUR CUN. How will
: the National Committee, also composed of foreign teachers, will need to speak in favor of the application for registration. There will be no limit to the number of ratings.
Economic incentives for teachers to transfer in order to make feasible mobility.
Today, mobility is often hampered by the costs that the teacher has to pay to move.
Simplified procedures for teachers of foreign universities who want to participate in the selection for places in Italy.
The teachers are to perform 1500 hours per year of which at least 350 for teaching and student services. How will
: The first set un riferimento uniforme per l’impegno dei professori a tempo pieno per il complesso delle attività didattiche, di ricerca e di gestione, fissato in 1500 ore annue di cui almeno 350 destinate ad attività di docenza e servizio per gli studenti.
Scatti stipendiali solo ai professori migliori. Come sarà: si rafforzano le misure annunciate nel DM 180 in tema di valutazione biennale dell’attività di ricerca dei docenti. In caso di valutazione negativa si perde lo scatto di stipendio e non si può partecipare come commissari ai concorsi
Delega al governo per riformare organicamente la legge 390 del 1991, in accordo con le Regioni. Obiettivo: spostare il sostegno directly to students to promote access to higher education and mobility.
The reform, therefore, should improve in part the 'universities. Too many cuts, Germany, by contrast, has increased the funds for all 'universities and has fired so many pax. It 's just an economic problem. I doubt that all students who made this event have read pagina.La reform improves the quality of the studies, raising the 'Italian universities, but cuts, many courses are reduced or closed. Some points are shared, I believe that the reform is on a strictly economico.Però è una buona riforma , in Italia verrano "comprate" meno lauree e i professori dell' università non saranno favoriti dai parenti: la fine di parentopoli. La Gelmini ha ragione nel dire che la scuola è diventata un ammortizzatore sociale dei professori,perchè e la cruda verità. Basta dire che è una brutta riforma: come tutte le riforme ha parti buone e parti cattive. Gran parte dei politici ha votato a favore della riforma. Bersani ,contrario alla riforma, si è astenuto in una votazione per una legge che toglieva dai fondi destinati ai partiti una piccola somma per darla ai ricercatori : vi pare un' alternativa al premier questo partito che sà parlare soltanto? Non credo. Vogliono tutti togliere dal governo Berlusconi, senza pensare alle necessità del paese: un colpo di stato farebbe buttare milioni di euro per le elezioni!
Per togliere il cavaliere da Montecitorio se la prendono con questa riforma , che non è male. Solo l' uno percento degli studenti ha manifestato in piazza e per colpa loro gli studenti che vorrebbero fare il loro dovere , cioè studiare, non possono farlo per grandi periodi! Casomai era meglio fare una petizione(dal latino peto, chiedo per ottenere) e finirla così: se molti italiani avessero firmato la petizione, niente riforma. Ma l' ignoranza ha portato a manifestazioni inutili, perchè non sono state raccolte firme e all' università, apparte i geni, ci studiano solo maggiorenni, quindi ,forse, avrebbero vinto la loro battaglia. Senza organizzazione è impossibile vincere una battaglia importante come questa. Sono giunto alla conclusione che non c' era motivo di manifestare in questo modo, sarebbe bastato solo un giorno di manifestazione nazionale.
L' università italiana è scadentissima : la miglior università del nostro paese è 150° su scala mondiale (Italia 7° potenza al mondo e 3° in Europa) e le altre sono quasi a livello africano. Basta dire che và tutto bene, la riforma ci voleva. Spero vivamente che in un futuro prossimo l' Italia schools have better adesso.Basta with waste! Gianluca
poster also drafts of articles. For now, L 'SINGLE ARTICLE THAT HAS A DRAFT, is the first. The others are originals, not published after changes:
For those who have not yet figured out the points of the reform Gelmini 's universities, here are the key points taken from , followed by a Comment:
reform affects in particular on governance, RECRUITMENT AND LEGAL STATUS OF TEACHERS, THE RIGHT TO STUDY .
"You have to have courage - said the minister Gelmini - to change the university, not defending the status quo but rewarding deserving young people, new research centers and universities that focus on quality by eliminating waste and unnecessary courses.
Here are the contents of the bill:
possible for universities to merge or join them on a Federal order to avoid duplication and unnecessary costs.
How today can not join a local university to streamline and reduce costs;
How will: will have the opportunity to unite and federate local university, also in relation to individual areas of activity, reduce costs and increase quality.
Introduction of uniform accounting income and balance sheet using national criteria agreed between the Treasury and MIUR. How
: the budgets of the universities are not clear and do not calculate the asset base of universities, how will
: Budgets must meet the criteria of greater transparency. Debits and credits will be made clearer in the budget.
Reducing scientific areas, from the current 370 to around half (minimum size of 50 ordinary sector). How
: every teacher is now strictly inserted in the scientific areas are often very small, with only 2 or 3 teachers;
As will be: will be reduced to avoid the formation of micro areas, affecting the flow of ideas and giving too much power to cordate restricted.
Delegate to the Minister to reorganize doctoral research in order to create a true system of tertiary training for both academia and businesses.
GOVERNANCE Adopt a code of ethics. How
: there are no rules to ensure transparency in recruitment;
How will: there will be a code of ethics to avoid incompatibilities, conflicts of interest related to relationships.
Maximum total of 8 years the mandate of the rectors, including those that have already passed before the reform.
As: Each university decides the number of mandates;
As is: a dean can not remain in office for over 8 years with retroactive value.
clear distinction of functions between the Senate and the CDA, the first academic body, the second high administration and programming. How
: currently there is confusion and ambiguity of responsibility between the two bodies will not help taking responsibility in their choices; How will
: The Senate will make proposals for scientific, but it will be the CDA to have the clear responsibility of the costs , recruitment and operating costs including branch offices. Limits
35 members in the Senate and 11 in the CDA meeting and overcoming paralysis;
How: The Senate is also made more than 50 people from the CDA 30;
How is: will reduce the number of members Senate to a maximum of 35 and 11 of the board in order to avoid plethoric bodies and not accountable.
CDA highly accountable and responsible, with 40% of external members.
Increase the weight of student representation in the Senate and the CDA.
Introduction of a general manager in place of the Administrative Director. How is today the managing director is often a performer with purely administrative roles;
Come sarà: il direttore generale avrà compiti di grande responsabilità e dovrà rispondere delle sue scelte, come vero e proprio manager dell’ateneo.
Nucleo di valutazione d’ateneo a maggioranza esterna.
Come è: i nuclei di valutazione sono oggi a maggioranza composti da docenti interni;
Come sarà: il nucleo di valutazione dovrà avere una maggiore presenza di membri esterni per garantire una valutazione oggettiva e imparziale.
Semplificazione della struttura interna degli atenei.
Come è: si sovrappongono organi quali il consiglio di corso di studio, il consiglio di dipartimento, la facoltà;
Come sarà: saranno razionalizzati bodies and avoid duplication
RECRUITMENT AND LEGAL STATUS OF TEACHERS influential national committees enable members with Italian and foreign for the first time. How
: the university can hire new teachers without a filter national
How will: a national commission authoritative will enable those who are entitled to participate in competitions for various age. Skills will be assessed and the curriculum based on predefined parameters.
universities may take only those who will be recognized as valid by the committee.
Attribution for approval, a number opened on the basis of quality criteria established by DM on the basis of opinions and ANVUR CUN. How will
: the National Committee, also composed of foreign teachers, will need to speak in favor of the application for registration. There will be no limit to the number of ratings.
Economic incentives for teachers to transfer in order to make feasible mobility.
Today, mobility is often hampered by the costs that the teacher has to pay to move.
Simplified procedures for teachers of foreign universities who want to participate in the selection for places in Italy.
The teachers are to perform 1500 hours per year of which at least 350 for teaching and student services. How will
: The first set un riferimento uniforme per l’impegno dei professori a tempo pieno per il complesso delle attività didattiche, di ricerca e di gestione, fissato in 1500 ore annue di cui almeno 350 destinate ad attività di docenza e servizio per gli studenti.
Scatti stipendiali solo ai professori migliori. Come sarà: si rafforzano le misure annunciate nel DM 180 in tema di valutazione biennale dell’attività di ricerca dei docenti. In caso di valutazione negativa si perde lo scatto di stipendio e non si può partecipare come commissari ai concorsi
Delega al governo per riformare organicamente la legge 390 del 1991, in accordo con le Regioni. Obiettivo: spostare il sostegno directly to students to promote access to higher education and mobility.
