Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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Berlusconi resigns

"Signor Presidente, è difficile immaginare che quest'Aula possa continuare nel percorso naturale dei lavori ignorando completamente o fingendo di ignorare quello che stiamo leggendo sui giornali e ascoltando nelle televisioni italiane e di tutto il mondo, cioè le vicende che riguardano il Presidente del Consiglio. Non sta a noi, né come singoli né come opposizione, una valutazione sugli aspetti giudiziari, che competono alla magistratura.
Non sta nemmeno a noi, né come singoli né come opposizione, una valutazione morale su ciò che stiamo leggendo. Ogni italiano, in queste ore, si sta già facendo un'idea per conto suo. Noi poniamo un altro problema.

When a statesman is involved in a case such as this, if it is a statesman, his first concern is not to involve his country, not to involve the international image of Italy, not to involve the institutions of the Republic .
We know that Berlusconi has never done that does not fall in his way of thinking because it is believed more than anything, even the law, however, this time there is middle ground, even more, the international image of our country, totally discredited, as we see from reading the newspapers these sad days. There's half the credibility that it must have, from the point of view, who leads a country.
We want to say to President Berlusconi: even if there were no crimes, may perhaps continue to lead the country after the events that have happened and things that we read?
There is the need of half of the Italians and the dramatic need to have a government that governments have a prime minister to take charge of their problems.
That's why we ask in this politically that the Democratic Party and his secretary had already called off: at least the end of his political career, Mr Berlusconi has a burst of dignity, resigns and goes to defend itself in courtrooms by the infamous accusations that he received.
And if you consider that you are innocent, do not go to waste in the courts, but ask them to show up as soon as possible to defend himself.
resign and leave it to the Head of State, Parliament and his own majority in the street and find the right people to save the country and to rebuild the credibility of the institutions of the Republic before the world but especially in the face of Italians. "


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