Sunday, November 28, 2010

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message to the event No Revamping

Dear friends, I apologize for the lack
, but today, in conjunction with your event is taking place in Vicenza regional initiative of PD in which my presence is essential.
a few weeks, I am aware of your problem and the debate that surrounded the project of revamping its facilities in Lower Italcementi Padua. The topic is particularly dear to me also as chairman of the Forum for the environmental policies of the Democratic Party.
I think that few have realized that what it means to live in the area of \u200b\u200bcement and what will the environmental consequences of this project for an area that suffers from decades of wounds, however, in an area that has particular safeguards. Those plants with high environmental impacts, such as cement, are incompatible with the Environmental Plan of the Park Hills Hills, which is a value on which to base a development compatible and consistent with its establishment and its purposes. In addition, the economic framework of the project involves an intervention of € 160 million. But this investment can be amortized as if there is already a reduction in production and a fall in demand and prices of cement? It runs the grave risk that to ensure the production process, waste of any kind are used as RDF or pet-coke, a toxic and harmful waste, which is considered a fuel thanks to a 2002 law. Its composition, including benzopyrene, a highly carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, oxides of sulfur and heavy metals such as nickel, chromium and vanadium. And as you know, cement is not subject, while burning waste, controls and emission limits for incinerators.

mobilization are engaged hundreds of citizens, committees and associations for the protection of health and the environment, but many governments of the region, some professional bodies and the parish pastoral councils who have taken a clear position. The formal request submitted by the committees "Let us breathe" and "What about us?", Last month the Italcementi has responded by threatening to sue those who had signed it. An unacceptable act of intimidation, which tends to prevent the right of expression and protection of citizens' interests conflict with those of the multinational cement. Revamping The opposition to the project has always been civil and open to comparison, while the other side there were only vilification and blackmail, including employment. The defense's job is not in any case regardless of the health of residents in the territories concerned. The theme of cement and deicoinceneritori affects the environment and at work, putting in conflict who favors one over another, matralasciando something that I consider to be the veroresponsabile of these tensions, the absence of regional policy. Personally I agree with the posizione che in questi ultimi giorni il Partito Democratico padovano ha sostenuto con grande coraggio, ovvero la sua contrarietà al progetto. Una posizione giunta dopo un ascolto del territorio. Quello che si dovrebbe sempre fare quando un problema riguarda la salute dei cittadini e la qualità della vita. Ovviamente rimango a vostra disposizione per ogni iniziativa che in futuro vorrete organizzare.

27 novembre 2010

Laura Puppato
Capogruppo PD Regione Veneto

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I Wore Sister's Leotard

Attività of the consultation - call

The Look of the Community will meet on Tuesday, November 30, 2010, to "only" 6 months and 26 days (209 days total) since the last meeting.

The Order Day is as follows:
1 - Approval Minutes earlier session;
2 - Proposals by the council for the year 2011;
3 - Glasses of Happy Holidays.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

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Next Meeting open to all - PreConsiglio

Saturday, November 27, 2010 at 11:00 am at the inn "4 ..." by Ceresetto will be a meeting open to all, organized by the group "Commitment to Martock, to meet and discuss with the topics on the agenda of the next City Council, as well as to explore other topics of interest and relevance.

The invitation is open to all interested citizens.

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Convocation Hall of the City Council

Citizens are invited to the meeting of City Council to be held at the Council Chamber in via Delser 33, the day

MONDAY 'November 29, 2010 - AT 20:00

for the treatment of the following Agenda:

1) Approval of minutes of previous meeting of 8:11 .2010;

2) Ratification of City Council Resolution No. 187 of 03.11.2010 concerning "Budget 2010 - No Change 8"

3) Budget 2010 - General Bedding - No Change 9;

4) Withdrawal from the Convention Polo librarian Sebina;

5) Communication No withdrawal 4 year 2010 from the reserve fund;

6) Approval of the preliminary draft "Reorganization of the hill plumbing upstream of the Tower" and simultaneous adoption of the No variant PRGC 36 to tie for the imposition of pre-ordered the expropriation;

7) Approval of the preliminary draft "work center renovation and expansion of municipal waste disposal and similar to Martock and contextual adoption of variant No PRGC 37 to tie for the imposition of pre-ordered the expropriation;

8) Review agenda;

9) challenge.