The reform, therefore, should improve in part the 'universities. Too many cuts, Germany, by contrast, has increased the funds for all 'universities and has fired so many pax. It 's just an economic problem. I doubt that all students who made this event have read pagina.La reform improves the quality of the studies, raising the 'Italian universities, but cuts, many courses are reduced or closed. Some points are shared, I believe that the reform is on a strictly economico.Però è una buona riforma , in Italia verrano "comprate" meno lauree e i professori dell' università non saranno favoriti dai parenti: la fine di parentopoli. La Gelmini ha ragione nel dire che la scuola è diventata un ammortizzatore sociale dei professori,perchè e la cruda verità. Basta dire che è una brutta riforma: come tutte le riforme ha parti buone e parti cattive. Gran parte dei politici ha votato a favore della riforma. Bersani ,contrario alla riforma, si è astenuto in una votazione per una legge che toglieva dai fondi destinati ai partiti una piccola somma per darla ai ricercatori : vi pare un' alternativa al premier questo partito che sà parlare soltanto? Non credo. Vogliono tutti togliere dal governo Berlusconi, senza pensare alle necessità del paese: un colpo di stato farebbe buttare milioni di euro per le elezioni!
Per togliere il cavaliere da Montecitorio se la prendono con questa riforma , che non è male. Solo l' uno percento degli studenti ha manifestato in piazza e per colpa loro gli studenti che vorrebbero fare il loro dovere , cioè studiare, non possono farlo per grandi periodi! Casomai era meglio fare una petizione(dal latino peto, chiedo per ottenere) e finirla così: se molti italiani avessero firmato la petizione, niente riforma. Ma l' ignoranza ha portato a manifestazioni inutili, perchè non sono state raccolte firme e all' università, apparte i geni, ci studiano solo maggiorenni, quindi ,forse, avrebbero vinto la loro battaglia. Senza organizzazione è impossibile vincere una battaglia importante come questa. Sono giunto alla conclusione che non c' era motivo di manifestare in questo modo, sarebbe bastato solo un giorno di manifestazione nazionale.
L' università italiana è scadentissima : la miglior università del nostro paese è 150° su scala mondiale (Italia 7° potenza al mondo e 3° in Europa) e le altre sono quasi a livello africano. Basta dire che và tutto bene, la riforma ci voleva. Spero vivamente che in un futuro prossimo l' Italia schools have better adesso.Basta with waste! Gianluca
Friday, February 25, 2011
Be Romantic To Me In Hebrew Woman To Man Phrases
The fifth article
Fifth Article: 150 YEARS 'UNIT' D 'ITALY
This article is a tribute to the century and a half' s drive D 'ITALY. Unit written in lower case because ; Italians do not feel these, and are ashamed of it. C 'is racism between North and South, the people of the same city (the top and bottom), the Italians do not know how to speak and write in Italian, using a maximum 3000 words, an infinitesimal number, considering the vastness of the words our language, the Italians do not know their culture, ignore ela despise, scorn as the 'learning and school, no one knows the whole' song ... We are not people, we are divided.
E 'correct to say that not all Italians are as described here, but is still a small minority given little respect ... We hope that in another 150 years things have improved. The 300 years' units should be more happy and prosperous. Now there 's only concern and information about the company (its customs and current) alarming (eg. 1 child in 5 is illiterate, the Italians use only bvocaboli 3000, drug use increasing, this crime more ...) . Despite this we celebrate the 150 years of 'Unity' Italy, units not sought by the Italian people, but few people ...
Text of 'INNO
Brothers of Italy Italy has awoken, with Scipio, With
She has bound her head.
Where is Victory?
Let her bow down,
slave of Rome
God has made.
a cohort
Ready to die
called Italy.
Legnano is everywhere, Ferruccio
Every man has the heart, has a hand
The children of Italy Are all called
the sound of each ring
the Vespers.
a cohort
Ready to die
called Italy.
E 'correct to say that not all Italians are as described here, but is still a small minority given little respect ... We hope that in another 150 years things have improved. The 300 years' units should be more happy and prosperous. Now there 's only concern and information about the company (its customs and current) alarming (eg. 1 child in 5 is illiterate, the Italians use only bvocaboli 3000, drug use increasing, this crime more ...) . Despite this we celebrate the 150 years of 'Unity' Italy, units not sought by the Italian people, but few people ...
Text of 'INNO
Brothers of Italy Italy has awoken, with Scipio, With
She has bound her head.
Where is Victory?
Let her bow down,
slave of Rome
God has made.
a cohort
Ready to die
called Italy.
We for centuries
downtrodden and derided,
Why not one people,
Because we are divided.
Let one flag, one hope
us together
Already the hour has struck.
A cohort
Ready to die
called Italy.
downtrodden and derided,
Why not one people,
Because we are divided.
Let one flag, one hope
us together
Already the hour has struck.
A cohort
Ready to die
called Italy.
Let us unite and love one another,
the Union, and the love
Reveal to peoples The way of the Lord;
swear to free Our native soil
united under God, Who can defeat us?
a cohort
Ready to die
called Italy. From the Alps to Sicily
the Union, and the love
Reveal to peoples The way of the Lord;
swear to free Our native soil
united under God, Who can defeat us?
a cohort
Ready to die
called Italy. From the Alps to Sicily
Legnano is everywhere, Ferruccio
Every man has the heart, has a hand
The children of Italy Are all called
the sound of each ring
the Vespers.
a cohort
Ready to die
called Italy.
Son that drunk
swords sold:
Already the Eagle of Austria
Has lost his plumes.
The blood of Italy,
the Polish blood
drank, along with the Cossack,
But it burned her heart.
a cohort
Ready to die
Italy called
swords sold:
Already the Eagle of Austria
Has lost his plumes.
The blood of Italy,
the Polish blood
drank, along with the Cossack,
But it burned her heart.
a cohort
Ready to die
Italy called
Gianluca Bisso
How Do I Delete Poptropica
The fourth article
Mu ʿ ammar Abu al-Minya Qadhdhāfī (known in Italy as Gaddafi) is the prime minister of Libya. In 1969 he was the leader and ideological guide of the revolution of 1 September 69 led to the fall of the monarchy in the country, pro-Western . It was the number one enemy of 'the West incorrectly passed a constitution that defines the Democratic and Libya. Seized all the property and expelled 20,000 Italians. In the eighties, was affiliated with known terrorist groups and then continued his journey he had the sole purpose of holding power in Libya. In fact, he realized that, by counteracting the 'West, would not have been in power for long. He began diplomatic relations with various countries and came to 'the West, as if nothing had happened. Now, in 2011, many people will rebel and threatened with death. The question on everyone's mind about the future of Libya: Gaddafi even though his regime was defeated and destroyed, no one knows who will take power, probably someone who exploit the people libico.IL ARAB WORLD 'IN REVOLT and the U.S., Europe 's do not know how to intervene, they do not know what to do. If you do not making a decision in haste, North Africa could become the Islamic fundamentalist. There 's only the problem of' energy and oil, but also what happens in countries close to ours. Here are videos that show and describe the delicate situation of Libya:
I hope that the various presidents of the West were able to get an agreement and take action to control this dangerous situation and in constant tension.
Gianluca Bisso
I hope that the various presidents of the West were able to get an agreement and take action to control this dangerous situation and in constant tension.
Gianluca Bisso
Thank You Note For Wedding Welcome Bag
The second article The first article
Secondo Articolo : L 'OF ITALY TODAY
L' Italy in 2011.
How many of you 's have imagined that?
How many of you are satisfied with the path of our country in recent years?
None of you wanted a country's worse than that in which he lived. Yet so, the 'Italy has worsened, remained unchanged in lucky moments. The crisis has destroyed the country 's economy. The workers have no future: FIAT after receiving money from the state and having laid off many workers decided to relocate, go to another country. The poor workers, while working, were sottostipendiati, exploited and blackmailed, subjected to a vote whose results have been "manipulated." WORKERS, YOU CAN DECIDE WHETHER OR NOT TO BE LICENSED. It 's absurd.
Families destroyed morally and physically. There 's work, high youth unemployment, the highest d' Europa.LICEI AND UNIVERSITIES 'destroyed, no money ... only one third of the schools is the norm.
There are many other problems, but these are enough to determine that 'Italy is a major crisis.
And the government? A
left thinking, "left", only to power and send Silvio home without worrying about the real problems of the citizens. A majority that you can not 'define it, in fact failed to keep its commitments. Lately, in fact, there 'was no, not definitive, fiscal federalism. The regions and municipalities, innutile waste of public money, are the strength of the League, only justified by the fact that good purposes. But the parties unnecessary and damaging to the country are those of the so-called Third Pole. They have nothing to do with the Italian left and right, are like the "swamp", vote for their own gain. They are not an alternative the PDL, as it is not the PD. It almost seems to be back in the days of the first republic. Everyone thinks of him, the people are not represented by anyone. L 'ITALY is in pieces. The only ones who have not been affected by the crisis and who have the nerve to strike are the players ... At this rate even the mafia will strike ... . Italy is in total chaos. But it should be 'good for' them ', is' all right. THERE IS NO WILL RISE FROM THE GROUND 'AND MEANS TO DO SO.
hundred and fifty years 'Italy' s need to say one thing: 150 years have passed and we have the same problems as before (including the Southern question ...). Gianluca
How many of you 's have imagined that?
