Friday, December 31, 2010

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Buon 2011

The group of "Commitment to Martignacco" wishes you all Happy 2011!

Our promise is our greatest renewed and continued commitment to serve the citizens.

Friday, December 24, 2010

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Auguri di Buon Natale 2010

Best wishes for a Happy and Peaceful Christmas to all of you and your loved ones

Ureterovesical Junction ?

Convocazione del Consiglio Comunale

Citizens are invited to the meeting of the City Council to be held at the Council Chamber of via Delser 33, the day

MONDAY 'December 27, 2010 - 18.30

for the treatment of the following Agenda:

1. Approval of the minutes of previous meeting 29.11.2010;

2. Adoption of the Preliminary Environmental Report to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) on the project "Development of a hippo-tourist road of integration between the hippo Cormor Valley Parks and meadows of the Martock and Pasian di Prato;

3. Adoption of the Preliminary Environmental Report to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) on the project "Construction of the new School for Children" on Nogaredo of Prato

4. City of Meadows Park Blessed Bertrand, approved pursuant to art. LR with 6 of Presidential Decree 42/1996 of 21.02.2002 No Region 050/Pres. No Adoption Option 1;

5. Adherence to the One Stop Shop Inter-Udinese Area. Approval scheme of the Convention;

6. Identification of the company by the Municipality of Martock pursuant to art. 3, paragraph 28 of Law No. 244 of 24.12.2007 (financial 2008). Authorization for the maintenance or divestitures;

7. Request City Council convened pursuant to art. 22 of the Statute concerning "Redevelopment of the town of Martock - The Lot" - variant;

8. Interpellations.

Monday, December 13, 2010

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Presentato Ordine del Giorno

E 'was presented on the following Agenda, which will presumably be discussed December 27, 2010:

Subject: "Redevelopment of the town of Martock - The Lot" - Variant

I undersigned Municipal Councillors,


that the majority has never brought into question the project "Rehabilitation of the town of Martock" in the City Council;

the numerous and continuous calls for discussion undertaken by the opposition and by the people themselves, materialized from the agenda, "Regeneration of the town of Martock. Guiding principles - supporting proposals "discussed in the Municipal Council of 29/04/2010;


the first suspension of work required by the Superintendence for the Architectural and Landscape in FVG ( with Act No. 5853 of 16.09.2010), which states "with respect to the Parsonage and its appurtenances, owned by the municipality, the approval remains outside waiting to be forwarded to the Superintendent that the historical record Art on the building ";

the second suspension of the work required by the Superintendent (with Act No. 6853 of 27.10.2010), which states

-" the Church and rectory with its appendages, bound by operation of law "
-" lack of clear documentation "
-" you have the suspension of work in any way on the trees "
and there is the following explicit request" necessary and an urgent meeting on the issues concerned, in order to define a shared project, a variant of one originally presented ";


as expressed by the Deputy Mayor of the City Council Houses in 27/09/2010 "I believe that the contribution of more than one person can do nothing better than going to those who are design aspects of the various works "


to convene the City Council pursuant to Art. 22 of the Municipal Statute,

and, with this document, to engage the mayor and the council to involve:

- population;
- Consult the Territory;
- City Council;
necessary in all future versions of the original project of "Rehabilitation Centre of Urban Martock - The Lot" from that required by the Superintendency of 27/10/2010.

Martock, November 29, 2010

Old Claudio
Pagnutti Orietta
Peak Peak Edi

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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It 'better to live near an incinerator rather than next to a cement factory? Laura Puppato

seems true! A report in the 'Mattino di Padova' of 29 October last reported statements by the technical manager of the incinerator of San Lazzaro, which showed a remarkable level of tolerance of diversity, per i fattori inquinanti immessi in atmosfera, dagli inceneritori e dai cementifici.
In verità, se confrontiamo le norme, il risultato è il seguente:

i cementifici hanno questi limiti:

- polveri totali: mg 30/Nm³

- biossido di zolfo: mg.600/Nm³

- ossido di azoto: mg.1800/Nm³

gli inceneritori hanno questi limiti:

- polveri totali: mg.10/Nm³

- biossido di zolfo: mg. 50/Nm³

- ossido di azoto: mg. 200/Nm³.

Per conoscere le ragioni di tale diverso orientamento e le iniziative del Governo per allineare i limiti tollerati per i cementifici, alla più prudente soglia fissata per gli inceneritori, ho presentato la interrogazione che segue.

Si tratta evidentemente di un problema che ha un elevato impatto sulla salute dei cittadini e che costituisce un vero e proprio allarme, come hanno evidenziato i comitati sorti a Monselice, perché alla evidente disparità di cautela nella valutazione della pericolosità degli inquinanti si unisce la concentrazione di ben tre impianti nel diametro di pochi kilometri, moltiplicando per three quantities of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere.


December 6, 2010

question for written answer by Anna Margaret MIOTTO
To the Ministers of Health, Environment and Production Activities. - To know -

Given that:

the limits for incinerators, cement kilns and incinerators, by current standards for air emissions of pollutants appear to be uneven and in particular for cement Legislative Decree 04/03/2006, No 152 provides that the daily limits are as follows:

- total dust mg 30/Nm ³

- sulfur dioxide: mg.600/Nm ³

- nitric oxide: mg.1800/Nm ³

-energy plants and incinerators for the Legislative Decree 05/11 .2005, No. 133 implementing Directive 2000/76/EC on the incineration of waste, includes the following limits:

- total dust mg.10/Nm ³

- sulfur dioxide: mg. 50/Nm ³

- nitric oxide: mg. 200/Nm ³

macroscopic diversity is a clear maximum tolerable limits for pollutants like, very dangerous to health;

not evidenced by any standards additional constraint, where a territorial district a few kilometers away, operates more than a cement plant, multiplying by two or three quantity of pollutants discharged into the atmosphere -:

if Ministers wish to align the limits of the pollutants expected to cement At the level of energy plants;

Ministers consider whether to specify the minimum distance from the facilities mentioned in the introduction, in order to prevent serious risks to human health, in the presence of multiple systems within the same territory.