Monday, November 22, 2010

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Letter of Francesco Corso Mayors Convention on the territory of the Park-Italcementi Italcementi Revamping the provincial

Cari Colleghi Sindaci,
quando abbiamo dato vita al documento sul Revamping Italcementi ci siamo ritrovati e ne abbiamo discusso non come uomini di parte ma come persone che have responsibility for our community. Responsibilities that we have been given from above but by the vote of our citizens.
We have agreed together to affirm the dignity of directors who were asking the sacred question of the prospects for future development of our area and how this would be mortgaged for 30-40 years, any notion of environmentally sustainable development for our beautiful territory.
Then we had not obeyed team orders and we were right not to party but as an administrator.

Now why do not you go over that road together and discuss how auditors even before as belonging to a political party? The health, the environment and the work we have always said that no political color. They were just words? Why not talk about it? Why not check out through a meeting, a discussion if arriving at a shared location? Maybe we could all agree that a thirty year mean forever, that many years! Too many. Maybe you could ask to adopt emission standards for incinerators and save money in the coming decades, a significant part of pollution, which if reduced, will be very heavy. But above all we could verify with our ability:
- to safeguard all the jobs the plant working on legislative proposals for the recruitment to defend the territory, which has become fragile,
- Save the credibility of the Park Hills,
- at the same time to make courageous choices as they did 40 years ago our fathers, that did not stop the quota but who knew how to look up to nowadays.

least talk about it among ourselves, with dignity. Then each in his own way if there were no convergence, with the result of stopping the clocks for thirty years.

Francesco Corso
Mayor Baone

Friday, November 19, 2010

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The Hills Park Hills is a value on which to base a development compatible and consistent with its establishment and its purposes. Compliance with the law passes through consistent behaviors and choices con la Legge Regionale istitutiva del Parco Colli e con quanto disposto dalle norme del Piano Ambientale (Legge anche questa  della Regione Veneto).
Il progetto Revamping dell'Italcementi confligge con l'art. 19 del Piano Ambientale del Parco Colli e la Commissione Tecnica del Parco lo ha bocciato in quanto lo stabilimento insiste nel perimetro del Parco.
Nel merito, la conclusione sopra riportata appare fondata su una lettura delle norme.
Infatti al comma 1 dell'art. 19 delle NTA le cementerie sono elencate tra gli impianti che sono da considerare “ incompatibili con le finalità del Parco” .

whole set of rules related to cement plants is a consequence of this limitation of departure, for which planning agreements and conventions referred to in paragraph 3 of that Article. 19 intervention projects or unit referred to in c. Article 15. 36, are clearly aimed at trying to turn on the modalities to carry, with several possible routes, the objective of "sale", or "conversion" or "relocation".
This approach is also explicitly stated in at least two steps, al par. 3.2.3. e al par. 4.2., della Relazione del Piano Ambientale.
Va messo inoltre in particolare evidenza che la scelta fatta per le cementerie è  coerente con l'impostazione di fondo del Piano Ambientale e non solo con riferimento alla decisione, già di per se stessa fortemente indicativa, di confermare l'obiettivo della totale chiusura delle cave, anche di quelle che alimentano i cementifici (obiettivo ormai praticamente raggiunto), ma anche, se non soprattutto, con riferimento alla scelta qualificante che sta alla base di tutto il Piano e che viene evidenziata proprio come primo punto all'inizio della Relazione illustrativa del Piano stesso. Cioè l'obiettivo to "shift the focus from the 'heart' of the Park to its periphery , ie from the central foothills area where just one part" you experience the main problems, conflicts and incompatibilities that must be addressed to ensure effectively the protection of the Park , "but where on the other hand" loom even more opportunities to promote the enhancement and proper use " . It is not by chance that the prospect of removing the cement concrete are contrasted in this foothills of the most qualifying projects of exploitation (see the "gates" and "courts" of the Park and all the other projects listed in Articles 34, 35 and 36 of the NTA).
- We believe it is the prerogative of every political force foresight to envisage a development that safeguards the health and based on the value of the huge historical, monumental, environmental and natural that our own territories, which hitherto has been seriously affected and compressed by the needs of an economy that was primarily based on the destruction of the hills Hills in the past and present on a very heavy pollution caused by the presence within a few miles of three cement factories and heavy vehicular traffic that has no equal in our province.
The revamping has for us the value of a strong mortgage on the type of future development for the area in which we live and the health of citizens.
It announced the reduction of lead for many years, however, the continued, albeit at reduced levels, a high pollution that we will continue to breathe.
In this context, the proposal is part of the PD Monselice who had the merit to engage in face of difficult scenarios to provoke discussion and alternative proposals decisions of Italcementi SpA