How many of you are satisfied with the path of our country in recent years?
None of you wanted a country's worse than that in which he lived. Yet so, the 'Italy has worsened, remained unchanged in lucky moments. The crisis has destroyed the country 's economy. The workers have no future: FIAT after receiving money from the state and having laid off many workers decided to relocate, go to another country. The poor workers, while working, were sottostipendiati, exploited and blackmailed, subjected to a vote whose results have been "manipulated." WORKERS, YOU CAN DECIDE WHETHER OR NOT TO BE LICENSED. It 's absurd.
Families destroyed morally and physically. There 's work, high youth unemployment, the highest d' Europa.LICEI AND UNIVERSITIES 'destroyed, no money ... only one third of the schools is the norm.
There are many other problems, but these are enough to determine that 'Italy is a major crisis.
And the government? A
left thinking, "left", only to power and send Silvio home without worrying about the real problems of the citizens. A majority that you can not 'define it, in fact failed to keep its commitments. Lately, in fact, there 'was no, not definitive, fiscal federalism. The regions and municipalities, innutile waste of public money, are the strength of the League, only justified by the fact that good purposes. But the parties unnecessary and damaging to the country are those of the so-called Third Pole. They have nothing to do with the Italian left and right, are like the "swamp", vote for their own gain. They are not an alternative the PDL, as it is not the PD. It almost seems to be back in the days of the first republic. Everyone thinks of him, the people are not represented by anyone. L 'ITALY is in pieces. The only ones who have not been affected by the crisis and who have the nerve to strike are the players ... At this rate even the mafia will strike ... . Italy is in total chaos. But it should be 'good for' them ', is' all right. THERE IS NO WILL RISE FROM THE GROUND 'AND MEANS TO DO SO.
hundred and fifty years 'Italy' s need to say one thing: 150 years have passed and we have the same problems as before (including the Southern question ...). Gianluca
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The third article
Tunisia, Algeria and Egypt are countries where riots have broken out . They rebelled against unjust governments and semi-dictatorial, where politicians do not represent the people and where the crisis has brought even more misery. The 'Egypt has won this battle, Mubarack has resigned, the Egyptians are hoping that this is the end of a nightmare el' beginning of a new era, an era in which it is focusing on young people and women. There have been demonstrations, violent or not, people have died, "everything has its price and we are the 'we paid" was the comment of a young Egyptian transmitted by TG5. Even in the Gaza Strip are celebrating the resignation of 'now former Egyptian president: Hamas had sided with the Egyptian people, agreed to the claims that the Egyptian people and it was Sami Abu Zuhri, Hamas spokesman in Gaza, said: "We consider the resignation of President Mubarak's announcement as the beginning of the victory of the Egyptian Revolution to which we we support in all its claims. "
I hope that 'Egypt goes back to being the region's once rich and prosperous. The Arab people has proved innovative and full of good intentions, but No party commented on the resignation of Mubarack and no one has claimed this victory. Who will go up in power now? There must be new elections, to ensure that these people willing to choose a president and a party of people who look upon me to do, Egypt to revitalize the country in crisis for years. I hope the Egyptians to be a leader in this delicate and difficult if you think situazione.E non ci riguardi dovete sapere che l' Italia è il maggior partner economico dell' Egitto : perderemmo una grande cifra ! Ma non è per questo che vi dovrebbe interessare, vi dovreste riconoscere in questo popolo che lotta per un futuro migliore.
Gianluca Bisso
P.S. c' è da porsi una domanda: perchè Obama non è intervenuto? Gli USA lascieranno che scoppino rivolte senza prendere alcuna decisione e posizione in merito?
I hope that 'Egypt goes back to being the region's once rich and prosperous. The Arab people has proved innovative and full of good intentions, but No party commented on the resignation of Mubarack and no one has claimed this victory. Who will go up in power now? There must be new elections, to ensure that these people willing to choose a president and a party of people who look upon me to do, Egypt to revitalize the country in crisis for years. I hope the Egyptians to be a leader in this delicate and difficult if you think situazione.E non ci riguardi dovete sapere che l' Italia è il maggior partner economico dell' Egitto : perderemmo una grande cifra ! Ma non è per questo che vi dovrebbe interessare, vi dovreste riconoscere in questo popolo che lotta per un futuro migliore.
Gianluca Bisso
P.S. c' è da porsi una domanda: perchè Obama non è intervenuto? Gli USA lascieranno che scoppino rivolte senza prendere alcuna decisione e posizione in merito?
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Per chi non avesse ancora capito i punti della riforma Gelmini dell' università, ecco i punti fondamentali presi da , seguiti da un commento :
“Bisogna avere coraggio – ha affermato il ministro Gelmini – di cambiare l’Università, non difendendo lo status quo ma premiando i giovani meritevoli, i nuovi ricercatori e le Università that focus on quality by eliminating waste and unnecessary courses.
Here are the contents of the bill:
possible for universities to merge or join them on a Federal order to avoid duplication and unnecessary costs.
How today can not join a local university to streamline and reduce costs;
As is: we will have the opportunity to unite and federate local university, also in relation to individual areas of activity, reduce costs and improve quality .
Introduction of uniform accounting income and balance sheet using national criteria agreed between the Treasury and MIUR. How
: the budgets of the universities are unclear and do not calculate the asset base of universities, how will
: Budgets must meet the criteria of greater transparency. Debits and credits will be made clearer in the budget.
Reducing scientific areas, from the current 370 to nearly half (minimum size of 50 ordinary sector). How
: every teacher is now firmly placed in the scientific areas are often very small, with only 2 or 3 teachers;
As will be: will be reduced to avoid the formation of micro areas, affecting the flow of ideas and giving too much power restricted to cordate.
Delegate to the Minister to reorganize doctoral research in order di creare un vero sistema di formazione di terzo livello sia per l’accademia che per le imprese.
GOVERNANCE Adozione di un codice etico.
Come è: non ci sono regole per garantire trasparenza nelle assunzioni;
Come sarà: ci sarà un codice etico per evitare incompatibilità, conflitti di interessi legati a parentele.
Limite massimo complessivo di 8 anni al mandato dei rettori, inclusi quelli già trascorsi prima della riforma.
Come è: ogni università decide il numero dei mandati;
Come sarà: un rettore non potrà rimanere in carica per più di 8 anni con valenza retroattiva.
Distinzione netta di funzioni tra Senato e CDA, il primo organo accademico, il secondo di alta amministrazione e programmazione.
Come è: attualmente vi è confusione e ambiguità di competenze tra i due organi che non aiuta l’assunzione della responsabilità nelle scelte;
Come sarà: Il senato avanzerà proposte di carattere scientifico, ma sarà il CDA ad avere la responsabilità chiara delle spese, delle assunzioni e delle spese di gestione anche delle sedi distaccate.
Limiti di 35 membri nel Senato e di 11 nel CDA per superare assemblearismo e paralisi;
Come è: il senato è composto anche da più di 50 persone e il CDA da 30;
Come sarà: sarà ridotto il numero di membri del senato a un massimo 35 and 11 of the board in order to avoid plethoric bodies and not accountable.
CDA highly accountable and responsible, with 40% of external members.
Increase the weight of student representation in the Senate and the CDA.
Introduction of a general manager in place of the Administrative Director. How is today the managing director is often a performer with a purely administrative role, as will
: General duties will be of great responsibility and be accountable for their choices, as a real manager of the university.
Evaluation Unit of the University by a majority outside. How
: evaluation groups are now a majority composed of faculty affairs;
As will mean the core assessment should have a greater presence of external members to ensure an objective and impartial.
Simplification of the internal structure of universities. How
: overlapping organs such as the Council during the study, the department council, the faculty, how will
: the bodies will be streamlined to avoid duplication
RECRUITMENT AND LEGAL STATUS OF TEACHERS Commission to authorize national authoritative with the Italian members and for the first time also foreign. How
: the university can hire new teachers without a filter national
How will: a national commission authoritative will enable those who are entitled to participate in competitions for various age. Skills will be assessed and the curriculum based on predefined parameters.
universities may take only those who will be recognized as valid by the committee.
Attribution for approval, a number opened on the basis of quality criteria established by Ministerial Decree on the basis of opinions and ANVUR CUN. How will
: the National Committee, also composed of foreign teachers, will need to speak in favor of the application for registration. There will be no limit to the number of ratings.
Economic incentives for teachers to transfer in order to make feasible la mobilità.
Oggi la mobilità è spesso resa difficile dai costi che il docente deve sostenere per trasferirsi.