- once again require the Province and the Region, who have had and have the responsibility for the planning of our area, to establish urgently with Park Hills, interested municipalities, trade unions, trade associations a work table, to verify and / or alternative proposals to build shared to initiate a proactive employment policy for low-Padua, also with the aim of verifying shared the opportunity to reach an agreement program to redevelop urban-environmental-tourism area.

"We are well aware that the search for an environmentally sustainable development consistent with the vocation of our country can not ignore the employment protection currently in place. The jobs must be preserved. Therefore the regional, provincial, Park Hills and municipalities concerned must take action to promote the search for alternative employment, encouraging the creation of projects in our area, on which will keep the commitment and cooperation of the Democratic Party. In this sense, we encourage our directors and regional representatives in Parliament to draw up legislative proposals agreed with the territory to promote employment in our area and for the conversion of industrial areas concerned.

- The defense of jobs may not in every case regardless of the health of residents in the territories concerned.
Health should be fully ensured and courage! For the citizens of Padua Hills and Lower must be guaranteed the right to health regardless of whether or not continuation of the production of cement, from adopting children now limits for incinerators.

Democratic Party of Province of Padua

Article .19, comma 1, letter "c" of the NTA of the Environmental Plan of the Park Hills Park Hills defines incompatible with the " production facilities with high environmental impact, such as cement .

Article No 19, paragraph 3 of the Environmental Plan reads " With regard to the existing cement plants [...] the Authority may request the conclusion of the program with the region, with the Ministero dell’Ambiente, i comuni e altri soggetti pubblici competenti, ai sensi dell’articolo 26 della legge 6 dicembre 1991, n. 394 e dell’articolo 27 della legge 8 giugno 1990, n. 142, (ora D.L. 18 Agosto 2000 n. 267) per il coordinamento delle azioni di contenimento dell’impatto ambientale e paesistico e per concertare, con le aziende stesse, strategie di adeguamento, ed eventuale riconversione e/o rilocalizzazione delle attività e degli impianti. In ogni caso gli interventi eccedenti la manutenzione e l’adeguamento degli impianti e delle strutture e le ristrutturazioni interne, sono subordinati alla stipula di apposite convenzioni, con la partecipazione dell’Ente Parco e dei Comuni interessati, che definiscano in particular:
-a) how and when the ongoing concern with particular regard for the traffic generated
-b) the manner and timing of any divestitures, and the conditions of sediments and reuse of buildings, to be verified in the context of local planning instruments, as specified by the PA
-C) investment programs, employment and re-absorption of any leakage in areas outside .

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Activities of the consultation - Next meeting

The Look of cultural and recreational associations will meet on Tuesday, November 30, 2010 for the treatment of the following Agenda:

1) Approvazione verbale seduta precedente;

2) Comunicazioni da parte dell’Amministrazione comunale e di Associazione del territorio in merito all’acquisto di materiali utilizzabile da tutte le Associazioni;

3) Proposte e suggerimenti riguardo alle decorazioni luminose in previsione dei festeggiamenti per il Natale 2011;

4) Varie ed eventuali

Thursday, November 18, 2010

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The illusion of the party heavy

now blame the primaries. As if the primaries had caused the problem, and instead they were not the detector. The confirmation that the Democratic Party has been the victim of a self-deception, that is the idea that you could swim against the tide in history, giving himself the mission to rebuild a party as an antidote to heavy company liquid, and that it could resurrect the consensus of opinion of identity in the age of voting and charismatic leadership.

The main negative consequence of this we can see the illusion after Milan: the Democratic electorate is to conquer the prairie to other parties personal narrative for leadership with not even a circle in the territory, to groups of up to Yesterday hypothetical and minority (the centrist Kadima) but transmit the appeal of political place "that counts," one where you really decide the outcome of the clash with Berlusconi.
clear that, as they say the leaders of the Democratic Party, "Without us there is no Alternative. But now this is true for anyone who can even tell Di Pietro, Vendola, Casini: is not the prerogative of the PD, as evidenced by the fact that the possibility of grand coalition, and the revival of the so-called New Olive, now seems the answer more credible to the crisis opened by the government since the release of Fli. Rating
Milan, like other previous cases, says much of an electorate now free from conditions and suggestions. A party does well to choose a candidate and to commit to it, but no citizen feels more bound by this type of information.
flows described in these election days by analysis of the market bring us even further: not only does the constraint indication of the party, is weakening even the obstacle (which hitherto had held tenaciously) of the border between the coalitions. Unfortunately to the detriment of the center, as the third pole at attracting sympathy not only from the right but also the progressive basin. And not because it is full of new faces - in fact - but because it actually puts the head of a different political season.
Be a strengthening of the Centre that the reopening of the space on the left were part of the strategy of Bersani and D'Alema. Perhaps, however, was not anticipated that the new elements represented by these two phenomena, compared with a Pd static and hostile to the charismatic dimension of leadership, would eventually reward beyond measure.
short, has repeated the mistake made by Veltroni, Di Pietro in 2008: the Democratic Party has given a helping hand to those who were destined to become a fierce competition.
There is no compromise, however. The game is wide open. Firstly, because the problems are what the Democratic Party in front of the macro-marginal phenomenon of the dissolution of the PDL.
Take for example the data of the primary turnout, which was seen as aggravating the difficulties of the center of Milan: nobody thought that this particular turnout may actually be part of more general dynamic abstention, which is certified by all polls and is intended to strike - when there will be an opportunity - more than any of the Moratti his antagonist. Bring this hypothesis at the national level, and you will see things as he sees Berlusconi: very black for the center-right consensus in severely penalized by the operation of Fini and Casini.
The PD does not return to land or to divide.
You just get back in sync with modernity, even if he does not like. Work of communication, strong leadership, go back to cross the electorate instead of pretending to re-aggregate on the basis of identity or class.
nor was fluid intellectual oddity, the first PD, but on the basis of an idea of \u200b\u200bhow you live and in politics dentro una società di individui che cercano liberamente le proprie connessioni e non se le fanno imporre.
Sarà un caso, ma in giro un cripto-veltroniano che vince ci sta. Si chiama Nichi Vendola e ha un solo difetto: applica la propria peculiare vocazione maggioritaria a una linea politica minoritaria.
Comunque, quanto basta per mettere paura al Pd.

da Europa del 16 novembre 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

Ume Update Cellebrite

Activities of the consultation - Next meeting of the City Council Convocation

The Look sports clubs will meet on Thursday, November 18, 2010 for upon the following agenda:

- No verbal approval And No. 4 of 07.21.2010 5 of 09/02/2010 (attached);
- review reporting "Festival of Sport del'11-09-2010;
- Update on sports facilities;
- any other business.

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The Government of the environment about the big press conference tomorrow

Salta la proroga del Cinquantacinquepercento per il 2011. Un fatto molto grave: è venuto il momento di coibentare Palazzo Chigi, tornare alle urne e dare a questo Paese un governo che capisca che l'ambiente è strategico e che far pagare meno tasse a chi investe in questo campo è necessario.