Procedure semplificate per i docenti di università straniere che vogliono partecipare alle selezioni per posti in Italia.
I professori dovranno svolgere 1500 ore annue di cui almeno 350 per docenza e servizio agli studenti.
Come sarà: Viene per la prima volta stabilito un riferimento uniforme per l’impegno dei professori a tempo pieno per il complesso delle attività didattiche, di ricerca e di gestione, fissato in 1500 ore annue di cui almeno 350 destinate ad attività di docenza e servizio per gli studenti.
Scatti stipendiali solo ai professori migliori. Come sarà: si rafforzano le misure annunciate nel DM 180 in tema di valutazione biennale dell’attività di ricerca dei docenti. In caso di valutazione negativa si perde lo scatto di stipendio e non si può partecipare come commissari ai concorsi
Delega al governo per riformare organicamente la legge 390 del 1991, in accordo con le Regioni. Obiettivo: spostare il sostegno direttamente agli studenti per favorire accesso agli studi superiori e mobilità.
La riforma , dunque , dovrebbe migliorare in parte l' università. Troppi i tagli, la Germania ,invece, ha aumentato i fondi destinati all' università and has not fired so many people. It 's just an economic problem. I doubt that all students who made this event have read pagina.La reform improves the quality of the studies, raising the 'Italian universities, but cuts, many courses are reduced or closed. Some points are shared, I believe that the reform is on a strictly economico.Però is a good reform in Italy will be "bought" and less degrees of teachers' universities will not be favored by relatives: the end of parentopoli. Gelmini right in saying that the school has become a social safety net of the professors, and because the plain truth. Suffice it to say that it is a bad reform: how all the reforms has good parts and bad parts. Most of the politicians voted in favor of reform. Bersani, contrary to the reform, abstained in a vote for a bill that took away the funds available for a small fee to parties and give it to researchers: there seems to be a 'premier alternative to the party that speaks only? I think not. They all want to remove from the Berlusconi government, without considering the needs of the country: a coup would throw millions of € for the elections!
They take too many with this reform, which is not bad. Only 'one percent of the students expressed in the square and their fault that the students would do their duty, namely to study, can not do it for large periods! If anything it was better to make a petition (from the Latin peto, I ask for) and end it like this: though many Italians have signed the petition, no reform. But the 'ignorance has led to unnecessary events, why was not collected signatures, and to' universities, apart from the genes, we study only adults, then perhaps they would have won their battle. Organization is impossible to win without a fight as important as this. Are concluded that there 'was no reason to express in this way, it would be enough for only one day national event.
's Italian university is scadentissima: the best universities in our country is the 150th worldwide (Italy 7 th power in the world and 3rd in Europe) and the others are almost at the level of Africa. Suffice it to say that all is well, the reform was needed. I sincerely hope that in the near future the 'best schools in Italy have now. Waste not! This is an objective view: Needless to say, c 'is those who think this way.
Gianluca Bisso
“Bisogna avere coraggio – ha affermato il ministro Gelmini – di cambiare l’Università, non difendendo lo status quo ma premiando i giovani meritevoli, i nuovi ricercatori e le Università that focus on quality by eliminating waste and unnecessary courses.
Here are the contents of the bill:
possible for universities to merge or join them on a Federal order to avoid duplication and unnecessary costs.
How today can not join a local university to streamline and reduce costs;
As is: we will have the opportunity to unite and federate local university, also in relation to individual areas of activity, reduce costs and improve quality .
Introduction of uniform accounting income and balance sheet using national criteria agreed between the Treasury and MIUR. How
: the budgets of the universities are unclear and do not calculate the asset base of universities, how will
: Budgets must meet the criteria of greater transparency. Debits and credits will be made clearer in the budget.
Reducing scientific areas, from the current 370 to
: every teacher is now firmly placed in the scientific areas are often very small, with only 2 or 3 teachers;
As will be: will be reduced to avoid the formation of micro areas, affecting the flow of ideas and giving too much power restricted to cordate.
Delegate to the Minister to reorganize doctoral research in order di creare un vero sistema di formazione di terzo livello sia per l’accademia che per le imprese.
GOVERNANCE Adozione di un codice etico.
Come è: non ci sono regole per garantire trasparenza nelle assunzioni;
Come sarà: ci sarà un codice etico per evitare incompatibilità, conflitti di interessi legati a parentele.
Limite massimo complessivo di 8 anni al mandato dei rettori, inclusi quelli già trascorsi prima della riforma.
Come è: ogni università decide il numero dei mandati;
Come sarà: un rettore non potrà rimanere in carica per più di 8 anni con valenza retroattiva.
Distinzione netta di funzioni tra Senato e CDA, il primo organo accademico, il secondo di alta amministrazione e programmazione.
Come è: attualmente vi è confusione e ambiguità di competenze tra i due organi che non aiuta l’assunzione della responsabilità nelle scelte;
Come sarà: Il senato avanzerà proposte di carattere scientifico, ma sarà il CDA ad avere la responsabilità chiara delle spese, delle assunzioni e delle spese di gestione anche delle sedi distaccate.
Limiti di 35 membri nel Senato e di 11 nel CDA per superare assemblearismo e paralisi;
Come è: il senato è composto anche da più di 50 persone e il CDA da 30;
Come sarà: sarà ridotto il numero di membri del senato a un massimo 35 and 11 of the board in order to avoid plethoric bodies and not accountable.
CDA highly accountable and responsible, with 40% of external members.
Increase the weight of student representation in the Senate and the CDA.
Introduction of a general manager in place of the Administrative Director. How is today the managing director is often a performer with a purely administrative role, as will
: General duties will be of great responsibility and be accountable for their choices, as a real manager of the university.
Evaluation Unit of the University by a majority outside. How
: evaluation groups are now a majority composed of faculty affairs;
As will mean the core assessment should have a greater presence of external members to ensure an objective and impartial.
Simplification of the internal structure of universities. How
: overlapping organs such as the Council during the study, the department council, the faculty, how will
: the bodies will be streamlined to avoid duplication
RECRUITMENT AND LEGAL STATUS OF TEACHERS Commission to authorize national authoritative with the Italian members and for the first time also foreign. How
: the university can hire new teachers without a filter national
How will: a national commission authoritative will enable those who are entitled to participate in competitions for various age. Skills will be assessed and the curriculum based on predefined parameters.
universities may take only those who will be recognized as valid by the committee.
Attribution for approval, a number opened on the basis of quality criteria established by Ministerial Decree on the basis of opinions and ANVUR CUN. How will
: the National Committee, also composed of foreign teachers, will need to speak in favor of the application for registration. There will be no limit to the number of ratings.
Economic incentives for teachers to transfer in order to make feasible la mobilità.
Oggi la mobilità è spesso resa difficile dai costi che il docente deve sostenere per trasferirsi.
Procedure semplificate per i docenti di università straniere che vogliono partecipare alle selezioni per posti in Italia.
I professori dovranno svolgere 1500 ore annue di cui almeno 350 per docenza e servizio agli studenti.
Come sarà: Viene per la prima volta stabilito un riferimento uniforme per l’impegno dei professori a tempo pieno per il complesso delle attività didattiche, di ricerca e di gestione, fissato in 1500 ore annue di cui almeno 350 destinate ad attività di docenza e servizio per gli studenti.
Scatti stipendiali solo ai professori migliori. Come sarà: si rafforzano le misure annunciate nel DM
Delega al governo per riformare organicamente la legge 390 del
La riforma , dunque , dovrebbe migliorare in parte l' università. Troppi i tagli,
They take too many with this reform, which is not bad. Only 'one percent of the students expressed in the square and their fault that the students would do their duty, namely to study, can not do it for large periods! If anything it was better to make a petition (from the Latin peto, I ask for) and end it like this: though many Italians have signed the petition, no reform. But the 'ignorance has led to unnecessary events, why was not collected signatures, and to' universities, apart from the genes, we study only adults, then perhaps they would have won their battle. Organization is impossible to win without a fight as important as this. Are concluded that there 'was no reason to express in this way, it would be enough for only one day national event.
's Italian university is scadentissima: the best universities in our country is the 150th worldwide (Italy 7 th power in the world and 3rd in Europe) and the others are almost at the level of Africa. Suffice it to say that all is well, the reform was needed. I sincerely hope that in the near future the 'best schools in Italy have now. Waste not! This is an objective view: Needless to say, c 'is those who think this way.