Scrive Ermete Realacci:
«L’esclusione dalla legge di stabilità per il 2011 della stabilizzazione del credito di imposta del 55% per gli interventi di miglioramento energetico delle abitazioni sarebbe un atto gravissimo, contro un settore fondamentale per l’economia del paese e le politiche ambientali.
Il Pd contrasterà con ogni mezzo questa scelta profondamente sbagliata. È la misura anticiclica di gran lunga più importante che è stata attivata in questi anni. Il volume complessivo al dicembre 2010 è stimato in 11,1 miliardi di euro per un totale di 843.000 interventi. Sono stati attivati ogni anno oltre 50.000 mila posti di lavoro nei settori coinvolti, soprattutto piccole e medie imprese nell’edilizia e nell’indotto: dalle fonti rinnovabili alla domotica, dagli infissi ai materiali avanzati. Ha contrastato la crisi nel settore dell’edilizia e ha contribuito a ridurre le bollette energetiche degli italiani. Si è inoltre favorita un’importante innovazione e una spinta di tutto il comparto verso la qualità. Si tratta, insomma, uno dei successi più significativi della green economy nel nostro paese, affossarla sarebbe molto grave».

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Il Partito Democratico intende incontrare i territori che hanno subito danni ingenti a causa dell’alluvione per mettere a punto insieme alle amministrazioni comunali alcune iniziative di solidarietà del PD allo scopo di sostenere la fase post emergenza e della ripresa.

SABATO 13 novembre alle ore 12.30 presso il Municipio di MEGLIADINO SAN VITALE si terrà una conferenza stampa.

Parteciperanno i Sindaci e gli amministratori dei comuni colpiti dall'alluvione, i Parlamentari M.Miotto, A.Naccarato, P.Giaretta, i Consiglieri regionali P.Ruzzante, M.Bortoli, C.Sinigaglia, i Consiglieri provinciali F.Rocco e B.Sartori, nonchè il Segretario provinciale F.Ossari e i componenti dei Coordinamenti local PD.

The press conference will be the closing ceremony of a morning spent in the areas affected by the flood will begin at 9:00 am at City Hall in Ponte San Nicolò, to continue to 11.00 in the town hall in Ospedaletto Euganeo, and from there to visit affected areas in Lower Padua.

The purpose of this morning is the identification of one or more works that the PD would undertake to finance and that will be announced during the press conference.

We ask you to spread the word and to be present at this time to mobilize the Democratic Party is very important for the low and Montagnanese Padua in particular.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

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D'Alema to 'destruction': With characters you will not become leaders
The jokes are not enough to aspire to be elite should also be explored. Massimo D'Alema alluded to so-called 'destruction' of Matteo Renzi, the mayor of Florence. "I have nothing against the wreckage - said the Chairman of Copasir in an interview with Sky TG24 - the meeting in Florence was an expression of vitality." D'Alema, however, take us to remember that his generation has followed a different path: "When Veltroni and I played in the leadership of the party we had the age di David Milliband. A quell'età eravamo già ai vertici e dopo quella disputa collaborammo e in due anni portammo la sinistra ai vertici del paese". E il confronto non fu "a colpi di battute e rottamazioni, ma presentammo piattaforme politiche e culturali molto impegnative, passammo delle notti a scrivere".

Gentile presidente D'Alema, certo! lo studio è importante. Lo sanno le persone che sono intervenute a Firenze: sindaci, ex-magistrati, docenti universitari, professionisti, studenti, lavoratori, amministratori. Lo sanno così tanto da essersi preparati l'intervento, lontani dalla logica della politica dell'improvvisazione, della cooptazione, del "tanto siamo classe dirigente". Ecco. A Firenze abbiamo imparato che c'è anche una classe diligente. E' dispiaciuto non aver potuto approfittare di un suo passaggio, di un suo messaggio. Sarebbe stato apprezzato. Ascoltato. Forse, anche applaudito. Però non la metterei, signor presidente, sullo studio. Purtroppo -rileviamo- non ha potuto apprezzare gli interventi. Perchè le battute ci sono state, anche come quelle che sa far lei. Divertite. Applaudite. Ma ridurre la tre giorni di Firenze a un confronto "a colpi di battute e rottamazioni", ribadisce ancora una volta, una volta di più, quanto la sua generazione, sia ormai lontana da tutti noi: dalla società e dalle persone. Poi, Le ricorderei, che dopo la disputa per i vertici, come dice lei, Prodi won. It was Prodi, not her, to support the need to give birth in which the party now campaigning as a "mere member". Dear President, his intelligence and experience are an important asset to the PD. For all of us. But the lesson in not. Because if there was also here that generational change, the example you have rightly pointed out by David Miliband, now his intelligence and his experience could be of service to our country, through a new generation to be given the opportunity 'to achieve those results so 'important and necessary for our country that the current leadership, there has been able to donate.