Gianluca Bisso
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The second mini article
difficult relationship
They died 21 Coptic Christians. It is not important who were killed by Muslims, because the fact remains important. Important to understand that even in Egypt, close to 'Italy, there are discrimination and racism, which makes the people divided. It is not the fault of Muslims but is the fault of Islamic fundamentalists who, like Christian fundamentalists bring only death and distruzione.Da years in Africa and Asia there are problems between people of different religions: there is no dialogue. ; and global institutions? I would saying he does not care, but in fact are the best not to spark wars. E 'inevitable war between East and West, if they are not points' meeting. This is for the diplomacy, not to us, we can only commentare.I governments and laws are different so that the dialogue is difficult. But I hope that the west and east (north and south of the world) can come together, tolerating each other. It remains to the death of 21 persons, who need justice for the victims and the 'whole country of Egypt, so that Christians and Muslims to improve relations. I do not believe in religious authority as the pope which introduces relations with other authorities, but religious beliefs of different religions in that fraternize with each other, only they can change the world and ensure that these are not repeated massacres. They
We Can
Gianluca Bisso
We Can
Gianluca Bisso
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The first mini-article
Scazzi: a pain that has no end Scazzi Sarah's murder was a serious phenomenon by the spectacle of pain Italian television. Both RAI and Mediaset have exploited the pain have to share. Sarah's mother has heard of 'omocidio daughter in a program, something scandalous to say the least. From September to now, the broadcasts of Channel 5 devoted to the case hundreds of betting: an average of two a day, without counting the other networks. Many people have visited, then the places of 'omocidio and of' the occcultamento cadavere.Tutti or almost have thought well to keep the record, making a TV series all yellow. In fact, before the news, the case could be heard on the news talk shows and programs of various kinds. In addition to disgust towards these gold conductor / recycling and journalists, I tried almost hatred towards those who visited the house, well .... there everything looks normal '? Hosted in the alleged creator of TV 'murder, interviewed relatives, neighbors, friends and suspense have given the events of which you could write a book intriguing. I feel obliged to say that not all journalists are heartless and devoid of respect. Many have said that one can not talk about these cases, because they attract to themselves a strong public opinion. It 's true, but we must not forget the respect for the dead and to those to whom the matter is' a cuore.Solo has now stopped talking only of Sarah, moving to an' other poor girl, Yara. Affect only two of them to trasmissioni. Vi chiedo di scrivere a Mediaset e Rai , esprimendo il vostro dissenso verso tale spettacolarizzazione del dolore. E' ORA DI FARSI SENTIRE! Ora anche un calendario dedicatole ,presentato da un tronista. Se non c' è nulla di male perchè sono stati ospiti di una trasmissione ed hanno rilasciato un intervista? Mistero. Gianluca Bisso (non considero questo post un articolo , che per me deve essere scritto in più di due pagine, ma lo considero un mini articolo , espressione che utilizzo per indicare riflessioni più o meno grandi ) |
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Gianluca Bisso Plus
This site is the 'archive of articles posted on and, of course, there will be extra and curiosity-not post news about Gianluca Bisso but on this "plus". Gianluca
This site is the 'archive of articles posted on and, of course, there will be extra and curiosity-not post news about Gianluca Bisso but on this "plus". Gianluca
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
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Tempi maturi per il Wi-Fi a Martignacco: una risorsa per cittadini e imprese
As we begin 2011, Wired magazine has launched an initiative promotion with the aim of raising awareness among municipalities for the dissemination of wireless networks (networks and wireless internet) sul loro territorio: porterà il Wi-Fi in 150 piazza italiane, gratis. L’invito è rivolto a tutti i sindaci interessati, che possono partecipare all’iniziativa inviando semplicemente una mail: abbiamo informato di ciò il sindaco Zanor (mail del 15-02-2011, ndr) , e speriamo che si sia prontamente attivato per cogliere l’occasione più unica che rara.
The speech, however, can and should extend to businesses. Conceive, plan through a coordinated action between private and public nfrastrutture network for businesses at a competitive cost is a factor which often can mean the difference between losing or not a company in the territory .
A questo proposito richiamiamo la Delibera di Giunta 135/2010, con la quale il Comune di Martignacco ha approvato lo schema di Convenzione con la Società Insiel s.p.a., che per conto (e coi finanziamenti) della Regione si occupa di attuare il programma regionale ERMES per la diffusione della banda larga. Nello schema di convenzione si parla di "infrastruttura per telecomunicazioni a fibre ottiche e/o wireless": quindi la rete Wi-Fi è una concreta possibilità.
Auspichiamo che l’Amministrazione Zanor approfitti di questa opportunità per sviluppare un progetto organico, che consenta a noi cittadini di Martignacco e alle nostre imprese di usufruire di un servizio ormai essenziale, quale è il Wi-Fi, a costi concorrenziali: chiaramente siamo pronti ad offrire il nostro contributo nella fase progettuale.
Se volete sostenere l'iniziativa, potete mettere "Mi piace" al seguente indirizzo

L’Unione Europea considera ormai Internet un servizio di comunicazione essenziale, tanto per i cittadini quanto per lo sviluppo economico.
In quest’ottica sono fondamentali le potenzialità del Wi-Fi: connessione veloce senza fili e disponibilità di punti di accesso distribuiti sul territorio. Many times these access points may go unnoticed, they are already present in restaurants, hotels, stations and airports.
At the level of municipalities, which include the City of Clairvaux, with its A9 project ahead of his time, allowed to offer its citizens on the Internet at highly discounted prices, without increasing the administration itself.
In quest’ottica sono fondamentali le potenzialità del Wi-Fi: connessione veloce senza fili e disponibilità di punti di accesso distribuiti sul territorio. Many times these access points may go unnoticed, they are already present in restaurants, hotels, stations and airports.
At the level of municipalities, which include the City of Clairvaux, with its A9 project ahead of his time, allowed to offer its citizens on the Internet at highly discounted prices, without increasing the administration itself.
The speech, however, can and should extend to businesses. Conceive, plan through a coordinated action between private and public nfrastrutture network for businesses at a competitive cost is a factor which often can mean the difference between losing or not a company in the territory .
A questo proposito richiamiamo la Delibera di Giunta 135/2010, con la quale il Comune di Martignacco ha approvato lo schema di Convenzione con la Società Insiel s.p.a., che per conto (e coi finanziamenti) della Regione si occupa di attuare il programma regionale ERMES per la diffusione della banda larga. Nello schema di convenzione si parla di "infrastruttura per telecomunicazioni a fibre ottiche e/o wireless": quindi la rete Wi-Fi è una concreta possibilità.
Auspichiamo che l’Amministrazione Zanor approfitti di questa opportunità per sviluppare un progetto organico, che consenta a noi cittadini di Martignacco e alle nostre imprese di usufruire di un servizio ormai essenziale, quale è il Wi-Fi, a costi concorrenziali: chiaramente siamo pronti ad offrire il nostro contributo nella fase progettuale.
Se volete sostenere l'iniziativa, potete mettere "Mi piace" al seguente indirizzo
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
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Incontro/dibattito sul Federalismo Fiscale
Il PDL di Martignacco, il giorno venerdì 25 febbraio alle ore 20:30, presso il Ristorante "Al Podere ", organizza un dibattito pubblico dal titolo
Intervengono :
Sen. Carlo Pegorer (Partito Democratico)
Sen. Mario Pittoni (Lega Nord)
Sen. Ferruccio Saro (People of Freedom)
follow convivial.
follow convivial.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
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Incontro PreConsiglio Comunale
Thursday, February 17, 2011, at 20:30 at the restaurant "4 ..." by Ceresetto, will be a meeting of the "Commitment to Martignacco" to discuss the agenda of the next Council Hall.
Thursday, February 17, 2011, at 20:30 at the restaurant "4 ..." by Ceresetto, will be a meeting of the "Commitment to Martignacco" to discuss the agenda of the next Council Hall.