(Si watch the video below. About characters)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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Press Laura Puppato on its participation in the Florence

I learned of the initiative of Florence, Matteo Renzi organized by the mayor and the Lombardy Regional Council Joseph Civati, by some young members of the Veneto to the Democratic Party. Putting up a bus, they invited me to accompany them, because we held that the Leader of the Regional Council had with them. In Florence, Italy I have seen working in the Party democratic people I met never seen before, but I always seemed to know. Generous people who have spent their own pockets to attend a unique event where we talked and listened.
Seven women and men, young and old, members and non members, parliamentary secretaries, regional, provincial, circulation and many, many administrators locali.Tutti had access to five minutes, not a second longer. We talked about the Italians, how Italy should be. We did it by Democrats, as we know we be: in line for one, with a smile, without a preconceived lineup without first-class school teacher and the red pen. A marathon proposals, information and communication. At work, school, the university, health, the environment, respect, and justice. Where have all banned the word "destruction" and urged the Democratic Party but to be consistent with the rules we have set ourselves three years ago, in particular the need to use the primary and respect dellimite the number of institutional mandates. All this in an old restored train station (the station is a meeting place), not in a mansion or in a theater where he reads a script and placed in the front rows are reserved for those who always arrives late and is not good for stays feet. We need not fear the enthusiasm of the "young" e l’esperienza dei “vecchi”, ma metterli insieme in una miscela di energia e di conoscenza; piuttosto dobbiamo guardarci dall’ambizione dei “giovani-vecchi” e di chi vorrebbe cambiare tutto perché nulla cambi.

L’incontro di Bersani a Roma con i soli segretari di circolo, provinciali e regionali era un’iniziativa diversa, non sovrapponibile ma anzicomplementare a quella propositiva di Firenze. In quella di Roma non era prevista la mia presenza, non essendo segretario di nulla e, infatti, figure come Serracchiani e Scalfarotto hanno liberamente inteso presenziare prima a questo e poi a quello. Ai nostri nuovi segretari della provincia di Treviso ho scritto una lettera la settimana scorsa per congratularmi e, allo stesso tempo, per mettermi a loro disposizione con spirito di servizio. E per ricordare loro l’importanza di averli accanto quali sensori e antenne di stimolo al lavoro della sottoscritta e di tutti i consiglieri regionali, che guardano al territorio come una risorsa, una miniera inesauribile di forze che quotidianamente si danno da fare e hanno il coraggio di metterci la faccia assumendosi delle responsabilità. A Firenze come a Roma c'erano solo democratici che non sognano piùun’Italia diversa, ma che, con ruoli diversi, hanno cominciato a costruirla. È un buon viatico pensando al Veneto disastratodall’alluvione di questi giorni e ritornato a essere periferia dell’impero per colpa di una classe politica dissennata.

Laura Puppato
Capogruppo PD Regione Veneto

Sunday, November 7, 2010

2010 Alice In Wonderland- Alice Monologues

Speech Francesco Course in Florence

"Ciao a tutti. Sono un Sindaco di un piccolo comune del Veneto, in provincia di Padova. Un Veneto che è arrivato ultimo in Italia nelle elezioni regionali dell'anno scorso. Un Veneto che, per la terza volta, ha scelto all'ultimo momento utile, un candidato da contraporre a Luca Zaia. Nonostante la sconfitta, pesantissima, nel Veneto sembra che non vogliamo cogliere le motivazioni della sconfitta e che ci accontentiamo dell'elezione dei candidati consiglieri regionali delle varie componenti che fanno parte dell'apparato.
Io vorrei che il nostro partito nel Veneto si APRISSE e si mischiasse con tutto quello che sta fuori dal partito, alle associazioni, ai comitati alla cosidetta “società civile”. Dobbiamo essere noi i primi a condividere le istanze dei cittadini, della gente comune.

Un partito che dice quello che fa. Un partito che fa quello che dice.

Un esempio: tutti i nostri dirigenti parlano di primarie e della nuova legge elettorale. Si continua a dire che è giusto restituire la scelta of its representatives to the voters, it is often repeated and almost all say, but then I wonder, if this is true, how come all the congressional races, all of our primary have been made with blocked lists? Why has not given the choice to our members and our militants? And then we wonder why we are scarcely credible!

see friends, we all need a strong and credible Democratic Party to change that which we want to Italy to an immense good and we can not see it governed by people who do not care about the future of this country, but he thinks only of his own personal interests. To change this, to change Italy, we need to get out dalle nostre sedi per aprirci a quello che sta fuori dal PD.

Prossimamente verrà avviata l'iniziativa del porta a porta. Quello che veramente serve è che le persone da cui andremo a bussare alla porta ci conoscano già! Noi non vogliamo che ci confondano con nessun altro ma ci conoscano perché siamo già stati a fianco delle loro battaglie, perché abbiamo già sostenuto le loro istanze. Ci conoscano insomma perché abbiamo proposto un progetto di sviluppo basato sulla valorizzazione delle nostre ricchezze storiche, museali, ambientali e paesaggistiche e perché siamo stati dalla loro parte nella difesa della salute e dell'ambiente, del lavoro e per l'affermezione della solidarietà.

Se c'è something to be scrapped from here this is the syndrome of defeat. We do not accept losing. We must build the foundations in the Veneto region to defeat the League and if we do not immediately able to reverse a route that took us to a disastrous outcome. What we need to understand is that the league is strong in our area because we are weak.

beginning I said I was a mayor of the Veneto, a small town of the Euganean. From these hills on a clear day you can see the sea. Now, even in gloomy day, we can see the immense sea of \u200b\u200bthe flood that has affected many countries, towns, and that is dramatically changing the lives of many people. In these situations we must understand why this happened. Why is this area has shown great weakness. We must make clear to citizens that cut indiscriminately without funding policy is nothing more than throwing a boomerang. Instead, we should explain that this fragility also depends on how people managed the land ruled by those who allowed the reckless occurred in recent years by those who have never exegetes maintenance works.

We are here in Florence to say that this is possible. In our small in Padua we started a new path that has restored a bit 'of hope to all those who want to change the old policy and open our plaster party.

Thank you all, thanks to those who organized this wonderful convention: the free, open and participatory. In those days we had the feeling that the Democratic Party can really change with all of us. Italy is waiting for us next. "

draft of the speech of Francesco Course in Florence

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Medication Indigestion

Citizens are invited to the meeting of the City Council to be held at the Council Chamber in via Delser 33, the day

MONDAY 'November 8, 2010 - AT 20:00

for discussion of the following Agenda:

1) Approval of Minutes previous meeting on 27.09.2010;

2) Schema di convenzione servizio di Tesoreria. Esame ed approvazione;

3) Incidenze oneri concessori. Seconda integrazione alla delibera del Consiglio comunale n. 76 del 19.12.1997;

4) Esame ed approvazione Regolamento comunale per la disciplina delle attività di estetista, di parrucchiere misto, tatuaggio e piercing;

5) Criteri generali per la rivisitazione del Regolamento per l'ordinamento degli uffici e dei servizi, alla luce dei principi introdotti dal D. Lgs 150/09;

6) Indirizzi per l'approvazione dei Regolamenti - Iter da seguire;

7) Integrazione programma incarichi di studio, ricerca, consulenze per l'anno 2010 approvato con delibera consiliare n. 11 del 22.02.2010;

8) Authentic Interpretation of Art. 2 of the Regulations for the use of salt belonging to the municipality, approved by Board resolution No. 71, 29.12.2009;

9) No withdrawal Communication 3 from Reserve Fund - GC No 176, 11.10.2010;

10) interpellations.