Monday, February 14, 2011
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Convocazione del Consiglio Comunale
Citizens are invited to the meeting of the City Council to be held at the Council Chamber in via Delser 33, the day
for the treatment of the following Order Day:
1. Approval of previous meeting minutes of 27.12.2010;
2. Communications of the Mayor;
3. Summer camps for elderly dependents. Regulatory approval of contributions by participants;
4. Approval of Variation No insubstantial Under Article 36 to PRGC. 63, paragraph 5, letter. a) LR 5 / 2007 and subsequent amendments and art. 17 of the Rules approved DPReg. No 086/Pres. of 20.03.2008;
5. Approval of Variation No insubstantial Under Article 37 to PRGC. 63, paragraph 5, letter. a) LR 5 / 2007 and subsequent amendments and art. 17 of the Rules approved DPReg. No 086/Pres. of 20.03.2008;
6. Establishment of the fixed charge for issuing permits to transport corpses;
7. Establishment of new tariffs - use storage cimitariale;
8. Consideration and approval of Plan disposals and real estate valuations art. Dl 112/08 58 into law 133/08;
9. Additional municipal income tax - confirmation rate for 2011;
10. Municipal property tax (ICI) - rates and deductions for the year 2011;
11. Adopted Budget 2011 - Budget 2011/2013 multi - Forecasting and Planning Report - Three-year annual list of public works 2011/20123ed 2011;
12. Article 3 - paragraph 55 - Law 244 of 12.24.2007 (financial 2008) approval program of study assignments, research and consulting for the year 2011;
13. Communication Setting resolutions passed in social services;
14. Convention for the management of cultural activities and integrative "Culturanuova. Renewal up to 31/12/2013.
Citizens are invited to the meeting of the City Council to be held at the Council Chamber in via Delser 33, the day
MONDAY 'February 21, 2011 - 18.30
for the treatment of the following Order Day:
1. Approval of previous meeting minutes of 27.12.2010;
2. Communications of the Mayor;
3. Summer camps for elderly dependents. Regulatory approval of contributions by participants;
4. Approval of Variation No insubstantial Under Article 36 to PRGC. 63, paragraph 5, letter. a) LR 5 / 2007 and subsequent amendments and art. 17 of the Rules approved DPReg. No 086/Pres. of 20.03.2008;
5. Approval of Variation No insubstantial Under Article 37 to PRGC. 63, paragraph 5, letter. a) LR 5 / 2007 and subsequent amendments and art. 17 of the Rules approved DPReg. No 086/Pres. of 20.03.2008;
6. Establishment of the fixed charge for issuing permits to transport corpses;
7. Establishment of new tariffs - use storage cimitariale;
8. Consideration and approval of Plan disposals and real estate valuations art. Dl 112/08 58 into law 133/08;
9. Additional municipal income tax - confirmation rate for 2011;
10. Municipal property tax (ICI) - rates and deductions for the year 2011;
11. Adopted Budget 2011 - Budget 2011/2013 multi - Forecasting and Planning Report - Three-year annual list of public works 2011/20123ed 2011;
12. Article 3 - paragraph 55 - Law 244 of 12.24.2007 (financial 2008) approval program of study assignments, research and consulting for the year 2011;
13. Communication Setting resolutions passed in social services;
14. Convention for the management of cultural activities and integrative "Culturanuova. Renewal up to 31/12/2013.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
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Saturday, February 12, 2011
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011
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Consulta della Comunità
Consultation was held today, February 8, 2011, rather than on February 1 as from previous communication.
Consultation was held today, February 8, 2011, rather than on February 1 as from previous communication.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
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Thursday, February 3, 2011
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School, rigor means savage cuts? That's why we are the 60th place in the world
At the next international surveys on the level of education among primary school pupils Italy is likely to record a dramatic deterioration. inspections in 2006 (PIRLS) and 2007 (TIMSS), our primary school teachers in the coexistence of so to speak, had obtained 50 and 60 place in the world.
It took a complex mix of incompetence, ideology dextrose and demagoguery, even to start the destruction of this national excellence. We know that the minister Gelmini justified his "reform" as the execution of the budget imposed by diktat "genius" Tremonti. Eight billion in cuts over three years. The Democratic Party, that "unconditional but he asks a sharp U-turn on education finance, risk becoming associated with the party of spending and misguided solidarity too often touted (see League's rhetoric) as merely squander public money.
But it is true that cash needs, and then for the common good in theory, should be cut, and therefore compromise the educational service of a country? The recent reorganization made by the Department of the town of Padua School provides some useful data that are worth reflecting on what a reformist approach. While the government reduces the public welfare fund from more than 2500 million € in 2008 to 271 in 2013 (yes, yes you read correctly -2.229 billion in 5 years!), the municipality of Padova has done for the education services half miracle. The lines of this paper were twofold: 1) greater transparency and control over users of the service (checks ISEE), 2) redefining the supply of the service table (new contract tables) that is more equitable because it is right that to qualify public support are those actually in need, and increasing the number of families assisted in accessing services (care, cafeterias, schools, kindergarten).
Thanks to this intervention will not only be preserved municipal services to the school, but in some cases even strengthened the educational activities and I am referring to projects integration, and support of Roma children, bullying prevention and early school leaving, school construction (+180 jobs nest), and also to an actual increase in grants to support (+50%) to poor families. Padova demonstrates that the economic equation rigor equal to indiscriminate felling resulting in depletion of education and its social functions, is an exclusive right to the government. We can and we must strengthen the school as a subject and public service, who knows how to implement real social justice and preserve the common good of future generations.
Philip Pacchiega
school executive responsible citizen Pd
At the next international surveys on the level of education among primary school pupils Italy is likely to record a dramatic deterioration. inspections in 2006 (PIRLS) and 2007 (TIMSS), our primary school teachers in the coexistence of so to speak, had obtained 50 and 60 place in the world.
It took a complex mix of incompetence, ideology dextrose and demagoguery, even to start the destruction of this national excellence. We know that the minister Gelmini justified his "reform" as the execution of the budget imposed by diktat "genius" Tremonti. Eight billion in cuts over three years. The Democratic Party, that "unconditional but he asks a sharp U-turn on education finance, risk becoming associated with the party of spending and misguided solidarity too often touted (see League's rhetoric) as merely squander public money.
But it is true that cash needs, and then for the common good in theory, should be cut, and therefore compromise the educational service of a country? The recent reorganization made by the Department of the town of Padua School provides some useful data that are worth reflecting on what a reformist approach. While the government reduces the public welfare fund from more than 2500 million € in 2008 to 271 in 2013 (yes, yes you read correctly -2.229 billion in 5 years!), the municipality of Padova has done for the education services half miracle. The lines of this paper were twofold: 1) greater transparency and control over users of the service (checks ISEE), 2) redefining the supply of the service table (new contract tables) that is more equitable because it is right that to qualify public support are those actually in need, and increasing the number of families assisted in accessing services (care, cafeterias, schools, kindergarten).
Thanks to this intervention will not only be preserved municipal services to the school, but in some cases even strengthened the educational activities and I am referring to projects integration, and support of Roma children, bullying prevention and early school leaving, school construction (+180 jobs nest), and also to an actual increase in grants to support (+50%) to poor families. Padova demonstrates that the economic equation rigor equal to indiscriminate felling resulting in depletion of education and its social functions, is an exclusive right to the government. We can and we must strengthen the school as a subject and public service, who knows how to implement real social justice and preserve the common good of future generations.
Philip Pacchiega
school executive responsible citizen Pd
Floor Plan Of A Granny Flat
regional budget, the proposals of the Democratic Party for a diversion
With a series of amendments, which define a kind of alternative movement, focusing on a few priority issues, the group of the Democratic Party in the Veneto Regional Council wants to resurrect the budget yesterday, in the present, the chairman of the junta, Luca Zaia, called a''corpse''excellent. Some of the amendments package''- announced the leader of the Democratic Party, Laura Puppo - have already cashed the sharing of other opposition groups.''
Listing the points subject to amendment, Puppato stated the specific amount requested by the opposition and where to find items of expenditure. Among the basic needs the Democratic Party cites the extraordinary plan for the hydraulic and hydrogeological defense of the territory (100 million euro for 2011, available from residues not used for the regional road network). An additional 30 million euro are made for the local public transport, 15 for the special fund to support workers and 10 for small businesses, 20 for social services, 50 for long-term care, care for 20 disabled, 16 for structures for children, schools and 1.4 for the right to education, 10 for the support of the rents.
The PD also calls made in this budget transfers announced by the government,''at least in his predictions minimum, as they did other regions,'' Puppato noted. Amounts are substantial, he said the leader of the Democratic Party, because it says at least 25 million from European funds for the flood, at least 100 for health, others for local public transport.
The budget presented by the majority, said Lucio Tiozzo,''remains open because there is no certainty about what and how many can still get funding.'' ''Beyond the resources that can still get there - said Piero Ruzzante - we found that some sections of the budget for one year could tighten their belts,''recovering 16 million € for priority activities such as diverting from € 130 000 for external expertise, from 300 thousand for severance payments posting of advisers, from one million to public celebrations, from 800 000 to initiatives of promotion of the Veneto, from 365 000 to the publishing business. You can not''- said the director - scrape the bottom of the barrel of families in need and provide for these costs.''
advisers of the Democratic Party have also highlighted that on Saturday, in Padua, the Democratic Party has organized a demonstration against the cuts''low-grade''in the budget.
With a series of amendments, which define a kind of alternative movement, focusing on a few priority issues, the group of the Democratic Party in the Veneto Regional Council wants to resurrect the budget yesterday, in the present, the chairman of the junta, Luca Zaia, called a''corpse''excellent. Some of the amendments package''- announced the leader of the Democratic Party, Laura Puppo - have already cashed the sharing of other opposition groups.''
Listing the points subject to amendment, Puppato stated the specific amount requested by the opposition and where to find items of expenditure. Among the basic needs the Democratic Party cites the extraordinary plan for the hydraulic and hydrogeological defense of the territory (100 million euro for 2011, available from residues not used for the regional road network). An additional 30 million euro are made for the local public transport, 15 for the special fund to support workers and 10 for small businesses, 20 for social services, 50 for long-term care, care for 20 disabled, 16 for structures for children, schools and 1.4 for the right to education, 10 for the support of the rents.
The PD also calls made in this budget transfers announced by the government,''at least in his predictions minimum, as they did other regions,'' Puppato noted. Amounts are substantial, he said the leader of the Democratic Party, because it says at least 25 million from European funds for the flood, at least 100 for health, others for local public transport.
The budget presented by the majority, said Lucio Tiozzo,''remains open because there is no certainty about what and how many can still get funding.'' ''Beyond the resources that can still get there - said Piero Ruzzante - we found that some sections of the budget for one year could tighten their belts,''recovering 16 million € for priority activities such as diverting from € 130 000 for external expertise, from 300 thousand for severance payments posting of advisers, from one million to public celebrations, from 800 000 to initiatives of promotion of the Veneto, from 365 000 to the publishing business. You can not''- said the director - scrape the bottom of the barrel of families in need and provide for these costs.''
advisers of the Democratic Party have also highlighted that on Saturday, in Padua, the Democratic Party has organized a demonstration against the cuts''low-grade''in the budget.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Bang Bros-joshua Royal
Prossima convocazione Consulta della Comunità
The Look of the Community will meet on Tuesday, February 1, 2011.
The Agenda is as follows:
1 - Approval of minutes of previous meeting of 30.11.2010;
2 - Problem of the Secretary and minutes;
3 - Data Center on Summer 2010 and proposals for the 2011 edition;
4 - Extension Youth Work Scholarships 2011 ;
5 - Time Bank;
6 - Results of the questionnaire of the "Open City".
The Look of the Community will meet on Tuesday, February 1, 2011.
The Agenda is as follows:
1 - Approval of minutes of previous meeting of 30.11.2010;
2 - Problem of the Secretary and minutes;
3 - Data Center on Summer 2010 and proposals for the 2011 edition;
4 - Extension Youth Work Scholarships 2011 ;
5 - Time Bank;
6 - Results of the questionnaire of the "Open City".
Sunday, January 30, 2011
How To Microwave Green Beans
Rifiuti, si accende il dibattito
here can read other two articles published in the Messaggero Veneto 26.1.2011, on the issue of the cost of collection.
here can read other two articles published in the Messaggero Veneto 26.1.2011, on the issue of the cost of collection.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Prolapse Womb In Dogs
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Who Makes The Best Ar 15 Cleaning Kit
Monday, January 24, 2011
Airsoft Guns Ship To Canada
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Queens Blvd Court House
Martignacco caso atipico nell'hinterland: i cittadini sono virtuosi e fanno differenziata, ma pagano più degli altri
The original text sent to the Messaggero Veneto, the article now 01/21/2011 (found here )
Civic Party "Commitment to Martignacco" advisers applaud Claudio Helmet and Edi Peak, above all, vice mayor of the initiative Pasian di Prato: Dr Pozzo, whose strong effort against the operator (common) of the waste, or the A & , T2000, has already allowed for those citizens, a significant cost reduction of tax on municipal solid waste. A
Martignacco instead these costs continue to rise! If they have noticed unsuspecting citizens of the City when you are seen to deliver the new folders in December of payments TARSU. Data in hand, the estimated increase from last year is around 25% for housing, while the Enterprise Companies and is 50% minimum.
So what could have happened? Spurred by the complaints or even simple requests for clarification from the Executive never executed, Helmet Peak and began to collect data and experts including assessors of neighboring municipalities, which may be in some way be compared to ours. Result: what emerges from the comparison of these data shows that people in Martock the work of the division of waste into the house they do it well: the cost per capita is about 20 € for the undifferentiated (yellow bag) and 40 € for the differential (number of bins), in line with that of other municipalities.
Yet in total pay more for similar or neighboring Towns: a Remanzacco and Pasian di Prato, for example, that have cost coverage equal to 100%, respectively, every citizen pays 91 euro and 96 euro a year. A Martock, however, well-paying € 104 per person we can cover only 90% of costs, even in the face of poor or reduced services more: see for example the reduction from monthly to fortnightly, collection service of glass.
If the collection is diversified upstream from the citizens, should also have some savings and always growing! A Martignacco this does not happen, it has been possible in individual companies to pay the differential to those who achieved rather than one who undertakes.
So while other municipalities such as Pasiano, administrators are now enabled to get the most favorable conditions for their citizens in dealing with the operator A & T2000 and getting a "discount" equal to about 10% of the total cost to Martock, however, we must acknowledge with regret that the Mayor and Alderman for the Environment have not been able to stem the continuing demands of the operator, which instead have adequate time to time without a wrinkle. Instead of raising his voice, or at least see what stava succedendo nella porta del Comune accanto, hanno preferito mettere la coda fra le gambe e dire di sì all’A&T.
Per concludere questa squallida storia va aggiunto che, per raggiungere la totale copertura dei costi sarà necessario un ulteriore esborso da parte dei cittadini, pari ad un ulteriore 10% in più dell’attuale, aumento tenuto sempre e rigorosamente nascosto eppure lampante.
In questo modo il costo per la Tarsu a Martignacco salirà a 118 Euro pro capite…
Questa vicenda ci pone in condizione di isolamento che sfiora il ridicolo nei confronti delle Amministrazioni contermini: di un tanto non ci resta che ringraziare il Sindaco Zanor, che continua a dispensare a tutti smiles and optimism. Too bad that all that money more likely to be paid by the citizens of Martock, and not by its inept handling of the common good.
Civic Party "Commitment to Martignacco" advisers applaud Claudio Helmet and Edi Peak, above all, vice mayor of the initiative Pasian di Prato: Dr Pozzo, whose strong effort against the operator (common) of the waste, or the A & , T2000, has already allowed for those citizens, a significant cost reduction of tax on municipal solid waste. A
Martignacco instead these costs continue to rise! If they have noticed unsuspecting citizens of the City when you are seen to deliver the new folders in December of payments TARSU. Data in hand, the estimated increase from last year is around 25% for housing, while the Enterprise Companies and is 50% minimum.

Yet in total pay more for similar or neighboring Towns: a Remanzacco and Pasian di Prato, for example, that have cost coverage equal to 100%, respectively, every citizen pays 91 euro and 96 euro a year. A Martock, however, well-paying € 104 per person we can cover only 90% of costs, even in the face of poor or reduced services more: see for example the reduction from monthly to fortnightly, collection service of glass.
If the collection is diversified upstream from the citizens, should also have some savings and always growing! A Martignacco this does not happen, it has been possible in individual companies to pay the differential to those who achieved rather than one who undertakes.
So while other municipalities such as Pasiano, administrators are now enabled to get the most favorable conditions for their citizens in dealing with the operator A & T2000 and getting a "discount" equal to about 10% of the total cost to Martock, however, we must acknowledge with regret that the Mayor and Alderman for the Environment have not been able to stem the continuing demands of the operator, which instead have adequate time to time without a wrinkle. Instead of raising his voice, or at least see what stava succedendo nella porta del Comune accanto, hanno preferito mettere la coda fra le gambe e dire di sì all’A&T.
Per concludere questa squallida storia va aggiunto che, per raggiungere la totale copertura dei costi sarà necessario un ulteriore esborso da parte dei cittadini, pari ad un ulteriore 10% in più dell’attuale, aumento tenuto sempre e rigorosamente nascosto eppure lampante.
In questo modo il costo per la Tarsu a Martignacco salirà a 118 Euro pro capite…
Questa vicenda ci pone in condizione di isolamento che sfiora il ridicolo nei confronti delle Amministrazioni contermini: di un tanto non ci resta che ringraziare il Sindaco Zanor, che continua a dispensare a tutti smiles and optimism. Too bad that all that money more likely to be paid by the citizens of Martock, and not by its inept handling of the common good.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Marilyn Chambers Behindthegreendoor
School: who cut and those who govern
At the next international surveys on the level of education among primary school pupils Italy is likely to record a dramatic deterioration. Respectively in 2006 (PIRLS) and 2007 (TIMSS), our primary school teachers in the coexistence of so to speak, had obtained 50 and 60 place in the world.
It took a complex mix of incompetence, ideology dextroses and demagoguery, even to start the destruction of this national excellence.
We know that the minister Gelmini justified his "reform" as running a budget imposed by diktat "genius" Tremonti - that of "the culture you do not eat" - which has operated a cut of 8 billion euro in three years for the school. Cut that has not only origins in cash needs, but hides a precise idea of \u200b\u200bthe training of future generations.
The Democratic Party, that "no ifs, ands or buts' calls for a sharp U-turn on education finance, risk becoming associated with the party of spending and misguided solidarity too often touted (See League's rhetoric) as merely squander public money. But it is true that cash needs, and then for the common good in theory, should be cut, and therefore compromise the educational service of a country?
operated by the Department's recent reorganization of the town of Padua School provides some useful data that are worth reflecting on what a reformist approach. While the government reduces the public welfare fund from more than 2500 million € in 2008 to 271 in 2013 (yes, yes you read correctly -2.229 billion in 5 years!), The municipality of Padova has done for the education services half miracle . Within two years, speaking strictly on rates and modes of delivery services on individual demand led by the city Department Piron, achieved a total saving of about € 1.7 mil. The lines of this paper were twofold: 1) greater transparency and control over users of the service (checks ISEE), 2) redefining the supply of the service table (new contract tables) that is more equitable because it is right that to qualify public support are those actually in need, and increasing the number of families assisted in accessing services (care, cafeterias, schools, kindergarten). Thanks to this intervention will not only be preserved municipal services to the school, but in some cases even strengthened the educational activities that school is usually to offer (because the school is above all social agency), and I refer to the projects of integration, and support of Roma children, bullying prevention and early school leaving, school construction (+180 jobs nest), and also to an actual increase in grants to support (+50%) to poor families, in short, a real political and material solidarity.
The case shows that the equation of Padua economic austerity = indiscriminate felling resulting in depletion of education and its social functions, is an exclusive right to the government. We can and must be reconciled with the quality of economic austerity services. We can and we must strengthen the school as a subject and public service, who knows how to implement real social justice and preserve the common good of future generations. Philip
school executive responsible citizen PD
At the next international surveys on the level of education among primary school pupils Italy is likely to record a dramatic deterioration. Respectively in 2006 (PIRLS) and 2007 (TIMSS), our primary school teachers in the coexistence of so to speak, had obtained 50 and 60 place in the world.
It took a complex mix of incompetence, ideology dextroses and demagoguery, even to start the destruction of this national excellence.
We know that the minister Gelmini justified his "reform" as running a budget imposed by diktat "genius" Tremonti - that of "the culture you do not eat" - which has operated a cut of 8 billion euro in three years for the school. Cut that has not only origins in cash needs, but hides a precise idea of \u200b\u200bthe training of future generations.
The Democratic Party, that "no ifs, ands or buts' calls for a sharp U-turn on education finance, risk becoming associated with the party of spending and misguided solidarity too often touted (See League's rhetoric) as merely squander public money. But it is true that cash needs, and then for the common good in theory, should be cut, and therefore compromise the educational service of a country?
operated by the Department's recent reorganization of the town of Padua School provides some useful data that are worth reflecting on what a reformist approach. While the government reduces the public welfare fund from more than 2500 million € in 2008 to 271 in 2013 (yes, yes you read correctly -2.229 billion in 5 years!), The municipality of Padova has done for the education services half miracle . Within two years, speaking strictly on rates and modes of delivery services on individual demand led by the city Department Piron, achieved a total saving of about € 1.7 mil. The lines of this paper were twofold: 1) greater transparency and control over users of the service (checks ISEE), 2) redefining the supply of the service table (new contract tables) that is more equitable because it is right that to qualify public support are those actually in need, and increasing the number of families assisted in accessing services (care, cafeterias, schools, kindergarten). Thanks to this intervention will not only be preserved municipal services to the school, but in some cases even strengthened the educational activities that school is usually to offer (because the school is above all social agency), and I refer to the projects of integration, and support of Roma children, bullying prevention and early school leaving, school construction (+180 jobs nest), and also to an actual increase in grants to support (+50%) to poor families, in short, a real political and material solidarity.
The case shows that the equation of Padua economic austerity = indiscriminate felling resulting in depletion of education and its social functions, is an exclusive right to the government. We can and must be reconciled with the quality of economic austerity services. We can and we must strengthen the school as a subject and public service, who knows how to implement real social justice and preserve the common good of future generations. Philip
school executive responsible citizen PD
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
White Dots In Cat Stool
"The Province retreats calendar '
Pier Luigi Bersani said he was "outraged" by the choice of the Province of Padua to exclude from the April 25 holiday calendar. "April 25 is the biggest celebration of this country and undermines the efforts to celebrate it means giving up the commitment to be Italian in a democratic republic. I believe that this decision be reviewed, "said Secretary of Democratic Party response ai giornalisti che gli hanno ricordato la polemica in Veneto. Bersani è tornato nella sua Bettola per il 66esimo anniversario della strage di Rio Farnese, sulle montagne della Valnure. Il 12 gennaio 1945 ci fu l'eccidio più grave compiuto dalle forze militari naziste in provincia di Piacenza: l'esecuzione a freddo di 21 partigiani. «Alla domanda se questi giovani partigiani sono morti invano si deve rispondere ogni giorno, difendendo i valori della Costituzione e della Resistenza», ha sostenuto Bersani. In realtà, l'assessore provinciale alla Cultura, Leandro Comacchio, non ha alcuna intenzione di fare dietrofront e ha ribadito l'intenzione di ripetere la pubblicazione del calendario anche nel 2011. Nell'edizione diffusa qualche settimana fa, Comacchio ha cancellato le feste nazionali del 25 aprile (Liberazione dell'Italia dal nazifascismo) e del 1º maggio (festa del lavoro, riconosciuta in tutta Europa, Usa, Canada etc) senza poi fare autocritica per la clamorosa «svista». Forse vale la pena di ricordare che la festa del lavoro fu soppressa durante il ventennio fascista che preferì festeggiare la festa del lavoro italiano il 21 aprile in coincidenza con il «Natale di Roma». Sulla vicenda interviene Andrea Colasio, assessore alla Cultura del comune di Padova. «Credo sia utile a tutti smorzare le polemiche e non usare la storia in chiave di lotta politica. Ricordo un sondaggio che l'opinione pubblica veneta spaccata a metà nel giudizio sulla Resistenza, but the ideological forcing the Province does not help. If the league was able to mitigate his hostility towards the Risorgimento and the Resistance would be a great step forward for everyone. Comacchio learn from the mayor of Verona, Flavio Tosi, who invited the President Napolitano to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. On large symbolic narratives, Bossi should not play the card of the enemy but of a different cultural heritage and shared. There are other stories besides the Po Valley and federalism: the working class, the Catholic world, the Resistance, the Risorgimento, "concludes Colasio.
Pier Luigi Bersani said he was "outraged" by the choice of the Province of Padua to exclude from the April 25 holiday calendar. "April 25 is the biggest celebration of this country and undermines the efforts to celebrate it means giving up the commitment to be Italian in a democratic republic. I believe that this decision be reviewed, "said Secretary of Democratic Party response ai giornalisti che gli hanno ricordato la polemica in Veneto. Bersani è tornato nella sua Bettola per il 66esimo anniversario della strage di Rio Farnese, sulle montagne della Valnure. Il 12 gennaio 1945 ci fu l'eccidio più grave compiuto dalle forze militari naziste in provincia di Piacenza: l'esecuzione a freddo di 21 partigiani. «Alla domanda se questi giovani partigiani sono morti invano si deve rispondere ogni giorno, difendendo i valori della Costituzione e della Resistenza», ha sostenuto Bersani. In realtà, l'assessore provinciale alla Cultura, Leandro Comacchio, non ha alcuna intenzione di fare dietrofront e ha ribadito l'intenzione di ripetere la pubblicazione del calendario anche nel 2011. Nell'edizione diffusa qualche settimana fa, Comacchio ha cancellato le feste nazionali del 25 aprile (Liberazione dell'Italia dal nazifascismo) e del 1º maggio (festa del lavoro, riconosciuta in tutta Europa, Usa, Canada etc) senza poi fare autocritica per la clamorosa «svista». Forse vale la pena di ricordare che la festa del lavoro fu soppressa durante il ventennio fascista che preferì festeggiare la festa del lavoro italiano il 21 aprile in coincidenza con il «Natale di Roma». Sulla vicenda interviene Andrea Colasio, assessore alla Cultura del comune di Padova. «Credo sia utile a tutti smorzare le polemiche e non usare la storia in chiave di lotta politica. Ricordo un sondaggio che l'opinione pubblica veneta spaccata a metà nel giudizio sulla Resistenza, but the ideological forcing the Province does not help. If the league was able to mitigate his hostility towards the Risorgimento and the Resistance would be a great step forward for everyone. Comacchio learn from the mayor of Verona, Flavio Tosi, who invited the President Napolitano to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. On large symbolic narratives, Bossi should not play the card of the enemy but of a different cultural heritage and shared. There are other stories besides the Po Valley and federalism: the working class, the Catholic world, the Resistance, the Risorgimento, "concludes Colasio.
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